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              2023復習正是強化復習階段,在考研英語中占了40分,所以考研英語閱讀是英語科目中重要的一項。名師老師曾建議過考研生需要堅持每天泛讀10-15分鐘的英文原刊。強烈推薦了雜志《經濟學人》.雜志中的文章也是考研英語的主要材料來源.希望考研考生認真閱讀,快速提高考研英語閱讀水平。   Russia s aid convoy   來自俄羅斯的援助   Putin s PR coup   普京的公關部隊   Russia offers to send aid to eastern Ukraine   俄羅斯表示愿意為烏克蘭東部地區提供援助   HELP is on the way. Or so Russian state televisiondeclared on August 12th, as nearly 300 lorries withfood, medicine and generators set off from a base outside Moscow for the besieged city ofLuhansk in eastern Ukraine.   俄羅斯國家電視臺8月12日宣布對烏的援助已經在路上了,接近300輛滿載食物、藥品以及發電設備的貨運卡車已經從莫斯科外的基地出發,準備開往烏克蘭東部去幫助盧甘斯克地區那些被圍困的城市。   Confusion reigns over what the lorries are carrying, and over how they will cross intoUkraine. As The Economist went to press, the convoy was heading to Rostov, a Russian cityclose to the border. It is a measure of Ukrainian distrust of Russian machinations that anaid convoy should be widely suspected of being a Trojan horse for invasion.   但是人們一直對卡車上到底裝載何物表示懷疑,同時也對他們如何穿過俄烏邊境到達任務地區表示質疑。按經濟學人的推測,護送車隊的目的地將在靠近邊境的俄羅斯城鎮羅斯托夫。因為烏克蘭當局懷疑這是俄羅斯的詭計,并且這批援助車隊極可能是為侵略做準備而送來的特洛伊木馬。   In March Vladimir Putin, Russia s president, sent columns of troops without insignia intoCrimea while claiming only local pro-Russian volunteers were at large. Yet the aid convoy isunlikely to be cover for an invasion. Had Mr Putin decided to invade, he would not haveneeded a stealth fleet of lorrieshe has as many as 45,000 troops on the border. Russiadoes not have to hide arms in aid lorries to get them to its proxy forces.   今年3月,當克里米亞地區公投聲稱親俄選民占了大多數時,俄羅斯總統弗拉德普京向該地區輸送了一隊沒有官方標識的軍隊。不過,這一批的援助車隊看上去不太可能是為了侵略打掩護。即使普京已經決定開始侵略行動,他也沒必要將軍隊藏在貨運卡車中在俄烏邊境上,他至少駐守了多達45,000人的軍隊。俄羅斯沒必要使用這種偷偷摸摸的方式來運送它的武裝力量。   Most likely the offer of Russian aid to Luhansk, a city wracked by fighting and left withoutwater or power, is a clever push by Mr Putin to be seen at home to be doing something toprotect civilians in the east. Polling by the Levada Centre, a think-tank, shows publicsupport for Russian military intervention in Ukraine dropping from 40% to 26% betweenJune and July, but support for non-military aid remains high. Either the Russian supplies gothrough, making Mr Putin look the peacemaker, or they are blocked by Ukrainian forces,allowing Russia to appear the nobler party.   在普京看來,俄羅斯向被戰亂和激進左翼分子圍困的盧甘斯克地區提供援助,是他能夠在克林姆林宮為保護俄羅斯身在該地區公民做的明智之舉。由智囊團內華達中心進行的調查顯示,6到7月之間,公眾們對于俄羅斯軍事干預烏克蘭事務的支持率從40%降低到了26%,但是對于提供非軍事援助,人們一如既往地支持。不管是最后俄方的援助車隊能穿過邊境到達目的地,還是說雖然被烏克蘭軍隊阻擋無法進入,但是允許俄方在一些高層聚會中有所作為的行為。   Mr Putin has taken advantage of a blind spot within the Ukrainian government and in theWest: the mounting civilian death toll of the anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine. OnAugust 13th the UN reckoned that 2,086 people had been killed in the fighting, double thenumber from just two weeks ago. As Ukrainian forces recapture territory from pro-Russianrebels, their shelling often ends up striking civilian areas.   現在,普京已經牢牢抓住了烏政府的一項污點:根據8月13日的統計,在烏克蘭東部反恐行動中死亡的公民數已經達到2086人,相比兩周前,這個人數已經翻番了。因為烏克蘭軍隊在從那些親俄的反政府主義者手中重新奪得一些地區的控制權時,通常以進攻平民居住區收尾。   Yet the convoy carries the risk of escalating tensions rather than bringing relief. Any fight atthe border over the passage of the lorries into Ukraine could erupt into a wider clashpresaging Mr Putin calling in the troops. After months of Russia s backing anti-governmentrebels, suspicions in Kiev are high.   然而,援助車隊不但不能讓形勢緩和,反而提高了沖突升級的危機。一旦這一路上發生任何戰斗都可能帶來更為巨大沖突,那時也預示著普京極有可能會呼喚軍隊的介入。并且,由于數月來俄羅斯對于反政府勢力的暗中支持支持,基輔當局有理由高度懷疑俄羅斯的用心。   More probably, a break in the fighting to let the lorries in is part of a plan to slow down thepace of the Ukrainian advance, helping to turn the war into a frozen conflict. That would suitMr Putin fine. But, however deft he may be at controlling the pictures on television, theevents on the ground are harder to dictate.   更可能的是,這種暫停戰事以讓車隊順利到達盧甘斯克的行為只是拖緩烏克蘭前進的計劃的一部分,這將有助于將這場戰爭轉入凍結狀態。那樣正和了普京的如意算盤。不過,無論如何,他可能也只能完全掌控電視畫面所呈現的一切,戰場上的一切都是未知數。   詞語解釋   1.head to 前往   If you re indoors, go outdoors. Or head to the park.   如果你是在室內,那去戶外呆會兒,或去公園散散步。   Meeting them in the street, she never raised herhead to receive their greeting.   有時在街上遇到他們,她從來不抬頭接受他們的致意。   2.decide to 決定   What if I decide to have sex?   如果我決定要開始性生活呢?   It all depends on what you decide to believe.   這一切都取決于你決定要相信什么。   3.allow to 使能夠   This test simulation tested users working as fast as machine speed will allow to test the CMServer.   這種測試模擬測試用戶速度會像機器速度那樣,以允許測試 CM 服務器。   Finally, the other interesting parameter is the handle inheritance model, this will allow toshare this resource with a child process if is required.   最后一個有意思的參數就是句柄繼承模型了。 它允許在必要的時候,可以喝子進程共享資源。


              2023復習正是強化復習階段,在考研英語中占了40分,所以考研英語閱讀是英語科目中重要的一項。名師老師曾建議過考研生需要堅持每天泛讀10-15分鐘的英文原刊。強烈推薦了雜志《經濟學人》.雜志中的文章也是考研英語的主要材料來源.希望考研考生認真閱讀,快速提高考研英語閱讀水平。   Russia s aid convoy   來自俄羅斯的援助   Putin s PR coup   普京的公關部隊   Russia offers to send aid to eastern Ukraine   俄羅斯表示愿意為烏克蘭東部地區提供援助   HELP is on the way. Or so Russian state televisiondeclared on August 12th, as nearly 300 lorries withfood, medicine and generators set off from a base outside Moscow for the besieged city ofLuhansk in eastern Ukraine.   俄羅斯國家電視臺8月12日宣布對烏的援助已經在路上了,接近300輛滿載食物、藥品以及發電設備的貨運卡車已經從莫斯科外的基地出發,準備開往烏克蘭東部去幫助盧甘斯克地區那些被圍困的城市。   Confusion reigns over what the lorries are carrying, and over how they will cross intoUkraine. As The Economist went to press, the convoy was heading to Rostov, a Russian cityclose to the border. It is a measure of Ukrainian distrust of Russian machinations that anaid convoy should be widely suspected of being a Trojan horse for invasion.   但是人們一直對卡車上到底裝載何物表示懷疑,同時也對他們如何穿過俄烏邊境到達任務地區表示質疑。按經濟學人的推測,護送車隊的目的地將在靠近邊境的俄羅斯城鎮羅斯托夫。因為烏克蘭當局懷疑這是俄羅斯的詭計,并且這批援助車隊極可能是為侵略做準備而送來的特洛伊木馬。   In March Vladimir Putin, Russia s president, sent columns of troops without insignia intoCrimea while claiming only local pro-Russian volunteers were at large. Yet the aid convoy isunlikely to be cover for an invasion. Had Mr Putin decided to invade, he would not haveneeded a stealth fleet of lorrieshe has as many as 45,000 troops on the border. Russiadoes not have to hide arms in aid lorries to get them to its proxy forces.   今年3月,當克里米亞地區公投聲稱親俄選民占了大多數時,俄羅斯總統弗拉德普京向該地區輸送了一隊沒有官方標識的軍隊。不過,這一批的援助車隊看上去不太可能是為了侵略打掩護。即使普京已經決定開始侵略行動,他也沒必要將軍隊藏在貨運卡車中在俄烏邊境上,他至少駐守了多達45,000人的軍隊。俄羅斯沒必要使用這種偷偷摸摸的方式來運送它的武裝力量。   Most likely the offer of Russian aid to Luhansk, a city wracked by fighting and left withoutwater or power, is a clever push by Mr Putin to be seen at home to be doing something toprotect civilians in the east. Polling by the Levada Centre, a think-tank, shows publicsupport for Russian military intervention in Ukraine dropping from 40% to 26% betweenJune and July, but support for non-military aid remains high. Either the Russian supplies gothrough, making Mr Putin look the peacemaker, or they are blocked by Ukrainian forces,allowing Russia to appear the nobler party.   在普京看來,俄羅斯向被戰亂和激進左翼分子圍困的盧甘斯克地區提供援助,是他能夠在克林姆林宮為保護俄羅斯身在該地區公民做的明智之舉。由智囊團內華達中心進行的調查顯示,6到7月之間,公眾們對于俄羅斯軍事干預烏克蘭事務的支持率從40%降低到了26%,但是對于提供非軍事援助,人們一如既往地支持。不管是最后俄方的援助車隊能穿過邊境到達目的地,還是說雖然被烏克蘭軍隊阻擋無法進入,但是允許俄方在一些高層聚會中有所作為的行為。   Mr Putin has taken advantage of a blind spot within the Ukrainian government and in theWest: the mounting civilian death toll of the anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine. OnAugust 13th the UN reckoned that 2,086 people had been killed in the fighting, double thenumber from just two weeks ago. As Ukrainian forces recapture territory from pro-Russianrebels, their shelling often ends up striking civilian areas.   現在,普京已經牢牢抓住了烏政府的一項污點:根據8月13日的統計,在烏克蘭東部反恐行動中死亡的公民數已經達到2086人,相比兩周前,這個人數已經翻番了。因為烏克蘭軍隊在從那些親俄的反政府主義者手中重新奪得一些地區的控制權時,通常以進攻平民居住區收尾。   Yet the convoy carries the risk of escalating tensions rather than bringing relief. Any fight atthe border over the passage of the lorries into Ukraine could erupt into a wider clashpresaging Mr Putin calling in the troops. After months of Russia s backing anti-governmentrebels, suspicions in Kiev are high.   然而,援助車隊不但不能讓形勢緩和,反而提高了沖突升級的危機。一旦這一路上發生任何戰斗都可能帶來更為巨大沖突,那時也預示著普京極有可能會呼喚軍隊的介入。并且,由于數月來俄羅斯對于反政府勢力的暗中支持支持,基輔當局有理由高度懷疑俄羅斯的用心。   More probably, a break in the fighting to let the lorries in is part of a plan to slow down thepace of the Ukrainian advance, helping to turn the war into a frozen conflict. That would suitMr Putin fine. But, however deft he may be at controlling the pictures on television, theevents on the ground are harder to dictate.   更可能的是,這種暫停戰事以讓車隊順利到達盧甘斯克的行為只是拖緩烏克蘭前進的計劃的一部分,這將有助于將這場戰爭轉入凍結狀態。那樣正和了普京的如意算盤。不過,無論如何,他可能也只能完全掌控電視畫面所呈現的一切,戰場上的一切都是未知數。   詞語解釋   1.head to 前往   If you re indoors, go outdoors. Or head to the park.   如果你是在室內,那去戶外呆會兒,或去公園散散步。   Meeting them in the street, she never raised herhead to receive their greeting.   有時在街上遇到他們,她從來不抬頭接受他們的致意。   2.decide to 決定   What if I decide to have sex?   如果我決定要開始性生活呢?   It all depends on what you decide to believe.   這一切都取決于你決定要相信什么。   3.allow to 使能夠   This test simulation tested users working as fast as machine speed will allow to test the CMServer.   這種測試模擬測試用戶速度會像機器速度那樣,以允許測試 CM 服務器。   Finally, the other interesting parameter is the handle inheritance model, this will allow toshare this resource with a child process if is required.   最后一個有意思的參數就是句柄繼承模型了。 它允許在必要的時候,可以喝子進程共享資源。


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