高三英語詞匯解析Unit4 Green world

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            高三英語詞匯解析Unit4 Green world

              Words and expressions

              procedure n. a manner of proceeding; a way of performing 程序;手續

              This is the correct procedure for obtaining a visa. 這是取得簽證的正確程序/手續。

              a series of steps taken to accomplish an end 步驟

              a long therapeutic procedure 長期治療過程

              tulip n. 郁金香

              rose n.[c] a beautiful flower, which is red, white or yellow 玫瑰(花);薔薇(花)

              Father planted roses along one side of the garden. 父親沿著花園的一邊種了玫瑰。

              You lie upon roses when young, youll lie upon thorns when old. 少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲。

              peony n.[c] 牡丹;芍藥

              She blushed like a peony. 她臉紅得像一朵牡丹花。

              strawberry n.[c] small, soft, red fruit 草莓

              Her favourite fruit is strawberry. 她最喜歡的水果是草莓。

              lemon n. 檸檬

              a slice of lemon 一片檸檬

              bunch n. a number of things of the same kind fastened or growing together 串;束

              a bunch of flowers 一束花 a bunch of grapes/keys 一串葡萄/鑰匙

              merely adv. only僅僅;只不過

              I didnt stop to speak to him--I merely smiled. 我沒有停下來和他說話--我只是微微一笑。

              herb n. 草藥;草本植物;香草

              classify vt. to arrange or organize according to class or category 分類

              We usually classify types of character as good or bad.

              我們通常把 (人的) 性格之類型分為善與惡。

              identification n. the state of being identified 鑒別;驗明

              the identification of high yielding seeds 高產量種子的鑒別

              n. proof or evidence of identity 身份證明(縮寫 ID)

              His only means of identification was his passport. 他唯一證明身份的證件就是他的護照。

              male adj. of the sex that does not give birth to young ones 男(性)的;雄性的

              A cock is a male bird. 公雞是雄性家禽。

              n. man or boy; animal that cannot have baby animals; plant that does not have fruit 男人;雄性動物/植物

              A bull, a cock and a he goat are males. 公牛,公雞,公羊都是雄性動物。

              promote vt. to contribute to the progress or growth of 促進;推進

              Kindness promotes peace. 親切的行為可以促進和睦。

              vt. to raise to a more important or responsible job or rank 提升

              Our teacher has been promoted to headmaster. 我們的老師已被提升為校長了。

              botanical adj. of or relating to plants or plant life; of or relating to the science of botany 植物的;植物學 (上) 的

              the botanical garden(s) 植物園

              privilege n. a special advantage, permission, right, or benefit granted to or enjoyed by an individual, a class 特權;優惠

              Our members have the privilege of using the lending service of the library.


              cozy adj. comfortable; easy 舒適的;安逸的

              I felt cozy watching the hearth fire. 看著爐火我感到溫暖而舒適。

              appetite n. a desire for food 食欲;胃口

              Exercises give one a good appetite. 運動增進食欲。

              n. a strong wish or liking 愛好;欲望

              He has an appetite for writing. 他好從事寫書。

              wealth n.[u] (lots of) money; valuable things 財富;財產

              Some were owners of great wealth and property. 有些人擁有萬貫家財。

              Oceania n. the Pacific Islands 大洋洲

              appointed vt. to select or designate to fill an office or position 任命;委派

              We must appoint a new teacher at once to the mountain school.


              vt. to fix or set by authority or by mutual agreement 約定;指定

              They appointed a place to exchange stamps. 他們約定一個地方交換郵票。

              Venus n. the second planet from the sun 金星

              n. (Roman Mythology) the goddess of sexual love and physical beauty


              the V of Milo 米羅的維納斯雕像

              calculate vt. find an answer by working with numbers 計算

              Let me calculate the cost of the journey. 讓我計算一下旅途的用費。

              astronomy n. the scientific study of matter in outer space 天文學

              expense n. the act of spending money; cost; money used or needed for sth.花費;


              The expense of running a car has risen recent years. 近幾年來使用汽車的費用增加了。

              look our for to be careful of 當心;注意;警惕

              Look out (for the car)! 留神(汽車)!

              on a large scale 大規模地;大范圍地

              cocoa n. brown powder from the beans of a tree, made into chocolate 可可粉

              n. drink that you make with cocoa powder and milk 可可茶

              hemp n. 大麻

              involve vt. to contain as a part; include 包括;涉及

              All the children were involved in the school play. 所有的孩子都參加了學校排練的劇。

              vt. to engage as a participant 使牽涉;使卷入;使參與

              Dont involve other people in your trouble. 別把別人牽涉進你的麻煩中去。

              enterprise n. an undertaking, especially one of some scope, complication, and risk; a business organization 事業;企業

              government enterprise 公/國營企業 private enterprise 私/民營企業

              small-to-medium-sized enterprises 中小企業

              settlement n. group of homes in a place where no people have lived before 拓居地;定居點

              The first settlements were on the east coast of America. 最初的殖民地是在美洲的東海岸。

              n. agreeing about something after discussing it 解決(方案)

              After long talks about pay, the managers and workers reached a settlement.


              Kew [kju:] n. 克佑(倫敦之西郊,為皇家植物園之所在地)

              accumulate vti. to gather or pile up; amass; to mount up; increase


              He accumulated a fortune by hard work. 他靠努力工作積蓄了一筆財富。

              Snow accumulated to a depth of 10 feet. 雪已積到十尺深。

              abandon vt. leave someone or something; give up; desert 離棄;放棄;拋棄

              The driver abandoned his car in the snow. 司機把汽車拋在雪地里。

              straw n. dry, cut stalks of wheat, etc. 稻草;麥稈

              Everyone of us had a straw hat on. 我們人人都戴草帽。

              n. thin tube of paper or plastic for drinking a cold drink 麥管;吸管

              He sucked Coke through a straw. 他用吸管吸可口可樂。

              pineapple n. 鳳梨;波蘿

              year after year adv. 年年;一年又一年(= year in year out)

              We have visited this island year in year out and we never get bored.


              classification n. the act or result of classifying; a category or class分類;類別

              pass away die 去世

              He passed away during the night. 他在晚間逝世。

              Oxford n. 牛津[英國牛津郡 (Oxford shire) 的首府, 為牛津大學 (Oxford又作Oxford University) 所在地]

              tone n. a sound; the quality of a sound; the voice, as expressing feeling音調;語調

              She spoke in an angry tone. 她用惱怒的口氣說話。

              reward n. present or money that you give to thank someone for something 報酬;報答

              He was given a reward for passing the examination. 他因考試及格而得到獎品。

              He worked hard all his life but without much reward. 他辛勤一生,但得到的報酬卻很少。

              vt. give something in return for 酬謝;獎賞

              He was well rewarded by the kind things people said about him.


              name after 給取名;命名

              technician n. expert who works with machines, instruments or tools技術員;技師

              Charles Darwin 查理士達爾文(英國自然科學家) beagle n. 小獵犬

              nowhere adv. at, in, or to no place; not anywhere 任何地方都不;什么地方也沒有

              He was nowhere to be found. 什么地方也找不到他。

              n. an unknown place 不知道的地方:

              a cabin in the middle of nowhere 不知在什么中心的小屋

              altogether adv. on the whole; all things considered 總共;總而言之

              There were five of us altogether. 我們共有五人。

              Altogether, the book is quite interesting. 總的說來,這本書相當有趣。

              adv. totally; completely 完全;全部地

              Some of what you say is true, but I dont altogether agree.


              finch n.雀科鳴禽

              beak n. 鳥嘴

              appearance n. what someone or something looks like 外貌;外表

              Do not judge by appearances. 別從外貌判斷事物。

              n. being seen; coming 顯露;出現

              At the sight of his appearance on the stage, the hall rang with thunderous applause.


              output n.[u] amount of things that you have made 產量;產品

              We must increase our output to meet peoples needs. 我們必須增加產量來滿足人們的需要。

              dandelion n. 蒲公英

              latter adj. 后者

              Of the two, the former is better than the latter. 兩者之中前者較后者為佳。

              distinguish vt. vi. show the difference in; show the difference; make a distinction 區別;辨別

              He could not distinguish cotton from wool. 他不能辨認是棉花還是羊毛。

              You are confusing things, let me distinguish. 你把事情越弄越糟,讓我來把它區分出來。

              in detail with all the facts 詳細地

              The teacher explained the text in detail. 老師詳細地解釋了課文。

              millimeter [`milimitE] n. 毫米

              Carl Linnaeus [`kB:l li`nI:Es] 卡爾林尼厄斯(瑞典植物學家)

              Daniel Solander [ sE`lAdE] 丹尼爾索蘭德(瑞典植物學家)

              Tahiti n. 塔希提島(位于南太平洋)

              Galapagos [gE`lApEgEs] n. 加拉帕戈斯(群島)

              Gregor Mendel [`gregE `mendl] 格雷戈門德爾(奧地利遺傳學家)

              Gote Turesson [`ge:tE tE`ri:sn] 約特杜爾松(瑞典植物學家)

              Words and expressions

              procedure n. a manner of proceeding; a way of performing 程序;手續

              This is the correct procedure for obtaining a visa. 這是取得簽證的正確程序/手續。

              a series of steps taken to accomplish an end 步驟

              a long therapeutic procedure 長期治療過程

              tulip n. 郁金香

              rose n.[c] a beautiful flower, which is red, white or yellow 玫瑰(花);薔薇(花)

              Father planted roses along one side of the garden. 父親沿著花園的一邊種了玫瑰。

              You lie upon roses when young, youll lie upon thorns when old. 少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲。

              peony n.[c] 牡丹;芍藥

              She blushed like a peony. 她臉紅得像一朵牡丹花。

              strawberry n.[c] small, soft, red fruit 草莓

              Her favourite fruit is strawberry. 她最喜歡的水果是草莓。

              lemon n. 檸檬

              a slice of lemon 一片檸檬

              bunch n. a number of things of the same kind fastened or growing together 串;束

              a bunch of flowers 一束花 a bunch of grapes/keys 一串葡萄/鑰匙

              merely adv. only僅僅;只不過

              I didnt stop to speak to him--I merely smiled. 我沒有停下來和他說話--我只是微微一笑。

              herb n. 草藥;草本植物;香草

              classify vt. to arrange or organize according to class or category 分類

              We usually classify types of character as good or bad.

              我們通常把 (人的) 性格之類型分為善與惡。

              identification n. the state of being identified 鑒別;驗明

              the identification of high yielding seeds 高產量種子的鑒別

              n. proof or evidence of identity 身份證明(縮寫 ID)

              His only means of identification was his passport. 他唯一證明身份的證件就是他的護照。

              male adj. of the sex that does not give birth to young ones 男(性)的;雄性的

              A cock is a male bird. 公雞是雄性家禽。

              n. man or boy; animal that cannot have baby animals; plant that does not have fruit 男人;雄性動物/植物

              A bull, a cock and a he goat are males. 公牛,公雞,公羊都是雄性動物。

              promote vt. to contribute to the progress or growth of 促進;推進

              Kindness promotes peace. 親切的行為可以促進和睦。

              vt. to raise to a more important or responsible job or rank 提升

              Our teacher has been promoted to headmaster. 我們的老師已被提升為校長了。

              botanical adj. of or relating to plants or plant life; of or relating to the science of botany 植物的;植物學 (上) 的

              the botanical garden(s) 植物園

              privilege n. a special advantage, permission, right, or benefit granted to or enjoyed by an individual, a class 特權;優惠

              Our members have the privilege of using the lending service of the library.


              cozy adj. comfortable; easy 舒適的;安逸的

              I felt cozy watching the hearth fire. 看著爐火我感到溫暖而舒適。

              appetite n. a desire for food 食欲;胃口

              Exercises give one a good appetite. 運動增進食欲。

              n. a strong wish or liking 愛好;欲望

              He has an appetite for writing. 他好從事寫書。

              wealth n.[u] (lots of) money; valuable things 財富;財產

              Some were owners of great wealth and property. 有些人擁有萬貫家財。

              Oceania n. the Pacific Islands 大洋洲

              appointed vt. to select or designate to fill an office or position 任命;委派

              We must appoint a new teacher at once to the mountain school.


              vt. to fix or set by authority or by mutual agreement 約定;指定

              They appointed a place to exchange stamps. 他們約定一個地方交換郵票。

              Venus n. the second planet from the sun 金星

              n. (Roman Mythology) the goddess of sexual love and physical beauty


              the V of Milo 米羅的維納斯雕像

              calculate vt. find an answer by working with numbers 計算

              Let me calculate the cost of the journey. 讓我計算一下旅途的用費。

              astronomy n. the scientific study of matter in outer space 天文學

              expense n. the act of spending money; cost; money used or needed for sth.花費;


              The expense of running a car has risen recent years. 近幾年來使用汽車的費用增加了。

              look our for to be careful of 當心;注意;警惕

              Look out (for the car)! 留神(汽車)!

              on a large scale 大規模地;大范圍地

              cocoa n. brown powder from the beans of a tree, made into chocolate 可可粉

              n. drink that you make with cocoa powder and milk 可可茶

              hemp n. 大麻

              involve vt. to contain as a part; include 包括;涉及

              All the children were involved in the school play. 所有的孩子都參加了學校排練的劇。

              vt. to engage as a participant 使牽涉;使卷入;使參與

              Dont involve other people in your trouble. 別把別人牽涉進你的麻煩中去。

              enterprise n. an undertaking, especially one of some scope, complication, and risk; a business organization 事業;企業

              government enterprise 公/國營企業 private enterprise 私/民營企業

              small-to-medium-sized enterprises 中小企業

              settlement n. group of homes in a place where no people have lived before 拓居地;定居點

              The first settlements were on the east coast of America. 最初的殖民地是在美洲的東海岸。

              n. agreeing about something after discussing it 解決(方案)

              After long talks about pay, the managers and workers reached a settlement.


              Kew [kju:] n. 克佑(倫敦之西郊,為皇家植物園之所在地)

              accumulate vti. to gather or pile up; amass; to mount up; increase


              He accumulated a fortune by hard work. 他靠努力工作積蓄了一筆財富。

              Snow accumulated to a depth of 10 feet. 雪已積到十尺深。

              abandon vt. leave someone or something; give up; desert 離棄;放棄;拋棄

              The driver abandoned his car in the snow. 司機把汽車拋在雪地里。

              straw n. dry, cut stalks of wheat, etc. 稻草;麥稈

              Everyone of us had a straw hat on. 我們人人都戴草帽。

              n. thin tube of paper or plastic for drinking a cold drink 麥管;吸管

              He sucked Coke through a straw. 他用吸管吸可口可樂。

              pineapple n. 鳳梨;波蘿

              year after year adv. 年年;一年又一年(= year in year out)

              We have visited this island year in year out and we never get bored.


              classification n. the act or result of classifying; a category or class分類;類別

              pass away die 去世

              He passed away during the night. 他在晚間逝世。

              Oxford n. 牛津[英國牛津郡 (Oxford shire) 的首府, 為牛津大學 (Oxford又作Oxford University) 所在地]

              tone n. a sound; the quality of a sound; the voice, as expressing feeling音調;語調

              She spoke in an angry tone. 她用惱怒的口氣說話。

              reward n. present or money that you give to thank someone for something 報酬;報答

              He was given a reward for passing the examination. 他因考試及格而得到獎品。

              He worked hard all his life but without much reward. 他辛勤一生,但得到的報酬卻很少。

              vt. give something in return for 酬謝;獎賞

              He was well rewarded by the kind things people said about him.


              name after 給取名;命名

              technician n. expert who works with machines, instruments or tools技術員;技師

              Charles Darwin 查理士達爾文(英國自然科學家) beagle n. 小獵犬

              nowhere adv. at, in, or to no place; not anywhere 任何地方都不;什么地方也沒有

              He was nowhere to be found. 什么地方也找不到他。

              n. an unknown place 不知道的地方:

              a cabin in the middle of nowhere 不知在什么中心的小屋

              altogether adv. on the whole; all things considered 總共;總而言之

              There were five of us altogether. 我們共有五人。

              Altogether, the book is quite interesting. 總的說來,這本書相當有趣。

              adv. totally; completely 完全;全部地

              Some of what you say is true, but I dont altogether agree.


              finch n.雀科鳴禽

              beak n. 鳥嘴

              appearance n. what someone or something looks like 外貌;外表

              Do not judge by appearances. 別從外貌判斷事物。

              n. being seen; coming 顯露;出現

              At the sight of his appearance on the stage, the hall rang with thunderous applause.


              output n.[u] amount of things that you have made 產量;產品

              We must increase our output to meet peoples needs. 我們必須增加產量來滿足人們的需要。

              dandelion n. 蒲公英

              latter adj. 后者

              Of the two, the former is better than the latter. 兩者之中前者較后者為佳。

              distinguish vt. vi. show the difference in; show the difference; make a distinction 區別;辨別

              He could not distinguish cotton from wool. 他不能辨認是棉花還是羊毛。

              You are confusing things, let me distinguish. 你把事情越弄越糟,讓我來把它區分出來。

              in detail with all the facts 詳細地

              The teacher explained the text in detail. 老師詳細地解釋了課文。

              millimeter [`milimitE] n. 毫米

              Carl Linnaeus [`kB:l li`nI:Es] 卡爾林尼厄斯(瑞典植物學家)

              Daniel Solander [ sE`lAdE] 丹尼爾索蘭德(瑞典植物學家)

              Tahiti n. 塔希提島(位于南太平洋)

              Galapagos [gE`lApEgEs] n. 加拉帕戈斯(群島)

              Gregor Mendel [`gregE `mendl] 格雷戈門德爾(奧地利遺傳學家)

              Gote Turesson [`ge:tE tE`ri:sn] 約特杜爾松(瑞典植物學家)

            主站蜘蛛池模板: 亚洲乱色熟女一区二区三区丝袜| 亚洲AV成人一区二区三区在线看 | 天天视频一区二区三区| 中文字幕精品亚洲无线码一区应用 | 人体内射精一区二区三区| 一区二区网站在线观看| 一区二区三区无码被窝影院| 久久久久人妻精品一区三寸| 风间由美性色一区二区三区| 上原亚衣一区二区在线观看| 日本韩国黄色一区二区三区| 国产一区在线电影| 日本精品视频一区二区三区| 亚洲av无码一区二区三区人妖| 99热门精品一区二区三区无码| 任你躁国语自产一区在| 中文字幕日韩一区| 日韩一区二区在线视频| 亚洲一本一道一区二区三区| 亚洲av无码一区二区三区人妖| 亚洲综合一区国产精品| 天堂va视频一区二区| 国产精品一区二区无线| 国内精品视频一区二区三区八戒 | 精品国产亚洲一区二区在线观看 | 国产精品福利一区二区| 国产成人亚洲综合一区| 亚洲AV成人精品一区二区三区| 亚洲AV无码一区二区三区性色 | 亚洲国产精品乱码一区二区| 一区二区免费视频| 亚洲熟女综合色一区二区三区| 加勒比无码一区二区三区| 国产一区二区三区美女| 久久久久国产一区二区| 日韩一区二区在线观看视频| 精品人妻无码一区二区色欲产成人| 天天躁日日躁狠狠躁一区| 国产精品亚洲产品一区二区三区 | 上原亚衣一区二区在线观看| 国产精品高清一区二区三区|