The Causes of European Separation in 16th Century 閱讀練習與解析

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            The Causes of European Separation in 16th Century 閱讀練習與解析

              The Causes of European Separation in 16th Century

              For a thousand years and more, the people of Europe had fought about many things, but they had been united in believing one thing: that there existed a single Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of which the Bishop of Rome, under the title of the Pope, was the visible and recognizable head in succession to St. Peter. But in 1517 a German monk, Martin Luther, challenged certain Catholic teachings and renounced his obedience to the papacy. Others had followed him, including Henry VIII.

              Thus Europe was divided in every which way, the southern and eastern two-thirds still Catholic, the northern and western one-third what was coming to be called Protestant, though English-ruled Ireland solidly Catholic and the Spanish-ruled Netherlands, particularly the northern part approximating to modern Holland, grew increasingly Protestant; while in virtually every country, whether officially Catholic or Protestant, those of the contrary faith fiercely attempted to convert their neighbors and equally fiercely resisted their neighbors attempts to convert them. For this there was no simple, friendly solution to be reached on the principle of live-and-let-live. Each party believed that it had hold of the truth, the only truth that mattered, the one that led to eternal salvation, and its adversaries clung to falsehood which must necessarily head to eternal damnation: not only for themselves but for all who should permit them to survive and infect others with their errors. Toleration, even reasonable discussion, was impossible. God and the devil could not mix. Just as Elizabeth was to ardent Catholics that Jezebel, so to earnest Protestants the Pope was that wolfish bloodsucker, and their Catholic fellow-creatures mad dogs, toads and other such vermin to be cleansed off the face of the earth.

              These feelings, dangerous enough in themselves, were made more so by questions of geography and money. The Catholic countries bordering on the Mediterranean were by far the richest. From the beginning of the Middle Ages the Republic of Venice had controlled the trade routes to the East, bringing the wares carried out of Persia, China and the Indies by camel to her depots in Syria and reloading them in her high, gorgeously painted vessels for transshipment to Italy and beyond. Since the end of the fifteen century, first Portugal by sailing round Africa to India, then Spain by the discovery of America, had likewise been in a position to bring for sale to Europe all the rare and wonderful things for which Europe longedsilks and precious woods, sugar and spices, gold and silver, works of exquisite art and strange animals from peacock to tigers. In 1494, two years after Columbuss first voyage to America, Pope Alexander VI had divided the unexplored world beyond the seas between Spain and Portugal as reward for their enterprise and to keep them from fighting. The other countries had respected this division so long as they remained Catholic.

              1. What does we learn from the passage?

              [A]. The Pope had the supreme power in religion before reform.

              [B]. The Pope had the greatest power in every thing outside religion.

              [C]. The Pope was the real king in Europe then.

              [D]. The Pope was the real ruler in Europe then.

              2. What did the sentence The other countries had respected this division so long as they remained Catholic imply?

              [A]. It implied this division could not be respected long.

              [B]. It implied this division would not face a challenge.

              [C]. It implied this division would be respected forever.

              [D]. It implied the power of the Pope would never decline.

              3. Which of the following is not mentioned as a cause to deepen the dangerous feelings?

              [A]. Money. [B]. Geology. [C]. Religion. [D]. Geography.


              1. Apostolic 羅馬教皇的,使徒的

              2. in succession to 繼承,接班

              3. Martin Luther 馬丁路德 14831546德國宗教改革家

              4. teachings 教義

              5. renounce 拋棄,擯棄,否認

              6. papacy 羅馬教皇職位/制度,這里指羅馬教皇

              7. cling to 堅持

              8. damnation 詛咒,永遠的處罰

              9. bloodsucker 吸血鬼

              10. depot 倉庫,補給站

              11. gorgeous 華麗的,燦爛的,輝煌的

              12. spice 香料

              13. enterprise 事業,業績,功勛


              1. Thus Europe was divided in every which way, the southern and eastern two-thirds still Catholic, the northern and western one-third what was coming to be called Protestant, though English-ruled Ireland solidly Catholic and the Spanish-ruled Netherlands, particularly the northern part approximating to modern Holland, grew increasingly Protestant; while in virtually every country, whether officially Catholic or Protestant, those of the contrary faith fiercely attempted to convert their neighbors and equally fiercely resisted their neighbors attempts to convert them.

              [結構簡析] every which way. 四面八方,散亂。這里指四分五裂。EX : Railroads cross the country in every which way. 鐵路四通八達,縱橫全國。

              [參考譯文] 就這樣歐洲四分五裂:東南部2/3仍然是天主教,西北部1/3是后來被稱為的基督教,雖然英國統治的愛爾蘭是穩固的天主教,而西班牙統治的荷蘭,特別是靠近現代荷蘭的北部地區越來越變成基督教。事實上,在每個國家,不論官方聲稱是天主教還是基督教,相反信仰的人都拼命想把他的鄰居變過來,也同樣強烈的抵制他們的鄰居企圖把他們變過去。

              2. Each party believed that it had hold of the truth, the only truth that mattered, the one that led to eternal salvation, and its adversaries clung to falsehood which must necessarily head to eternal damnation: not only for themselves but for all who should permit them to survive and infect others with their errors.

              [結構簡析] believed 有兩個賓語從句,用and連接。第一個賓語從句that it had hold of the truth中,the only the one都說明truth,是它的同位語。And 后的賓語從句省略了連詞that,句中有定語從句which must 修飾falsehood,后面的who定從修飾all.

              [參考譯文] 每一派都認為他掌握了真理,唯一的至關重要的這里,通向永恒獲救解脫,而它的對手(敵人)死抓住錯誤不放,這必然導致永恒的詛咒;不僅詛咒他們自己,還詛咒那些讓他們生存下去,讓他們錯誤感染別人的人。

              3. Just as Elizabeth was to ardent Catholics that Jezebel, so to earnest Protestants the Pope was that wolfish bloodsucker, and their Catholic fellow-creatures mad dogs, toads and other such vermin to be cleansed off the face of the earth.

              [結構簡析] 注意just asso 句型,so 后是部分倒裝。To cleanse off消減,清除出。Jezebel耶西別古代以色列國王亞哈的妻子,殘忍淫蕩。后指無恥放蕩的女人,胭脂虎。這里指英國女王伊麗莎白。

              [參考譯文] 就像伊麗莎白女王對狂熱的天主教徒來講那是個耶西別;對基督教徒來說羅馬教皇是那個殘忍的吸血鬼。天主教徒是瘋狗,蛤蟆,其他種種惡魔,應從地球表面上清除出去。




              1. C. 在改革前,羅馬教皇是歐洲真正的帝王。這在第一段中有明確的敘述一千多年來,歐洲人們雖然在許多事情彼此斗爭過,可是在信仰上團結一致,都信只有一個神圣的天主教和羅馬教皇的教會。那里的羅馬大主教,稱為教皇,是繼承圣彼德之后有形的公認領袖。可是,1517年德國僧侶,馬丁路德向某些天主教教義提出挑釁,拒絕服從羅馬教皇,其他追隨他,其中包括亨利八世(英王)。

              A. 在改革前,羅馬教皇在宗教上具有至高無上的權利。似乎很有道理。實際上,教皇雖是宗教領袖,管的事情遠遠超出宗教范疇。這在最后一段倒數第二句話可見一般。結合第三題談。 B. 教皇在宗教之外的許多事情有著最高的權利。是明顯不對的。 D. 教皇是那時歐洲的真正統治者。Then 一詞可以指改革前后。

              2. A. 這種分割不可能長期得到尊重。最后一段的最后兩句話1494年,哥倫布首次遠航美洲后的兩年,教皇亞歷山大六世就把這塊大洋彼岸未曾勘探的世界分給西班牙和葡萄牙作為對他們業績的褒獎(賞賜)和制止他們彼此開仗。其它國家只要他們依然信仰天主教,他們就會尊重這個瓜分。as long as 是一個條件。一旦這個條件不存在,那就不會再尊重。另一方面也說明教皇不僅管宗教,見第2題A注釋,因此并不正確。

              B. 不會面臨挑戰。 C. 永遠得到尊重。 D. 教皇權力永不衰退。

              3. B. 地質學。其他三項:

              A. 錢。 C. 宗教。 D. 地理位置。都提到。


              The Causes of European Separation in 16th Century

              For a thousand years and more, the people of Europe had fought about many things, but they had been united in believing one thing: that there existed a single Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of which the Bishop of Rome, under the title of the Pope, was the visible and recognizable head in succession to St. Peter. But in 1517 a German monk, Martin Luther, challenged certain Catholic teachings and renounced his obedience to the papacy. Others had followed him, including Henry VIII.

              Thus Europe was divided in every which way, the southern and eastern two-thirds still Catholic, the northern and western one-third what was coming to be called Protestant, though English-ruled Ireland solidly Catholic and the Spanish-ruled Netherlands, particularly the northern part approximating to modern Holland, grew increasingly Protestant; while in virtually every country, whether officially Catholic or Protestant, those of the contrary faith fiercely attempted to convert their neighbors and equally fiercely resisted their neighbors attempts to convert them. For this there was no simple, friendly solution to be reached on the principle of live-and-let-live. Each party believed that it had hold of the truth, the only truth that mattered, the one that led to eternal salvation, and its adversaries clung to falsehood which must necessarily head to eternal damnation: not only for themselves but for all who should permit them to survive and infect others with their errors. Toleration, even reasonable discussion, was impossible. God and the devil could not mix. Just as Elizabeth was to ardent Catholics that Jezebel, so to earnest Protestants the Pope was that wolfish bloodsucker, and their Catholic fellow-creatures mad dogs, toads and other such vermin to be cleansed off the face of the earth.

              These feelings, dangerous enough in themselves, were made more so by questions of geography and money. The Catholic countries bordering on the Mediterranean were by far the richest. From the beginning of the Middle Ages the Republic of Venice had controlled the trade routes to the East, bringing the wares carried out of Persia, China and the Indies by camel to her depots in Syria and reloading them in her high, gorgeously painted vessels for transshipment to Italy and beyond. Since the end of the fifteen century, first Portugal by sailing round Africa to India, then Spain by the discovery of America, had likewise been in a position to bring for sale to Europe all the rare and wonderful things for which Europe longedsilks and precious woods, sugar and spices, gold and silver, works of exquisite art and strange animals from peacock to tigers. In 1494, two years after Columbuss first voyage to America, Pope Alexander VI had divided the unexplored world beyond the seas between Spain and Portugal as reward for their enterprise and to keep them from fighting. The other countries had respected this division so long as they remained Catholic.

              1. What does we learn from the passage?

              [A]. The Pope had the supreme power in religion before reform.

              [B]. The Pope had the greatest power in every thing outside religion.

              [C]. The Pope was the real king in Europe then.

              [D]. The Pope was the real ruler in Europe then.

              2. What did the sentence The other countries had respected this division so long as they remained Catholic imply?

              [A]. It implied this division could not be respected long.

              [B]. It implied this division would not face a challenge.

              [C]. It implied this division would be respected forever.

              [D]. It implied the power of the Pope would never decline.

              3. Which of the following is not mentioned as a cause to deepen the dangerous feelings?

              [A]. Money. [B]. Geology. [C]. Religion. [D]. Geography.


              1. Apostolic 羅馬教皇的,使徒的

              2. in succession to 繼承,接班

              3. Martin Luther 馬丁路德 14831546德國宗教改革家

              4. teachings 教義

              5. renounce 拋棄,擯棄,否認

              6. papacy 羅馬教皇職位/制度,這里指羅馬教皇

              7. cling to 堅持

              8. damnation 詛咒,永遠的處罰

              9. bloodsucker 吸血鬼

              10. depot 倉庫,補給站

              11. gorgeous 華麗的,燦爛的,輝煌的

              12. spice 香料

              13. enterprise 事業,業績,功勛


              1. Thus Europe was divided in every which way, the southern and eastern two-thirds still Catholic, the northern and western one-third what was coming to be called Protestant, though English-ruled Ireland solidly Catholic and the Spanish-ruled Netherlands, particularly the northern part approximating to modern Holland, grew increasingly Protestant; while in virtually every country, whether officially Catholic or Protestant, those of the contrary faith fiercely attempted to convert their neighbors and equally fiercely resisted their neighbors attempts to convert them.

              [結構簡析] every which way. 四面八方,散亂。這里指四分五裂。EX : Railroads cross the country in every which way. 鐵路四通八達,縱橫全國。

              [參考譯文] 就這樣歐洲四分五裂:東南部2/3仍然是天主教,西北部1/3是后來被稱為的基督教,雖然英國統治的愛爾蘭是穩固的天主教,而西班牙統治的荷蘭,特別是靠近現代荷蘭的北部地區越來越變成基督教。事實上,在每個國家,不論官方聲稱是天主教還是基督教,相反信仰的人都拼命想把他的鄰居變過來,也同樣強烈的抵制他們的鄰居企圖把他們變過去。

              2. Each party believed that it had hold of the truth, the only truth that mattered, the one that led to eternal salvation, and its adversaries clung to falsehood which must necessarily head to eternal damnation: not only for themselves but for all who should permit them to survive and infect others with their errors.

              [結構簡析] believed 有兩個賓語從句,用and連接。第一個賓語從句that it had hold of the truth中,the only the one都說明truth,是它的同位語。And 后的賓語從句省略了連詞that,句中有定語從句which must 修飾falsehood,后面的who定從修飾all.

              [參考譯文] 每一派都認為他掌握了真理,唯一的至關重要的這里,通向永恒獲救解脫,而它的對手(敵人)死抓住錯誤不放,這必然導致永恒的詛咒;不僅詛咒他們自己,還詛咒那些讓他們生存下去,讓他們錯誤感染別人的人。

              3. Just as Elizabeth was to ardent Catholics that Jezebel, so to earnest Protestants the Pope was that wolfish bloodsucker, and their Catholic fellow-creatures mad dogs, toads and other such vermin to be cleansed off the face of the earth.

              [結構簡析] 注意just asso 句型,so 后是部分倒裝。To cleanse off消減,清除出。Jezebel耶西別古代以色列國王亞哈的妻子,殘忍淫蕩。后指無恥放蕩的女人,胭脂虎。這里指英國女王伊麗莎白。

              [參考譯文] 就像伊麗莎白女王對狂熱的天主教徒來講那是個耶西別;對基督教徒來說羅馬教皇是那個殘忍的吸血鬼。天主教徒是瘋狗,蛤蟆,其他種種惡魔,應從地球表面上清除出去。




              1. C. 在改革前,羅馬教皇是歐洲真正的帝王。這在第一段中有明確的敘述一千多年來,歐洲人們雖然在許多事情彼此斗爭過,可是在信仰上團結一致,都信只有一個神圣的天主教和羅馬教皇的教會。那里的羅馬大主教,稱為教皇,是繼承圣彼德之后有形的公認領袖。可是,1517年德國僧侶,馬丁路德向某些天主教教義提出挑釁,拒絕服從羅馬教皇,其他追隨他,其中包括亨利八世(英王)。

              A. 在改革前,羅馬教皇在宗教上具有至高無上的權利。似乎很有道理。實際上,教皇雖是宗教領袖,管的事情遠遠超出宗教范疇。這在最后一段倒數第二句話可見一般。結合第三題談。 B. 教皇在宗教之外的許多事情有著最高的權利。是明顯不對的。 D. 教皇是那時歐洲的真正統治者。Then 一詞可以指改革前后。

              2. A. 這種分割不可能長期得到尊重。最后一段的最后兩句話1494年,哥倫布首次遠航美洲后的兩年,教皇亞歷山大六世就把這塊大洋彼岸未曾勘探的世界分給西班牙和葡萄牙作為對他們業績的褒獎(賞賜)和制止他們彼此開仗。其它國家只要他們依然信仰天主教,他們就會尊重這個瓜分。as long as 是一個條件。一旦這個條件不存在,那就不會再尊重。另一方面也說明教皇不僅管宗教,見第2題A注釋,因此并不正確。

              B. 不會面臨挑戰。 C. 永遠得到尊重。 D. 教皇權力永不衰退。

              3. B. 地質學。其他三項:

              A. 錢。 C. 宗教。 D. 地理位置。都提到。


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