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              篇章:人工智能   Her, a movie written and directed by US director Spike Jonze, won the Oscar for Best Original screenplay. It explores the romantic relationship between a man and his computers operating system.   由美國導演斯派克瓊斯自編自導的電影《她》斬獲了本屆奧斯卡最佳原創劇本獎。該片講述了一個男人與電腦操作系統間的浪漫愛情故事。   The story takes place in the near future where virtual assistants are a common aspect of daily life. One day, Theodore, the protagonist, purchases a new-generation operating system. The system, which calls itself Samantha, is on Theodores computer and his smartphone. He carries the latter around in his shirt pocket so that Smanthats camera-eye can peek out at the world.   故事發生在不久的將來,人工智能助手已然成為人們日常生活中的一部分。一天,該片男主角托姆布雷購買了新一代操作系統薩曼莎,并將其安裝在電腦和智能手機上。他將智能手機放在襯衫口袋中隨身攜帶,這樣薩曼莎就可以透過攝像頭洞察到外面的世界。   Over time, Samantha learns and grows, discovering her own needs and desires and forming her own personality. Before long, Theodore is introducing her to others as his girlfriend.   隨著時間的推移,薩曼莎在不斷學習和成長中逐漸產生了需求和欲望,并形成了自己的個性。不久以后,托姆布雷便將她以女友的身份介紹給別人。   The movie has captured peoples imagination. Can consciousness exist without a blood-and-flesh physical entity? Will Samantha-like artificial intelligence with human emotions be a reality some day?   電影的播出引發人們無盡遐想:離開血肉之軀的意識能夠存活嗎?將來,像薩曼莎這樣擁有人類情感的人工智能助手真的能夠成為現實么?   Ray Kurzweil, the worlds leading AI visionary and Googles director of engineering, predicts we could have Samantha-like girlfriends or boyfriends by 2029.   全球人工智能領域領軍人、谷歌工程總監雷庫茲韋爾曾預測,到2029年我們就能擁有像薩曼莎這樣的男/女朋友。   Kurzweil popularized the idea of the Singularity the point in the future when humans merge with machines. When that time comes, machines will be so intelligent that they will make technology advance in a way we humans wont be able to understand unless we connect our brains to machines.   庫茲韋爾普及了奇點的理念未來人類將進入技術奇點,屆時人類將與機器合二為一。當技術奇點時代來臨,人工智能技術發展迅猛,人類必須將大腦與機器相連才能理解它們。   Distant future?   未來遙遠嗎?   In a post on his website, Kurzweil discussed the technological implications of Her. He said that Samantha would happen in 2029, when the leap to human-level AI would be reasonably believable。   庫茲韋爾在個人網站上探討了電影《她》所蘊含的科技元素。他說,2029年,像薩曼莎這樣的故事情節很可能發生,那時,這種達到人類水平的人工智能將不再是天方夜譚。   Mars Cyrillo, executive director at technology company CI T, echoes Kurzweils optimism in an article he wrote for VentureBeat.com:   庫茲韋爾曾在知名科技博客網站VentureBeat.com上發表文章,對未來人工智能發展表示看好。而CI T科技公司執行董事馬爾斯西里絡也十分贊同他的觀點。他表示:   If we assume that everything that makes us human comes from our brains and our interactions with other brains and with our environment, theres no reason to believe that, in the future, computers we build to simulate the brain wouldnt exhibit human-like behavior.   如果我們假設人之所以為人,完全依仗于人類的大腦,以及大腦與其他大腦和環境之間的交流,那么,我們就有理由相信,我們模擬人腦制造出來的電腦將來也能夠做出類似的人類行為。   Cyrillo also shares Kurzweils belief that by 2045 well have molecule-sized computers inside our bodies and brains, tasked with protecting our health and enhancing our cognitive powers. Our brains could connect to the cloud in order to get their abilities extended.   同庫茲韋爾一樣,西里絡也相信到2045年,我們會制造出可安裝在人體和大腦內的分子級電腦,達到呵護健康和提高認知能力的目的。我們的大腦可以連接到云,從而拓展大腦的能力。   You might think its impossible for that to happen in just a couple of decades, but Cyrillo says we shouldnt think linearly because our technology evolves exponentially.   你或許會想,在短短幾十年內這樣的事情根本不可能發生,但是西里絡表示,我們不能線性思考,因為科技正在突飛猛進。   In 30 years, Apple managed to build a phone whose computational capacity is almost 200 million times more powerful than the first Macintosh, Cyrillo wrote. Projecting 30 years from now, the idea that well have a molecule-sized computer, some billion times more powerful than the iPhone of today, isnt as crazy as you may think.   短短30年的時間,蘋果公司研制出計算能力比第一代蘋果機幾乎快兩億倍的一款手機,西里絡寫道,這樣說來,預計從現在開始的30年內,研制出比iPhone強大數十億倍的分子級電腦,也并不是什么瘋狂的想法。   With the development of quantum computers and serious advances in neuroscience that are already happening, Cyrillo says he believes well have examples of strong AI in less than 30 years, or at least AI agents that task themselves with learning all about our universe and its mysteries.   隨著量子計算機的發展和神經系統學的突飛猛進,西里絡相信用不了30年,我們就能夠研制出功能強大的人工智能樣本;或至少能夠研制出用來探索宇宙奧秘的人工智能。


              篇章:人工智能   Her, a movie written and directed by US director Spike Jonze, won the Oscar for Best Original screenplay. It explores the romantic relationship between a man and his computers operating system.   由美國導演斯派克瓊斯自編自導的電影《她》斬獲了本屆奧斯卡最佳原創劇本獎。該片講述了一個男人與電腦操作系統間的浪漫愛情故事。   The story takes place in the near future where virtual assistants are a common aspect of daily life. One day, Theodore, the protagonist, purchases a new-generation operating system. The system, which calls itself Samantha, is on Theodores computer and his smartphone. He carries the latter around in his shirt pocket so that Smanthats camera-eye can peek out at the world.   故事發生在不久的將來,人工智能助手已然成為人們日常生活中的一部分。一天,該片男主角托姆布雷購買了新一代操作系統薩曼莎,并將其安裝在電腦和智能手機上。他將智能手機放在襯衫口袋中隨身攜帶,這樣薩曼莎就可以透過攝像頭洞察到外面的世界。   Over time, Samantha learns and grows, discovering her own needs and desires and forming her own personality. Before long, Theodore is introducing her to others as his girlfriend.   隨著時間的推移,薩曼莎在不斷學習和成長中逐漸產生了需求和欲望,并形成了自己的個性。不久以后,托姆布雷便將她以女友的身份介紹給別人。   The movie has captured peoples imagination. Can consciousness exist without a blood-and-flesh physical entity? Will Samantha-like artificial intelligence with human emotions be a reality some day?   電影的播出引發人們無盡遐想:離開血肉之軀的意識能夠存活嗎?將來,像薩曼莎這樣擁有人類情感的人工智能助手真的能夠成為現實么?   Ray Kurzweil, the worlds leading AI visionary and Googles director of engineering, predicts we could have Samantha-like girlfriends or boyfriends by 2029.   全球人工智能領域領軍人、谷歌工程總監雷庫茲韋爾曾預測,到2029年我們就能擁有像薩曼莎這樣的男/女朋友。   Kurzweil popularized the idea of the Singularity the point in the future when humans merge with machines. When that time comes, machines will be so intelligent that they will make technology advance in a way we humans wont be able to understand unless we connect our brains to machines.   庫茲韋爾普及了奇點的理念未來人類將進入技術奇點,屆時人類將與機器合二為一。當技術奇點時代來臨,人工智能技術發展迅猛,人類必須將大腦與機器相連才能理解它們。   Distant future?   未來遙遠嗎?   In a post on his website, Kurzweil discussed the technological implications of Her. He said that Samantha would happen in 2029, when the leap to human-level AI would be reasonably believable。   庫茲韋爾在個人網站上探討了電影《她》所蘊含的科技元素。他說,2029年,像薩曼莎這樣的故事情節很可能發生,那時,這種達到人類水平的人工智能將不再是天方夜譚。   Mars Cyrillo, executive director at technology company CI T, echoes Kurzweils optimism in an article he wrote for VentureBeat.com:   庫茲韋爾曾在知名科技博客網站VentureBeat.com上發表文章,對未來人工智能發展表示看好。而CI T科技公司執行董事馬爾斯西里絡也十分贊同他的觀點。他表示:   If we assume that everything that makes us human comes from our brains and our interactions with other brains and with our environment, theres no reason to believe that, in the future, computers we build to simulate the brain wouldnt exhibit human-like behavior.   如果我們假設人之所以為人,完全依仗于人類的大腦,以及大腦與其他大腦和環境之間的交流,那么,我們就有理由相信,我們模擬人腦制造出來的電腦將來也能夠做出類似的人類行為。   Cyrillo also shares Kurzweils belief that by 2045 well have molecule-sized computers inside our bodies and brains, tasked with protecting our health and enhancing our cognitive powers. Our brains could connect to the cloud in order to get their abilities extended.   同庫茲韋爾一樣,西里絡也相信到2045年,我們會制造出可安裝在人體和大腦內的分子級電腦,達到呵護健康和提高認知能力的目的。我們的大腦可以連接到云,從而拓展大腦的能力。   You might think its impossible for that to happen in just a couple of decades, but Cyrillo says we shouldnt think linearly because our technology evolves exponentially.   你或許會想,在短短幾十年內這樣的事情根本不可能發生,但是西里絡表示,我們不能線性思考,因為科技正在突飛猛進。   In 30 years, Apple managed to build a phone whose computational capacity is almost 200 million times more powerful than the first Macintosh, Cyrillo wrote. Projecting 30 years from now, the idea that well have a molecule-sized computer, some billion times more powerful than the iPhone of today, isnt as crazy as you may think.   短短30年的時間,蘋果公司研制出計算能力比第一代蘋果機幾乎快兩億倍的一款手機,西里絡寫道,這樣說來,預計從現在開始的30年內,研制出比iPhone強大數十億倍的分子級電腦,也并不是什么瘋狂的想法。   With the development of quantum computers and serious advances in neuroscience that are already happening, Cyrillo says he believes well have examples of strong AI in less than 30 years, or at least AI agents that task themselves with learning all about our universe and its mysteries.   隨著量子計算機的發展和神經系統學的突飛猛進,西里絡相信用不了30年,我們就能夠研制出功能強大的人工智能樣本;或至少能夠研制出用來探索宇宙奧秘的人工智能。


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