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              With the start of BBC World Service Television, millions of viewersin Asia and America can now watch the Corporation s news coverage, as well aslisten to it.   And of course in Britain listeners and viewers can tune in to twoBBC television channels, five BBC national radio services and dozens of localradio station. They are brought sport, comedy, drama, music, news and currentaffairs, education, religion, parliamentary coverage, children s programmes andfilms for an annual licence fee of £83 per household.   It is a remarkable record, stretching back over 70 years - yet theBBC s future is now in doubt. The Corporation will survive as a publicly-fundedbroadcasting organisation, at least for the time being, but its role, its sizeand its programmes are now the subject of a nation-wide debate in Britain.   The debate was launched by the Government, which invited anyone withan opinion of the BBC - including ordinary listeners and viewers - to say whatwas good or bad about the Corporation, and even whether they thought it wasworth keeping. The reason for its inquiry is that the BBC s royal charter runsout in 1996 and it must decide whether to keep the organisation as it is, or tomake changes.   Defenders of the Corporation - of whom there are many - are fond ofquoting the American slogan. If it ain t broke, don t fix it. The BBC ain tbroke, they say, by which they mean it is not broken , so why bother to change it?   Yet the BBC will have to change, because the broadcasting worldaround it is changing. The commercial TV channels - ITV and Channel 4 - wererequired by the Thatcher Government s Broadcasting Act to become morecommercial, competing with each other for advertisers, and cutting costs andjobs. But it is the arrival of new satellite channels - funded partly byadvertising and partly by viewers subscriptions - which will bring about thebiggest changes in the long term.   55. The world famous BBC now faces ________.   (A) the problem of new coverage (B) an uncertainprospect   (C) inquiries by the general public (D) shrinkageof audience   56. In the passage, which of the following about the BBC is notmentioned as the key issue?   (A) Extension of its TV service to Far East.   (B) Programmes as the subject of a nation-wide debate.   (C) Potentials for further international co-operations.   (D) Its existence as a broadcasting organisation.   57. The BBC s royal charter (line 4, paragraph 4) stands for________.   (A) the financial support from the royal family   (B) the privileges granted by the Queen   (C) a contract with the Queen   (D) a unique relationship with the royal family   58. The foremost reason why the BBC has to readjust itself is noother than ________.   (A) the emergence of commercial TV channels   (B) the enforcement of Broadcasting Act by the government   (C) the urgent necessity to reduce costs and jobs   (D) the challenge of new satellite channels   答案及試題解析   試題解析:   55. (B)   意為:前景不定。   第三段指出,英國廣播公司(BBC)已有70多年的光輝歷程,然而,目前其前景不明(in doubt)。雖然(至少就目前而言)作為一個公辦廣播機構,廣播公司將繼續存在下去,但是,其作用、規模、節目成為目前英國舉國上下爭論的話題。第四段指出,這場爭論是由政府發起的。政府要求普通聽眾和觀眾評論廣播公司的優缺點-甚至于值不值得把它辦下去(was worth keeping)。最后一段指出,廣播公司也的確面臨著新的挑戰,它只有改變自己才能適應新的形勢。   A意為:資訊報道(的范圍)問題。   C意為:公眾的質詢。公眾并未主動對廣播公司的發展前景及狀況評頭論足,而是政府要求他們這樣做的。   D意為:觀(聽)眾的減少。   56. (C)   意為:進一步進行國際合作的潛力。   最后一段指出,由于廣播領域(broadcasting world)正在發生變化,英國廣播公司也應改變自己,以適應新形勢。撤切爾政府制定的廣播法要求電視頻道進一步商業化、搞廣告競爭并削減開支與勞務。新電視頻道的開播將帶來長遠的巨變。可見,這里并未提到國際合作問題。   A意為:將電視廣播擴展到遠東地區。第一段指出,隨著英國廣播公司國際電視節目的開播,數百萬亞洲和美洲人不僅可以聽到它的廣播,還可以觀看到它的電視資訊報道(news coverage)。文章最后一段還提到了衛星頻道將會給廣播公司帶來最大的變化。   B意為:電視節目成為舉國上下談論的話題。   D意為:它作為廣播機構的存在。   另請參閱第55題題解。   57. (C)可直譯為:與女王簽的契約。   眾所周知,英國是君主立憲國家,國王代表國家。因此,與女王簽約就等于說該公司是國家辦的廣播公司(a publicly-funded broadcasting station),而不是私營的。charter意為:契約,特許證。原句可譯為:質詢的原因是:廣播公司的皇家契約1996年將要到期,因此必須決定廣播公司是保持原樣還是要改革。   A意為:皇族的財政支持。皇族指國王的家庭,與國家是兩碼事。   B意為:女王準予的一系列特權。   D意為:與皇族的特殊關系。   58. (D)   意為:新電視頻道的挑戰。   該題提問部分意為:英國廣播公司不得不自行調整的最主要原因恰恰是。文章最后一句指出:從長遠的觀點來看,新電視頻道的開播將無疑會帶來最大的變化(注意:本句是強調句)。另請參閱第56題題解。   A意為:商業性電視頻道的出現。   B意為:政府廣播法的實施。   C意為:降低成本和勞務的緊迫性。   (A)、(B)、(C)雖然都提到了,但都不是作為主要原因而提的。   翻譯句子   1、The debate was launched by the Government, which invited anyone withan opinion of the BBC-including ordinary listeners and viewers-to say what wasgood or bad about the Corporation, and even whether they thought it was worthkeeping.   [參考譯文] 這場爭論是由政府發起的,政府請任何一個對英國廣播公司有意見的人-包括普通的聽眾和觀眾-來說說這個好在哪里或壞在哪里,甚至要說說他們是否認為這個公司值得被保留下來。   [結構剖析] 這個句子的主干結構是 The debate was launched by the Government,使用了被動語態。后面which 引導定語從句 which invited anyone with an opinion of the BBC修飾government,定語從句中不定式 to say 后面是兩個并列的賓語從句,一個由 what 引導,一個由 whether 引導,兩部分用 and 連接,副詞 even 表示進一步強調。另外兩個破折號之間的部分屬于插入成分,是用來進一步定義 anyone 的。anyone 后面的 with 介詞詞組也是用來修飾 anyone 的。   [閱讀重點] 重點是要弄清楚后面定語從句,兩個賓語從句,還有插入成分之間的層次關系。另外要注意 be worth doing 的用法,這一結構本身就可以表達被動含義,因而 the Corporation was worth keeping 就是英國廣播公司值得被保留的意思。   2、But it is the arrival of new satellite channels-funded partly byadvertising and partly by viewers subscriptions-which will bring about thebiggest changes in the long term.   [參考譯文] 但是新的衛星頻道的到來它的資金一部分來自于廣告,一部分來自于觀眾的收視費將從長遠意義上導致最巨大的變化。   [結構剖析] 首先這個句子使用了強調結構 it iswhich,which 指代前面的 channels。破折號中間部分的插入成分相當于定語,(which are) funded partly by advertising and partly by viewers subscriptions 修飾 channels,其中 and 連接兩個 partlyby。   [閱讀重點] 注意 bring about 在句中的含義是引起、導致、產生。   難句解析   1、They are brought sport, comedy, drama, music, news and currentaffairs, education, religion, parliamentary coverage, children s programmes andfilms for an annual licence fee of £83 per household.   [參考譯文] 每戶每年支付83英鎊的的收視費用就可以收看體育運動、喜劇、戲劇、音樂、資訊與時事、教育、宗教、關于議會的報道、兒童節目和電影。   [結構剖析] 句子的主干結構是 They are broughtfor an annual license fee,其中謂語部分使用了被動語態。實際結構是bring 后接雙賓語 bring sb. sth.,在這句話中,直接賓語很長,是一系列名詞的羅列,前面的名詞用逗號連接,最后兩個并列成分用and 連接。   [閱讀重點] 重點要注意 they 指代前面提到的 listeners and viewers,這里使用了 bring sb. sth. 這一結構的被動式 sb. was brought sth.。介詞 for 在這里相當于 at the price of。另外 news and current affairs 中的 and 是連接 news 和 currentaffairs 的,而這個詞組作為一個整體與其它的名詞 music、education 等并列。   2、The Corporation will survive as a publicly-funded broadcastingorganization, at least for the time being, but its role, its size and itsprogrammes are now the subject of a nation-wide debate in Britain.   [參考譯文] 英國廣播公司將作為一個公共基金支持的廣播組織存在下來,至少目前會這樣,但是它的角色、它的規模和它的節目現在在英國成了全國上下的討論話題。   [結構剖析] 句子的結構是 but 連接了兩個轉折關系的句子。其中 at least for the time being 前后用逗號與句子其它部分分開,是插入語。前一句子的主干結構是 The Corporation will survive as,后一句子的主干結構是 itsrole, its size and its programs are now the subject。   [閱讀重點] The Corporation 指代前面提到的 BBC=British Broadcast Corporation。另外注意 as 的用法,這里它用作介詞,是作為的意思。publicly-funded 由公眾提供資金的;nation-wide 全國范圍內的。   3、The BBC ain t broke, they say, by which they mean it is not broken, so why bother tochange it?   [參考譯文] 他們說英國廣播公司沒有破產(broke),他們的意思是說它沒有垮掉(broken 和單詞 broke 是有區別的,broke 的意思是沒有錢),那為什么要自找麻煩去改變它呢?   [結構剖析] 這句話是 so 連接的兩個因果關系的句子。they say 是插入語。which 引導定語從句修飾前面引號中的部分 ain t broke。   [閱讀重點] 注意 which 指代的是前面引號中的部分;而且注意區別 broke 和 broken 在這里的不同意思。why do sth. 這里是個反問句,是不太正式的用法。注意在此處,作者修正了前面美國俚語 ain t broke 中 broke 一詞的用法錯誤,指出其應該被寫為 broken。   語言點詳解   1. coverage 資訊報道   [擴充詞匯] coverage n.覆蓋,總括;資訊報道   [經典例句] He wrote a very excellent coverag on the European situation.   2. tune in to 收聽   [大綱詞匯] tune n.調子,曲調;和諧,協調;v.調音,調節,調整 tune in (to sth.)調諧,收聽   [經典例句] She usually tunes in to the news on CNN.   3. dozens of 很多   [大綱詞匯] dozen n.十二個   [經典例句] I have dozens of things to do.   4. comedy 喜劇   [大綱詞匯] comedy n.喜劇,喜劇性事件   [相關詞匯] tragedy .悲劇,悲劇性事件   5. affair 形勢   [大綱詞匯] affair n.事,事情,事件   [擴充詞匯] affairs n.事務   [經典例句] China will never seek hegemony in the international affairs.   6. parliamentary 議會的   [大綱詞匯] parliament n. 國會,議會   [衍生詞匯] parliamentary a. 國會的,議會的   [經典例句] The new parliamentary building is designed by a famous architect.   7. annual 每年的   [大綱詞匯] annual a. 每年的,年度的;n. 年刊,年鑒   [經典例句] The financial department submitted the annual report to the board.   8. household 家庭   [大綱詞匯] household n.戶,家庭,全家人   [經典例句] How many people are there in your household?   9. remarkable 值得注意的   [大綱詞匯] remarkable a.值得注意的;顯著的,異常的,非凡的   [經典例句] He has made remarkable progress in his study.   10. stretch back 回溯到   [大綱詞匯] stretch v. 拉長,伸,延; n. 一段時間,一段路程;拉長,延伸   [經典例句] Their conflict stretched back over 20 years.   11. in doubt 懸而未決   [大綱詞匯] doubt n./v.懷疑,疑慮 no doubt 無疑,必定   [擴充詞匯] in doubt 有疑問,懸而未決   [經典例句] Whether they will adopt the design is still in doubt.   12. broadcasting 廣播   [大綱詞匯] broadcast v./n. 廣播(節目)   [衍生詞匯] broadcasting n.廣播,播音   [經典例句] She works for a famous broadcasting company.   13. for the time being 目前   [擴充詞匯] for the time being 目前   [經典例句] His nephew is living with me for the time being.   14. subject of 的對象   [大綱詞匯] subject n.主題,題目;學科,科目;主語 a. (to)易遭的,受支配的v. (to)使遭受,使服從   [經典例句] The minister of defense became the subject of criticism.   15. nation-wide 全國的   [構詞方法] -wide 與名次一起構成形容詞,表示全范圍的   [聯想記憶] world-wide 全世界的   16. debate 辯論   [大綱詞匯] debate v./n.爭論,辯論   [經典例句] A debate on farm price support took place in the Senate yesterday.   17. launch 開展   [大綱詞匯] launch v.發射;使(船)下水;發動;開展;n.發射;下水   [經典例句] The environmentalists launched a campaign against pollution.   18. royal charter 皇家特許證   [大綱詞匯] charter v.租車,租船;n.憲章   [擴充詞匯]charter n.特許   19. run out 到期,用完   [大綱詞匯] run out of 用完,用盡,耗盡   [經典例句] We are running out of paper./ The paper is running out.   20. keep as it is 按原樣保留   [經典例句] The expert suggest we keep the ancient house as it is.   21. be fond of 喜愛   [大綱詞匯] fond a.(of)喜愛的,愛好的   [經典例句] My niece is very fond of sweets.   22. quote 引用   [大綱詞匯] quote v. 引用,援引   [衍生詞匯] quotation n.引文,引用   [經典例句] The judge quoted various cases in support of his opinion.   23. broke 破產的   [大綱詞匯] broken a.破碎(了)的   [擴充詞匯] broke a. 不名一文的,破產的注意:不要混淆兩詞的含義和用法   24. distinct from 與截然不同的   [大綱詞匯] distinct a.清楚的,明顯的;(from)截然不同的 distinction n.差別,區分   [經典例句] His hobbies are distinct from his work.   25. subscription 付款收看   [大綱詞匯] subscribe v.訂閱,訂購   [衍生詞匯] subscription n.訂閱,訂購   [經典例句] I entered a subscription to Time for one year.   26. in the long term 從長遠來看   [擴充詞匯] in the long term 從長遠來看   [經典例句] The policy will benefit the growth of economy in the long term.   27. prospect 前景   [大綱詞匯] prospect n.景色;前景,前途;展望   [經典例句] We wish his a bright prospect in the future.   28. shrinkage 減少   [大綱詞匯] shrink v. 起皺,收縮;退縮;畏縮   [衍生詞匯] shrinkage n.收縮,縮水;減少,低落   [構詞方法] -age后綴,表示動作,過程   [聯想記憶] marriage n.婚姻 breakage n.破損   29. stand for 表示   [大綱詞匯] stand for 代替,代表,意味著   [經典例句] BBC stand for British Broadcasting Company.   30. privilege 特權   [大綱詞匯] privilege n.特權,優惠,特許;v. 給予優惠,給予特權   [經典例句] Education is a privilege in countries where there are still notmany schools.   31. granted by 給予   [大綱詞匯] grant v.同意,準予;給予,授予;n.授予物   [經典例句] He was finally granted an entry visa by the British Embassy.   32. foremost 首要的   [擴充詞匯] foremost a. 最前的,最先的;首要的,杰出的   [經典例句] He is considered the foremost artist in his country.   33. readjust 重新調整   [大綱詞匯] adjust v.調整,調節;校正   [衍生詞匯] readjust v.重新調整,使重新適應   [構詞方法] re-前綴,表示又,再,重新   [聯想記憶] reappear v.再現 remarry v.再婚   [經典例句] The government readjust its policy on import and export.   34. no other than 正是   [大綱詞匯] other than 不同于   [擴充詞匯] no other than 正是   [經典例句] Taking his money away is no other than killing him.   35. emergence 出現   [大綱詞匯] emerge v.浮現,出現   [衍生詞匯] emergence n.出現,浮現;露頭   [詞匯比較] emergency n.緊急情況,突發事件,非常時刻注意;兩詞雖只有一個字母之差,但意思截然不同,注意區分   [經典例句] The past ten years witnessed the emergence of many newenterprises.   36. enforcement 實施   [大綱詞匯] enforce v.實行,執行;強制   [衍生詞匯] enforcement n.實施,強制執行 enforceable a.可執行的   [經典例句] Many people are against the enforcement of the new Tax Law.


              With the start of BBC World Service Television, millions of viewersin Asia and America can now watch the Corporation s news coverage, as well aslisten to it.   And of course in Britain listeners and viewers can tune in to twoBBC television channels, five BBC national radio services and dozens of localradio station. They are brought sport, comedy, drama, music, news and currentaffairs, education, religion, parliamentary coverage, children s programmes andfilms for an annual licence fee of £83 per household.   It is a remarkable record, stretching back over 70 years - yet theBBC s future is now in doubt. The Corporation will survive as a publicly-fundedbroadcasting organisation, at least for the time being, but its role, its sizeand its programmes are now the subject of a nation-wide debate in Britain.   The debate was launched by the Government, which invited anyone withan opinion of the BBC - including ordinary listeners and viewers - to say whatwas good or bad about the Corporation, and even whether they thought it wasworth keeping. The reason for its inquiry is that the BBC s royal charter runsout in 1996 and it must decide whether to keep the organisation as it is, or tomake changes.   Defenders of the Corporation - of whom there are many - are fond ofquoting the American slogan. If it ain t broke, don t fix it. The BBC ain tbroke, they say, by which they mean it is not broken , so why bother to change it?   Yet the BBC will have to change, because the broadcasting worldaround it is changing. The commercial TV channels - ITV and Channel 4 - wererequired by the Thatcher Government s Broadcasting Act to become morecommercial, competing with each other for advertisers, and cutting costs andjobs. But it is the arrival of new satellite channels - funded partly byadvertising and partly by viewers subscriptions - which will bring about thebiggest changes in the long term.   55. The world famous BBC now faces ________.   (A) the problem of new coverage (B) an uncertainprospect   (C) inquiries by the general public (D) shrinkageof audience   56. In the passage, which of the following about the BBC is notmentioned as the key issue?   (A) Extension of its TV service to Far East.   (B) Programmes as the subject of a nation-wide debate.   (C) Potentials for further international co-operations.   (D) Its existence as a broadcasting organisation.   57. The BBC s royal charter (line 4, paragraph 4) stands for________.   (A) the financial support from the royal family   (B) the privileges granted by the Queen   (C) a contract with the Queen   (D) a unique relationship with the royal family   58. The foremost reason why the BBC has to readjust itself is noother than ________.   (A) the emergence of commercial TV channels   (B) the enforcement of Broadcasting Act by the government   (C) the urgent necessity to reduce costs and jobs   (D) the challenge of new satellite channels   答案及試題解析   試題解析:   55. (B)   意為:前景不定。   第三段指出,英國廣播公司(BBC)已有70多年的光輝歷程,然而,目前其前景不明(in doubt)。雖然(至少就目前而言)作為一個公辦廣播機構,廣播公司將繼續存在下去,但是,其作用、規模、節目成為目前英國舉國上下爭論的話題。第四段指出,這場爭論是由政府發起的。政府要求普通聽眾和觀眾評論廣播公司的優缺點-甚至于值不值得把它辦下去(was worth keeping)。最后一段指出,廣播公司也的確面臨著新的挑戰,它只有改變自己才能適應新的形勢。   A意為:資訊報道(的范圍)問題。   C意為:公眾的質詢。公眾并未主動對廣播公司的發展前景及狀況評頭論足,而是政府要求他們這樣做的。   D意為:觀(聽)眾的減少。   56. (C)   意為:進一步進行國際合作的潛力。   最后一段指出,由于廣播領域(broadcasting world)正在發生變化,英國廣播公司也應改變自己,以適應新形勢。撤切爾政府制定的廣播法要求電視頻道進一步商業化、搞廣告競爭并削減開支與勞務。新電視頻道的開播將帶來長遠的巨變。可見,這里并未提到國際合作問題。   A意為:將電視廣播擴展到遠東地區。第一段指出,隨著英國廣播公司國際電視節目的開播,數百萬亞洲和美洲人不僅可以聽到它的廣播,還可以觀看到它的電視資訊報道(news coverage)。文章最后一段還提到了衛星頻道將會給廣播公司帶來最大的變化。   B意為:電視節目成為舉國上下談論的話題。   D意為:它作為廣播機構的存在。   另請參閱第55題題解。   57. (C)可直譯為:與女王簽的契約。   眾所周知,英國是君主立憲國家,國王代表國家。因此,與女王簽約就等于說該公司是國家辦的廣播公司(a publicly-funded broadcasting station),而不是私營的。charter意為:契約,特許證。原句可譯為:質詢的原因是:廣播公司的皇家契約1996年將要到期,因此必須決定廣播公司是保持原樣還是要改革。   A意為:皇族的財政支持。皇族指國王的家庭,與國家是兩碼事。   B意為:女王準予的一系列特權。   D意為:與皇族的特殊關系。   58. (D)   意為:新電視頻道的挑戰。   該題提問部分意為:英國廣播公司不得不自行調整的最主要原因恰恰是。文章最后一句指出:從長遠的觀點來看,新電視頻道的開播將無疑會帶來最大的變化(注意:本句是強調句)。另請參閱第56題題解。   A意為:商業性電視頻道的出現。   B意為:政府廣播法的實施。   C意為:降低成本和勞務的緊迫性。   (A)、(B)、(C)雖然都提到了,但都不是作為主要原因而提的。   翻譯句子   1、The debate was launched by the Government, which invited anyone withan opinion of the BBC-including ordinary listeners and viewers-to say what wasgood or bad about the Corporation, and even whether they thought it was worthkeeping.   [參考譯文] 這場爭論是由政府發起的,政府請任何一個對英國廣播公司有意見的人-包括普通的聽眾和觀眾-來說說這個好在哪里或壞在哪里,甚至要說說他們是否認為這個公司值得被保留下來。   [結構剖析] 這個句子的主干結構是 The debate was launched by the Government,使用了被動語態。后面which 引導定語從句 which invited anyone with an opinion of the BBC修飾government,定語從句中不定式 to say 后面是兩個并列的賓語從句,一個由 what 引導,一個由 whether 引導,兩部分用 and 連接,副詞 even 表示進一步強調。另外兩個破折號之間的部分屬于插入成分,是用來進一步定義 anyone 的。anyone 后面的 with 介詞詞組也是用來修飾 anyone 的。   [閱讀重點] 重點是要弄清楚后面定語從句,兩個賓語從句,還有插入成分之間的層次關系。另外要注意 be worth doing 的用法,這一結構本身就可以表達被動含義,因而 the Corporation was worth keeping 就是英國廣播公司值得被保留的意思。   2、But it is the arrival of new satellite channels-funded partly byadvertising and partly by viewers subscriptions-which will bring about thebiggest changes in the long term.   [參考譯文] 但是新的衛星頻道的到來它的資金一部分來自于廣告,一部分來自于觀眾的收視費將從長遠意義上導致最巨大的變化。   [結構剖析] 首先這個句子使用了強調結構 it iswhich,which 指代前面的 channels。破折號中間部分的插入成分相當于定語,(which are) funded partly by advertising and partly by viewers subscriptions 修飾 channels,其中 and 連接兩個 partlyby。   [閱讀重點] 注意 bring about 在句中的含義是引起、導致、產生。   難句解析   1、They are brought sport, comedy, drama, music, news and currentaffairs, education, religion, parliamentary coverage, children s programmes andfilms for an annual licence fee of £83 per household.   [參考譯文] 每戶每年支付83英鎊的的收視費用就可以收看體育運動、喜劇、戲劇、音樂、資訊與時事、教育、宗教、關于議會的報道、兒童節目和電影。   [結構剖析] 句子的主干結構是 They are broughtfor an annual license fee,其中謂語部分使用了被動語態。實際結構是bring 后接雙賓語 bring sb. sth.,在這句話中,直接賓語很長,是一系列名詞的羅列,前面的名詞用逗號連接,最后兩個并列成分用and 連接。   [閱讀重點] 重點要注意 they 指代前面提到的 listeners and viewers,這里使用了 bring sb. sth. 這一結構的被動式 sb. was brought sth.。介詞 for 在這里相當于 at the price of。另外 news and current affairs 中的 and 是連接 news 和 currentaffairs 的,而這個詞組作為一個整體與其它的名詞 music、education 等并列。   2、The Corporation will survive as a publicly-funded broadcastingorganization, at least for the time being, but its role, its size and itsprogrammes are now the subject of a nation-wide debate in Britain.   [參考譯文] 英國廣播公司將作為一個公共基金支持的廣播組織存在下來,至少目前會這樣,但是它的角色、它的規模和它的節目現在在英國成了全國上下的討論話題。   [結構剖析] 句子的結構是 but 連接了兩個轉折關系的句子。其中 at least for the time being 前后用逗號與句子其它部分分開,是插入語。前一句子的主干結構是 The Corporation will survive as,后一句子的主干結構是 itsrole, its size and its programs are now the subject。   [閱讀重點] The Corporation 指代前面提到的 BBC=British Broadcast Corporation。另外注意 as 的用法,這里它用作介詞,是作為的意思。publicly-funded 由公眾提供資金的;nation-wide 全國范圍內的。   3、The BBC ain t broke, they say, by which they mean it is not broken, so why bother tochange it?   [參考譯文] 他們說英國廣播公司沒有破產(broke),他們的意思是說它沒有垮掉(broken 和單詞 broke 是有區別的,broke 的意思是沒有錢),那為什么要自找麻煩去改變它呢?   [結構剖析] 這句話是 so 連接的兩個因果關系的句子。they say 是插入語。which 引導定語從句修飾前面引號中的部分 ain t broke。   [閱讀重點] 注意 which 指代的是前面引號中的部分;而且注意區別 broke 和 broken 在這里的不同意思。why do sth. 這里是個反問句,是不太正式的用法。注意在此處,作者修正了前面美國俚語 ain t broke 中 broke 一詞的用法錯誤,指出其應該被寫為 broken。   語言點詳解   1. coverage 資訊報道   [擴充詞匯] coverage n.覆蓋,總括;資訊報道   [經典例句] He wrote a very excellent coverag on the European situation.   2. tune in to 收聽   [大綱詞匯] tune n.調子,曲調;和諧,協調;v.調音,調節,調整 tune in (to sth.)調諧,收聽   [經典例句] She usually tunes in to the news on CNN.   3. dozens of 很多   [大綱詞匯] dozen n.十二個   [經典例句] I have dozens of things to do.   4. comedy 喜劇   [大綱詞匯] comedy n.喜劇,喜劇性事件   [相關詞匯] tragedy .悲劇,悲劇性事件   5. affair 形勢   [大綱詞匯] affair n.事,事情,事件   [擴充詞匯] affairs n.事務   [經典例句] China will never seek hegemony in the international affairs.   6. parliamentary 議會的   [大綱詞匯] parliament n. 國會,議會   [衍生詞匯] parliamentary a. 國會的,議會的   [經典例句] The new parliamentary building is designed by a famous architect.   7. annual 每年的   [大綱詞匯] annual a. 每年的,年度的;n. 年刊,年鑒   [經典例句] The financial department submitted the annual report to the board.   8. household 家庭   [大綱詞匯] household n.戶,家庭,全家人   [經典例句] How many people are there in your household?   9. remarkable 值得注意的   [大綱詞匯] remarkable a.值得注意的;顯著的,異常的,非凡的   [經典例句] He has made remarkable progress in his study.   10. stretch back 回溯到   [大綱詞匯] stretch v. 拉長,伸,延; n. 一段時間,一段路程;拉長,延伸   [經典例句] Their conflict stretched back over 20 years.   11. in doubt 懸而未決   [大綱詞匯] doubt n./v.懷疑,疑慮 no doubt 無疑,必定   [擴充詞匯] in doubt 有疑問,懸而未決   [經典例句] Whether they will adopt the design is still in doubt.   12. broadcasting 廣播   [大綱詞匯] broadcast v./n. 廣播(節目)   [衍生詞匯] broadcasting n.廣播,播音   [經典例句] She works for a famous broadcasting company.   13. for the time being 目前   [擴充詞匯] for the time being 目前   [經典例句] His nephew is living with me for the time being.   14. subject of 的對象   [大綱詞匯] subject n.主題,題目;學科,科目;主語 a. (to)易遭的,受支配的v. (to)使遭受,使服從   [經典例句] The minister of defense became the subject of criticism.   15. nation-wide 全國的   [構詞方法] -wide 與名次一起構成形容詞,表示全范圍的   [聯想記憶] world-wide 全世界的   16. debate 辯論   [大綱詞匯] debate v./n.爭論,辯論   [經典例句] A debate on farm price support took place in the Senate yesterday.   17. launch 開展   [大綱詞匯] launch v.發射;使(船)下水;發動;開展;n.發射;下水   [經典例句] The environmentalists launched a campaign against pollution.   18. royal charter 皇家特許證   [大綱詞匯] charter v.租車,租船;n.憲章   [擴充詞匯]charter n.特許   19. run out 到期,用完   [大綱詞匯] run out of 用完,用盡,耗盡   [經典例句] We are running out of paper./ The paper is running out.   20. keep as it is 按原樣保留   [經典例句] The expert suggest we keep the ancient house as it is.   21. be fond of 喜愛   [大綱詞匯] fond a.(of)喜愛的,愛好的   [經典例句] My niece is very fond of sweets.   22. quote 引用   [大綱詞匯] quote v. 引用,援引   [衍生詞匯] quotation n.引文,引用   [經典例句] The judge quoted various cases in support of his opinion.   23. broke 破產的   [大綱詞匯] broken a.破碎(了)的   [擴充詞匯] broke a. 不名一文的,破產的注意:不要混淆兩詞的含義和用法   24. distinct from 與截然不同的   [大綱詞匯] distinct a.清楚的,明顯的;(from)截然不同的 distinction n.差別,區分   [經典例句] His hobbies are distinct from his work.   25. subscription 付款收看   [大綱詞匯] subscribe v.訂閱,訂購   [衍生詞匯] subscription n.訂閱,訂購   [經典例句] I entered a subscription to Time for one year.   26. in the long term 從長遠來看   [擴充詞匯] in the long term 從長遠來看   [經典例句] The policy will benefit the growth of economy in the long term.   27. prospect 前景   [大綱詞匯] prospect n.景色;前景,前途;展望   [經典例句] We wish his a bright prospect in the future.   28. shrinkage 減少   [大綱詞匯] shrink v. 起皺,收縮;退縮;畏縮   [衍生詞匯] shrinkage n.收縮,縮水;減少,低落   [構詞方法] -age后綴,表示動作,過程   [聯想記憶] marriage n.婚姻 breakage n.破損   29. stand for 表示   [大綱詞匯] stand for 代替,代表,意味著   [經典例句] BBC stand for British Broadcasting Company.   30. privilege 特權   [大綱詞匯] privilege n.特權,優惠,特許;v. 給予優惠,給予特權   [經典例句] Education is a privilege in countries where there are still notmany schools.   31. granted by 給予   [大綱詞匯] grant v.同意,準予;給予,授予;n.授予物   [經典例句] He was finally granted an entry visa by the British Embassy.   32. foremost 首要的   [擴充詞匯] foremost a. 最前的,最先的;首要的,杰出的   [經典例句] He is considered the foremost artist in his country.   33. readjust 重新調整   [大綱詞匯] adjust v.調整,調節;校正   [衍生詞匯] readjust v.重新調整,使重新適應   [構詞方法] re-前綴,表示又,再,重新   [聯想記憶] reappear v.再現 remarry v.再婚   [經典例句] The government readjust its policy on import and export.   34. no other than 正是   [大綱詞匯] other than 不同于   [擴充詞匯] no other than 正是   [經典例句] Taking his money away is no other than killing him.   35. emergence 出現   [大綱詞匯] emerge v.浮現,出現   [衍生詞匯] emergence n.出現,浮現;露頭   [詞匯比較] emergency n.緊急情況,突發事件,非常時刻注意;兩詞雖只有一個字母之差,但意思截然不同,注意區分   [經典例句] The past ten years witnessed the emergence of many newenterprises.   36. enforcement 實施   [大綱詞匯] enforce v.實行,執行;強制   [衍生詞匯] enforcement n.實施,強制執行 enforceable a.可執行的   [經典例句] Many people are against the enforcement of the new Tax Law.


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