英語六級詞匯解析 Lesson 32

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            英語六級詞匯解析 Lesson 32

              Appendix n.闌尾;附錄

              For further information,please refer to the appendixes at the end of the book. 如果想做進一步了解,請參閱書后的附錄.

              Bless vt.使有幸得到,使具有;為祈神賜福

              The farmers are blessing propitious winds and rains.農民們正在祈求風調雨順.

              Buzz n.嗡翁聲,嘈雜的談話聲 vi.發出嗡翁聲,發出嘈雜的談話聲;

              Whats all this buzzing about?Cant you discipline yourselves?你們在嚶嚶嗡嗡做什么? 你們安靜點不行嗎?

              Carve vt.切,把切碎;雕刻,刻

              The talented artist carved an interesting decoration from this piece of tree root.天才的藝術家把這塊樹根雕成一件有趣的裝飾品.

              commonwealth n.聯邦,聯合體

              The former USSR republics formed by themselves the Commonwealth of Independent States.前蘇聯共和國自發組成了獨立國家 聯合體.

              Denounce vt.譴責,指責;告發

              The presidents speech denounced the killing of hostages by the terrorists.總統的講話譴責了恐怖分子對人質的殺害行為.

              disturbance n.擾亂,打擾;騷亂,混亂;煩惱,心神不定

              The noise of cars passing along the road is a continual disturbance to our quiet home.馬路上的車輛聲不斷擾亂我們家中的安寧.

              Ecology n.生態,生態學

              When the ecology of a region is disturbed,it takes years to return to normal.如果一個地方的生態被破壞,往往要多年才能恢復正常.

              Flank n.肋,肋腹;側翼 vt.位于的側面

              During the march,we were attacked on our left flank,but they got no advantages. 行軍途中,敵人向我們的左翼發起了進攻,但是他們沒有占到便宜.

              Foul a.難聞的,發臭的;糟透了的;污濁的,下流的,惡劣的

              Foul vt.對犯規;弄臟,污染 n.犯規

              Its a foul night tonight,its pouring with rain,with thundering and lightning.今夜天氣壞極了,大雨傾盆,電閃雷鳴,

              generalize vt.概括,歸納,推斷

              Knowledge is generalized experience.知識是經驗的總結.

              Hinge n.鉸鏈

              The lid of the suitcase had a broken hinge,so it doesnt open easily.小提箱箱蓋的鉸鏈壞了,因此不容易打開.

              incorporate vt.包含,加上,吸收;把合并,使并入

              The three largest Japanese banks incorporated into the worlds largest banking group.日本最大的三家銀行合并,組建了全球最大的金融集團.

              Legend n.傳說,傳奇故事;傳奇人物

              Pele,Maradonna and other footballing legends have become household figures.貝利、馬拉多納等足球界傳奇人物早已成為家喻 曉的名字.

              masterpiece n.杰作

              The famous French writer Dumas Sr. once wrote that Dumas Jr. was his masterpiece.法國大文豪大仲馬曾經寫道,他的兒子小仲馬是他的杰作.

              Monopoly n.壟斷,專賣;壟斷商品,專賣商品

              The influence of mass media has made new technical terms no longer the monopoly of the specialist.大眾傳媒的影響已使新的技術術語不再為專家們所壟斷.

              Nominal a.名義上的,有名無實的;很少的,象征性的

              In constitutional monarchy,the king and the queen are only nominal.The country is ruled by the prime minister and the cabinet.在君主立憲制中,國王和王后只是象征性的,國家由首相和內閣統治.

              Opaque a.不透明的,不透光的;難理解的,晦澀的

              Bathroom window panes are usually made of opaque glass.洗澡間的窗玻璃通常是用 不透明的毛玻璃做的.

              Pave vt.鋪,鋪筑

              This agreement is expected to pave the way for a lasting peace between the two countries.人們期待這個協議將為持久和平鋪平兩國之間的道路.

              Plague n.瘟疫,鼠疫;災難,禍患 vt.使痛苦給造成困難

              The incidence of cholera in the camps has reached plague proportions.營中霍亂流行已釀成瘟疫之災.

              Preach vt.宣講,布道;竭力鼓吹,宣傳 vi.布道,說教

              You have faith in him? He is just a triger preaching benevolence.你居然相信他?他就像一只老虎鼓吹仁道一樣.

              Recite vt.背誦,朗誦;列舉,一一說出vi.背誦,朗誦

              Dont encourage him,or he will recite the whole family history.你可別鼓勵他,要不他會把他的家族史和盤托出.

              Reckless a.魯莽的,不考慮后果的

              I never think its advisable for ordinary people to possess guns, they might be reckless under certain conditions.我從來認為普通人擁有槍支是不好的,因為在某些情況下他們會不考慮后果的.

              simultaneous a.同時發生的,同步的,同時存在

              There was a simultaneous broadcast of the concert of the worlds three most renowned tenors on TV and radio.那場音樂會由電視和無線電臺同時播送,這場音樂會有全球最著名的三位男高音歌唱家參加

              Trench n.溝,溝渠

              The soldiers are opening trenches to prepare for yet another,more violent attack from the enemy troops.士兵們正在挖戰壕,準備應對敵軍另一次更猛烈的攻擊.

              Unify vi.使聯合,使統一;使相同,使一致

              In my opinion,Abraham Lincoln was honored mostly in the U.S.because he unified the country.在我看來,美國人尊重林肯,主要是他保持了美國的統一.

              Verge n.邊,邊緣 vi接近,瀕臨

              Dont blame her;she is on the verge of tears.別再責備她了,她都哭了.

              Ward n.病房;區;受監護人

              Lets try to ward off any potential problems.我們還是盡量避免任何可能出現的問題吧.

              Weary a.疲勞的,疲倦的;使人疲勞的,令人厭倦的 vi.厭煩,不耐煩

              Weary of his prototyped roles in the motion picture, Ricky Martin decided to try something different.厭倦了在影片中的固定的角色,瑞奇.馬丁決心另辟蹊徑.


              Appendix n.闌尾;附錄

              For further information,please refer to the appendixes at the end of the book. 如果想做進一步了解,請參閱書后的附錄.

              Bless vt.使有幸得到,使具有;為祈神賜福

              The farmers are blessing propitious winds and rains.農民們正在祈求風調雨順.

              Buzz n.嗡翁聲,嘈雜的談話聲 vi.發出嗡翁聲,發出嘈雜的談話聲;

              Whats all this buzzing about?Cant you discipline yourselves?你們在嚶嚶嗡嗡做什么? 你們安靜點不行嗎?

              Carve vt.切,把切碎;雕刻,刻

              The talented artist carved an interesting decoration from this piece of tree root.天才的藝術家把這塊樹根雕成一件有趣的裝飾品.

              commonwealth n.聯邦,聯合體

              The former USSR republics formed by themselves the Commonwealth of Independent States.前蘇聯共和國自發組成了獨立國家 聯合體.

              Denounce vt.譴責,指責;告發

              The presidents speech denounced the killing of hostages by the terrorists.總統的講話譴責了恐怖分子對人質的殺害行為.

              disturbance n.擾亂,打擾;騷亂,混亂;煩惱,心神不定

              The noise of cars passing along the road is a continual disturbance to our quiet home.馬路上的車輛聲不斷擾亂我們家中的安寧.

              Ecology n.生態,生態學

              When the ecology of a region is disturbed,it takes years to return to normal.如果一個地方的生態被破壞,往往要多年才能恢復正常.

              Flank n.肋,肋腹;側翼 vt.位于的側面

              During the march,we were attacked on our left flank,but they got no advantages. 行軍途中,敵人向我們的左翼發起了進攻,但是他們沒有占到便宜.

              Foul a.難聞的,發臭的;糟透了的;污濁的,下流的,惡劣的

              Foul vt.對犯規;弄臟,污染 n.犯規

              Its a foul night tonight,its pouring with rain,with thundering and lightning.今夜天氣壞極了,大雨傾盆,電閃雷鳴,

              generalize vt.概括,歸納,推斷

              Knowledge is generalized experience.知識是經驗的總結.

              Hinge n.鉸鏈

              The lid of the suitcase had a broken hinge,so it doesnt open easily.小提箱箱蓋的鉸鏈壞了,因此不容易打開.

              incorporate vt.包含,加上,吸收;把合并,使并入

              The three largest Japanese banks incorporated into the worlds largest banking group.日本最大的三家銀行合并,組建了全球最大的金融集團.

              Legend n.傳說,傳奇故事;傳奇人物

              Pele,Maradonna and other footballing legends have become household figures.貝利、馬拉多納等足球界傳奇人物早已成為家喻 曉的名字.

              masterpiece n.杰作

              The famous French writer Dumas Sr. once wrote that Dumas Jr. was his masterpiece.法國大文豪大仲馬曾經寫道,他的兒子小仲馬是他的杰作.

              Monopoly n.壟斷,專賣;壟斷商品,專賣商品

              The influence of mass media has made new technical terms no longer the monopoly of the specialist.大眾傳媒的影響已使新的技術術語不再為專家們所壟斷.

              Nominal a.名義上的,有名無實的;很少的,象征性的

              In constitutional monarchy,the king and the queen are only nominal.The country is ruled by the prime minister and the cabinet.在君主立憲制中,國王和王后只是象征性的,國家由首相和內閣統治.

              Opaque a.不透明的,不透光的;難理解的,晦澀的

              Bathroom window panes are usually made of opaque glass.洗澡間的窗玻璃通常是用 不透明的毛玻璃做的.

              Pave vt.鋪,鋪筑

              This agreement is expected to pave the way for a lasting peace between the two countries.人們期待這個協議將為持久和平鋪平兩國之間的道路.

              Plague n.瘟疫,鼠疫;災難,禍患 vt.使痛苦給造成困難

              The incidence of cholera in the camps has reached plague proportions.營中霍亂流行已釀成瘟疫之災.

              Preach vt.宣講,布道;竭力鼓吹,宣傳 vi.布道,說教

              You have faith in him? He is just a triger preaching benevolence.你居然相信他?他就像一只老虎鼓吹仁道一樣.

              Recite vt.背誦,朗誦;列舉,一一說出vi.背誦,朗誦

              Dont encourage him,or he will recite the whole family history.你可別鼓勵他,要不他會把他的家族史和盤托出.

              Reckless a.魯莽的,不考慮后果的

              I never think its advisable for ordinary people to possess guns, they might be reckless under certain conditions.我從來認為普通人擁有槍支是不好的,因為在某些情況下他們會不考慮后果的.

              simultaneous a.同時發生的,同步的,同時存在

              There was a simultaneous broadcast of the concert of the worlds three most renowned tenors on TV and radio.那場音樂會由電視和無線電臺同時播送,這場音樂會有全球最著名的三位男高音歌唱家參加

              Trench n.溝,溝渠

              The soldiers are opening trenches to prepare for yet another,more violent attack from the enemy troops.士兵們正在挖戰壕,準備應對敵軍另一次更猛烈的攻擊.

              Unify vi.使聯合,使統一;使相同,使一致

              In my opinion,Abraham Lincoln was honored mostly in the U.S.because he unified the country.在我看來,美國人尊重林肯,主要是他保持了美國的統一.

              Verge n.邊,邊緣 vi接近,瀕臨

              Dont blame her;she is on the verge of tears.別再責備她了,她都哭了.

              Ward n.病房;區;受監護人

              Lets try to ward off any potential problems.我們還是盡量避免任何可能出現的問題吧.

              Weary a.疲勞的,疲倦的;使人疲勞的,令人厭倦的 vi.厭煩,不耐煩

              Weary of his prototyped roles in the motion picture, Ricky Martin decided to try something different.厭倦了在影片中的固定的角色,瑞奇.馬丁決心另辟蹊徑.


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