英語六級詞匯解析 Lesson 44

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            英語六級詞匯解析 Lesson 44

              artery n.動脈,要道

              The railway system is regarded as the artery of our country.鐵路系統被視為我國的大動脈.

              ascertain vt.弄清,查明;確定

              Biologists have ascertained that specialized cells convert chemical energy into mechanical energy.生物學家已經確定有專門的細胞把化學能轉變成機械能.

              aspiration n.熱望,渴望;志向

              Young Edison had a strong aspiration to be an inventor.年幼的愛迪生就渴望成為一名發明家.

              contention n.論點,爭論,爭辯

              Clumbuss contention that the earth was round turned out to be correct.事實證明哥倫布認為地球是圓的這論點是對的.

              The study of English requires effort and contention of mind.學習英語需要勤奮和精神上的毅力.

              continuity n.連續性,連貫性

              There is no continuity of subject in a dictionary.詞典里沒有一個 連貫的主題.

              conversion n.轉變,變換,改變信仰,轉意歸主

              Information conversions can now be done in computers.現在信息轉換可在電腦中進行.

              cooperative a.合作的;愿意合作的;協力的 n.合作社;合作商店

              The rural credit cooprative is a financial organization.農業信用合作社是金融機構.

              corporate a.團體的;法人組織的,共同的;全體的

              The Chinese-tennis team made a corporate effort to win countess championships.中國乒乓球隊通過集體的共同努力贏得了無數次冠軍.

              dock n.碼頭,船塢 vt.消減,剝奪;扣去的應得工資

              Every month $5 is docked from our salaries for housing -repairing payment.每個月我們的工資中扣 5美元用于修房.

              exempt vt.免除,豁免 a.被豁免的,被免除的

              He is exempt from military service because of his bad sight.他由于視力不好而免服兵役.

              His identity of a foreign official exempted him from the customs duties for these basic necessities.他的外國官員身份使他免繳這些基本必需品的關稅.

              exotic a.異國情調的,外來的,奇異的

              We saw many exotic flowers and plants which we had never seen before at the Kunming International Fair.我們看到許多從未見過的國外花卉和植物在昆明世博會上.

              frantic a.發狂的;狂歡的

              There was a frantic rush to get everything ready for the unexpected inspection from the superiors.出現了一片瘋狂的忙亂為了準備迎接上級的突然檢查.

              fringe n.額前劉海;邊緣,邊界 a.邊緣的;外圍的; a.次要的;附加的 vt.成為的邊緣

              It was easier to move about on the fringe of the crowd.在人群外圍移動比較容易

              interim n.過渡時期;中間時期 a.暫時的;臨時的

              The full report isnt ready yet,but you can see the interim report.正式報告尚未寫好,但你可以先看看這份臨時報告.

              intermittent a.間歇的,斷斷續續的

              Sometimes there are intermittent thunderstorms all day in summer.夏天有時整天有斷斷續續的暴風雨.

              intersection n.十字路口,交叉點

              In Guangzhou City there are many intersections on the roads and streets.廣州市街道的交叉點很多.

              Lubricate vt.使潤滑,加潤滑油

              You should lubricate the moving parts of your car every 5000 kilometers.你應該每5000公里給你的車的活動部位件上油.

              monetary a.貨幣的;金錢的;金融的;財政的

              The monetary system of certain countries used to be based on gold.某些國家的貨幣制度 過去一直是金本位的.

              nurture vt./n.養育,培育,滋養 ;

              Nurture your mind with good reading.以優秀讀物來陶冶你的心智.

              As a teacher,we must murture students talents.作為教師,我們必須培養學生的才能.

              proposition n.主張,建議;陳述;命題

              Pythagorean proposition is a geometry term.勾股定理是一個 幾何術語.

              prospective a.未來的;盼望中的;預期的

              They want to sell their house and already have a prospective buyer.他們想賣房,并且已經有了一位意向性的買主.

              rig n.船具;裝備 vt.用欺騙手段操縱控制; vt.營私舞弊,事先決定

              People doubled whether the presidential election in Florida had been rigged.人們懷疑佛羅里達州的總統選舉有舞弊行為.

              ritual n.典禮,儀式;例行習慣 a.儀式的,典禮的;通常的,習慣的

              Our society has many rituals of greeting, farewell,and celebration.我們的社會有許多關于招呼、告別和慶祝的儀式.

              stern a.嚴厲的,嚴格的 n.船尾

              A father is usually much sterner with his children than a mother is.父親一般比母親對孩子要嚴厲得多.

              stimulus n.刺激物,促進因素;鼓勵

              Light is a stimulus to growth in plants.光是植物生長的促進因素

              strand vi.擱淺 vt.使擱淺,使落后 n.繩,線之一股

              If you were stranded in a strange town without money or friends, what would you do?如果你困在一個陌生的城市,既沒有錢,又沒有朋友, 你會怎么辦?

              stray vi.迷路;離題;想到別處 a.迷了路的,離了群的;意外的;零落的 n.迷失的家畜

              Dont stray from the point.不要離題亂扯.

              The streets were empty except for a few stray taxis.除了偶然可以看到的幾輛出租車外,街上沒有人跡.

              tuck vt.打摺,卷起,塞,使隱藏 vi.摺,裥

              A bird usually tucks its head under its wing when it sleeps.鳥在休息時通常把頭縮進翅膀下.

              tuition n.學費;教誨;教學;講授

              The tuition of higher education in the USA is much higher than that in China.美國高校的學費比中國要高許多.

              upgrade vt.使升級,提升,改良品種 n.上坡;升級,上升

              Israel makes every means to upgrade its military defenses.以色列千方百計地提升 其軍事防務水平.

              visualize vt.形象,形象化,想象

              When you read novels, do you visualize the scene as it is described?你讀小說時是否想象 所描繪的場景呢?


              artery n.動脈,要道

              The railway system is regarded as the artery of our country.鐵路系統被視為我國的大動脈.

              ascertain vt.弄清,查明;確定

              Biologists have ascertained that specialized cells convert chemical energy into mechanical energy.生物學家已經確定有專門的細胞把化學能轉變成機械能.

              aspiration n.熱望,渴望;志向

              Young Edison had a strong aspiration to be an inventor.年幼的愛迪生就渴望成為一名發明家.

              contention n.論點,爭論,爭辯

              Clumbuss contention that the earth was round turned out to be correct.事實證明哥倫布認為地球是圓的這論點是對的.

              The study of English requires effort and contention of mind.學習英語需要勤奮和精神上的毅力.

              continuity n.連續性,連貫性

              There is no continuity of subject in a dictionary.詞典里沒有一個 連貫的主題.

              conversion n.轉變,變換,改變信仰,轉意歸主

              Information conversions can now be done in computers.現在信息轉換可在電腦中進行.

              cooperative a.合作的;愿意合作的;協力的 n.合作社;合作商店

              The rural credit cooprative is a financial organization.農業信用合作社是金融機構.

              corporate a.團體的;法人組織的,共同的;全體的

              The Chinese-tennis team made a corporate effort to win countess championships.中國乒乓球隊通過集體的共同努力贏得了無數次冠軍.

              dock n.碼頭,船塢 vt.消減,剝奪;扣去的應得工資

              Every month $5 is docked from our salaries for housing -repairing payment.每個月我們的工資中扣 5美元用于修房.

              exempt vt.免除,豁免 a.被豁免的,被免除的

              He is exempt from military service because of his bad sight.他由于視力不好而免服兵役.

              His identity of a foreign official exempted him from the customs duties for these basic necessities.他的外國官員身份使他免繳這些基本必需品的關稅.

              exotic a.異國情調的,外來的,奇異的

              We saw many exotic flowers and plants which we had never seen before at the Kunming International Fair.我們看到許多從未見過的國外花卉和植物在昆明世博會上.

              frantic a.發狂的;狂歡的

              There was a frantic rush to get everything ready for the unexpected inspection from the superiors.出現了一片瘋狂的忙亂為了準備迎接上級的突然檢查.

              fringe n.額前劉海;邊緣,邊界 a.邊緣的;外圍的; a.次要的;附加的 vt.成為的邊緣

              It was easier to move about on the fringe of the crowd.在人群外圍移動比較容易

              interim n.過渡時期;中間時期 a.暫時的;臨時的

              The full report isnt ready yet,but you can see the interim report.正式報告尚未寫好,但你可以先看看這份臨時報告.

              intermittent a.間歇的,斷斷續續的

              Sometimes there are intermittent thunderstorms all day in summer.夏天有時整天有斷斷續續的暴風雨.

              intersection n.十字路口,交叉點

              In Guangzhou City there are many intersections on the roads and streets.廣州市街道的交叉點很多.

              Lubricate vt.使潤滑,加潤滑油

              You should lubricate the moving parts of your car every 5000 kilometers.你應該每5000公里給你的車的活動部位件上油.

              monetary a.貨幣的;金錢的;金融的;財政的

              The monetary system of certain countries used to be based on gold.某些國家的貨幣制度 過去一直是金本位的.

              nurture vt./n.養育,培育,滋養 ;

              Nurture your mind with good reading.以優秀讀物來陶冶你的心智.

              As a teacher,we must murture students talents.作為教師,我們必須培養學生的才能.

              proposition n.主張,建議;陳述;命題

              Pythagorean proposition is a geometry term.勾股定理是一個 幾何術語.

              prospective a.未來的;盼望中的;預期的

              They want to sell their house and already have a prospective buyer.他們想賣房,并且已經有了一位意向性的買主.

              rig n.船具;裝備 vt.用欺騙手段操縱控制; vt.營私舞弊,事先決定

              People doubled whether the presidential election in Florida had been rigged.人們懷疑佛羅里達州的總統選舉有舞弊行為.

              ritual n.典禮,儀式;例行習慣 a.儀式的,典禮的;通常的,習慣的

              Our society has many rituals of greeting, farewell,and celebration.我們的社會有許多關于招呼、告別和慶祝的儀式.

              stern a.嚴厲的,嚴格的 n.船尾

              A father is usually much sterner with his children than a mother is.父親一般比母親對孩子要嚴厲得多.

              stimulus n.刺激物,促進因素;鼓勵

              Light is a stimulus to growth in plants.光是植物生長的促進因素

              strand vi.擱淺 vt.使擱淺,使落后 n.繩,線之一股

              If you were stranded in a strange town without money or friends, what would you do?如果你困在一個陌生的城市,既沒有錢,又沒有朋友, 你會怎么辦?

              stray vi.迷路;離題;想到別處 a.迷了路的,離了群的;意外的;零落的 n.迷失的家畜

              Dont stray from the point.不要離題亂扯.

              The streets were empty except for a few stray taxis.除了偶然可以看到的幾輛出租車外,街上沒有人跡.

              tuck vt.打摺,卷起,塞,使隱藏 vi.摺,裥

              A bird usually tucks its head under its wing when it sleeps.鳥在休息時通常把頭縮進翅膀下.

              tuition n.學費;教誨;教學;講授

              The tuition of higher education in the USA is much higher than that in China.美國高校的學費比中國要高許多.

              upgrade vt.使升級,提升,改良品種 n.上坡;升級,上升

              Israel makes every means to upgrade its military defenses.以色列千方百計地提升 其軍事防務水平.

              visualize vt.形象,形象化,想象

              When you read novels, do you visualize the scene as it is described?你讀小說時是否想象 所描繪的場景呢?


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