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            【第1句】: 高分求用英語修辭手法造句

            英語修辭手法 一、明喻(simile)是以兩種具有相同特征的事物和現象進行對比,表明本體和喻體之間的相似關系,兩者都在對比中出現。

            常用比喻詞like, as, as if, as though等,例如: 【第1句】:This elephant is like a snake as anybody can see. 這頭象和任何人見到的一樣像一條蛇。 【第2句】:He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairytales and had passed me like a spirit. 他看上去好像剛從我的童話故事書中走出來,像幽靈一樣從我身旁走過去。

            【第3句】:It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something. 它那長長的葉子在風中擺動,好像伸出纖細的手指去觸摸什么東西似的。 二、隱喻(metaphor)這種比喻不通過比喻詞進行,而是直接將用事物當作乙事物來描寫,甲乙兩事物之間的聯系和相似之處是暗含的。

            【第1句】:German guns and German planes rained down bombs, shells and bullets。 德國人的槍炮和飛機將炸彈、炮彈和子彈像暴雨一樣傾瀉下來。

            【第2句】:The diamond department was the heart and center of the store. 鉆石部是商店的心臟和核心。 三、提喻(synecdoche)又稱舉隅法,主要特點是局部代表全體,或以全體喻指部分,或以抽象代具體,或以具體代抽象。

            例如: 【第1句】:The Great Wall was made not only of stones and earth, but of the flesh and blood of millions of men. 長城不僅是用石頭和土建造的,而且是用幾百萬人的血和肉建成的。 句中的“the flesh and blood”喻為“the great sacrifice”(巨大的犧牲) 【第2句】:“。

            saying that it was the most beautiful tongue in the world,?!?……他說這是世界上最美的語言。

            這里用具體的“tongue”代替抽象的“language”。 【第4句】:Many eyes turned to a tall,20—year black girl on the U.S. team. 很多人將眼光投向美國隊一個高高的20歲的黑姑娘。

            這里的“many eyes”代替了“many persons”。 四、擬人(personification)這種修辭方法是把人類的特點、特性加于外界事物之上,使之人格化,以物擬人,以達到彼此交融,合二為一。

            【第1句】:She may have tens of thousand of babies in one summer.(From“ Watching Ants”) 一個夏天她可能生育成千上萬個孩子。 這里用“she”和“babies”把蜜蜂比作人類婦女的生育。

            【第2句】:My only worry was that January would find me hunting for a job again. 我唯一擔心的是,到了一月份我又得去找工作。 英語里常把“年”“月”“日”人格化,賦以生命,使人們讀起來親切生動。

            五、夸張(hyperbole)這是運用豐富的想象,過激的言詞,渲染和裝飾客觀事物,以達到強調的效果。 【第1句】:My blood froze. 我的血液都凝固了。

            【第2句】:When I told our father about this,his heart burst. 當我將這件事告訴我們的父親時,他的心幾乎要迸出來。 【第3句】:My heart almost stopped beating when I heard my daughter'svoice on the phone. 從電話里一聽到我女兒的聲音,我的心幾乎停止跳動。

            六、疊言(rhetorical repetition)這種修辭法是指在特定的語境中,將相同的結構,相同意義詞組成句子重疊使用,以增強語氣和力量。 【第1句】:It must be created by the blood and the work of all of us who believe in the future, who believe in man and his glorious man—made destiny. 它必須用我們這些對于未來,對于人類以及人類自己創造的偉大命運具有信心的人的鮮血和汗水去創造。

            【第2句】:。 Because good technique in medicine and surgery means more quickly—cured patients, less pain, less discomfort, less death, less disease and less deformity. 因為優良的醫療技術和外科手術意味著更快地治療病人,更少痛苦,更少不安,更少死亡,更少疾病,和更少殘廢。

            七、借代(metonymy)是指兩種不同事物并不相似,但又密不可分,因而常用其中一種事物名稱代替另一種。 【第1句】:Several years later, word came that Napoleonyh himself was coming to inspect them。

            幾年以后,他們聽說拿破侖要親自來視察他們。 “word”在這里代替了“news, information”(消息、信息) 【第2句】:Al spoke with his eyes,“yes”. 艾爾用眼睛說,“是的”。

            “說”應該是嘴的功能,這里實際上是用眼神表達了“說話的意思”。 八、雙關語(pun)是以一個詞或詞組,用巧妙的辦法同時把互不關聯的兩種含義結合起來,以取得一種詼諧有趣的效果。

            Napoleon was astonished.”Either you are mad, or I am,”he declared. “Both,sir!”cried the Swede proudly. “Both”一詞一語雙關,既指拿破侖和這位士兵都是瘋子,又指這位戰士參加過拿破侖指揮的兩次戰役。 九、擬聲(onomatcpocia)是摹仿自然界中非語言的聲音,其發音和所描寫的事物的聲音很相似,使語言顯得生動,富有表現力。

            【第1句】:On the root of the school house some pigeons were softly cooing. 在學校房屋的屋頂上一些鴿子正輕輕地咕咕叫著。 【第2句】:She brought me into touch with everything that could be reached or felt——sunlight, the rustling of silk, the noises of insects, the creaking of a door, the voice of a loved one. 她使我接觸到所有夠得著的或者感覺得到的東西,如陽光呀,絲綢擺動時的沙沙聲呀,。

            【第2句】: 用英語造100個句子

            【第32句】:my father always encourages me to swim. 【第33句】:generally speaking,you are the best. 【第34句】:I couldn't help crying. 【第35句】:this film is boring. 【第36句】:I feel bored with this play. 【第37句】:I feel terribly sorry about this traffic accident. 【第38句】:I feel like watching TV with you. 【第39句】:you mustn't break the rules at school. 【第40句】:Without water,our life will be in a mess. 【第41句】:I hate drinking tea. 【第42句】:would you mind lending me this book? 【第43句】:I suggest you swimming in summer. 【第44句】:they are pleased to help you do housework. 【第45句】:we are all proud of him. 【第46句】:he was successful in making a plane.【第47句】:I am in home now. 【第48句】:I am concerned about him. 【第49句】:John comes from Canada. 【第50句】:We enjoyed ourselves in the party last night 【第51句】:why not have supper with us? 【第52句】:Guangzhou is famous for its food. 【第53句】:We have many subjects to have 【第54句】:We have many subjects to have,such as English,maths,art,history. 【第55句】:he used to play soccer,but now he dousn;t. 【第56句】:he is used to doing homework at night. 【第57句】:he is the same clothes as john's. 【第58句】:your cup is similar to his. 【第59句】:John is one of the best swimmers in the world. 【第60句】:The rich man offered food to the poor people. 【第61句】:I often help my mother wash dishes. 【第62句】:I am shopping for my mother. 【第63句】:Do you want to go abroad? 【第64句】:I plan to go shopping . 【第65句】:I agree with you. 【第66句】:I often communicate with my father. 【第67句】:I am interested in playing football. 【第68句】:this film is interesting. 【第69句】:Do you believe there is at the end of the world? 【第70句】:In the end,he didn't show up at the party. 【第71句】:Poisonous gases is harmful to our health . 【第72句】:this fish taste bad. 【第73句】:would you join us in our club? 【第74句】:I feel it is my duty to warn you against smoking 【第75句】:we should help one another. 【第76句】:this cat is still alive. 【第77句】:this reporter interview Jack about this thing. 【第78句】:thank you for helping me. 【第79句】: we should do our best to protect environment. 【第80句】:he is against this decision. 【第81句】:our earth is in danger. 【第82句】:this book is useful for my study. 【第83句】:my mother stopped me from playing computer games. 【第84句】:look up the dictionary when you don't know the word. 【第85句】:Jason died of heart disease. 【第86句】: I went to school five years ago, he went to school at the same time. 【第87句】:He is very famous as a writer. 【第88句】:A number of people are in the mall. 【第89句】:he left school yesterday. 【第90句】:he bought a present for me. 【第91句】:I found a school.【第92句】:5 is more than 【第2句】: 【第93句】:his property is up to 10 billion. 【第94句】:this theory is based on the facts【第95句】:the flower keep red all year round 【第96句】:I was born in Guangzhou. 【第97句】:Some are boys,others are girls. 【第98句】:I spent 1hour doing homework today. 謝謝,望采納?。?。

            【第3句】: 關于用英語造句

            夸張:Thanks a million.

            She almost die laughing.

            She was scared to death.



            The world is like a stage


            The world is a stage.

            Jim was a fox.


            He is another Shylock/Lei Feng.

            White House=American State

            He has an eye of art.


            Australian neat canada(=the team )at criket.

            They were short of hands.

            She was dressed in silks(=clothes made of silks)

            The pot(the water in it) is boiling.


            Her grandpa passed away/kicked the bucket.

            I am under the weather today.


            Walls have ears.

            Times wait for no man.

            【第4句】: 用英語用造些句子

            help sb with sth---I can help you with your study.

            heip sb do sth ---He helped me take down the notes of English.

            make sb do sth ---She made me believe that life is so beautiful.

            own---My father owns a big truck.

            l like---I look like my mother.

            bored ---I am bored at work.

            such ---Such a beautiful sunny day.

            tcy to do sth ---Let's try to cool down.

            there be。.doing。 There are some famers working on planting.

            seem --- You seem like a good listener.

            【第5句】: 用英語造5個句子

            1 November 20th was the date when i was born. 2 the reason why I don't like candy is that I want to lose weight. 3 Shanghai is the place which I want to go to. 4 The reason why I like sports is that it can keep me healthy. 5 It was about 12:00am when I went back home .。

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