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              根據《全國大學英語四、六級考試改革方案》, 2006 年 6 月起的六級考試將全面進行改革。就其聽力部分而言,主要變化體現在對話部分由原來的 10 題短對話改為 8 題短對話加 7 題長對話的形式;其次,聽寫部分也做了微調,由原來的 7 個單詞加 3 個句子的考試形式變為 8 個單詞加 3 個句子的形式;最后,題量方面篇章類的題目由原來的段子題和聽寫二選一考察的形式改為兩者皆考的形式。以上三點變化使聽力總題量從原來的 20 題增加到 36 題,分值從原來的 20% 上升到 35% ,時間從原來的 20 分鐘加長至 35 分鐘。   本文根據全國大學英語四、六級考試改革項目組和考試委員會設計的《四級考試新題型試測卷》,就以上四個方面分別談一下其技巧與學習方法,尤其著重突出改革后新增的長對話部分的題型特點與應對策略。   短對話一直以來都是四級考試中最有規律也最易提高的一個部分,這主要是因為對話本身必須兼顧文化背景常識與語言考察點兩個部分,所以考試時既不會出兩人見面問候吃了沒這樣不符合文化背景的題目,也鮮見直接對 yes, no 這樣簡單單詞提問的沒有任何考察難度的題目。正是出于這兩點考慮,加之為了保證考試成績的公正性與平衡性,四級考試的短對話部分產生了一些固有的套路和思維模式。   《樣卷》中所舉 8 題短對話完全取自于以往四級考試真題,由此可見,以往四級短對話的技巧與學習方法依然適用于新四級的考試。根據近年出題思路與喜好偏向,我們不難發現,就考點而言,近年的短對話出題主要集中在以下五個方面:   原因考察 ,如 05 年 6 月第 6 題:   W: Bob said that Seattle is a great place for conferences.   M: He is certainly in the position to make that comment. He has been there so often.   Q: What does the man say about?   本題考察的劃線部分實際為前一句的原因闡述,因此成為考察重點。   建議句型 ,如 05 年 12 月第 1 題:   W: Carol told us on the phone not to worry about her. Her left leg doesnt hurt as much as it did yesterday.   M: Shed better have it examined by a doctor anyway. And Ill call her about it this evening.   Q: What does the man think Carol should do?   本題中男人用 had better 一詞表達了建議的內容,從而使之成為考察重點。   反問句式 ,如 05 年 6 月第 5 題:   W: I just read in the newspaper that Lord of the Rings is this years greatest hit. Why dont we go and see it at the Grand Cinema?   M: Dont you think that cinema is a little out of the way?   Q: What does the man mean?   本題中連續兩個反問句式,前者表達了女人的建議,后者則表達了男人的言外之意,所以反問句式是個多功能的表達方式。   轉折變化 ,如 05 年 12 月第 3 題:   M: Hi, Melissa, hows your project going? Have you thought about going to graduate school? Perhaps you can get into Harvard.   W: Everything is coming along really well. Ive been thinking about graduate school. But Ill talk to my tutor Dr. Garcia first and see what she thinks.   Q: What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?   本題中句子相對比較長,但重點卻非常突出地表現在轉折之后。   場景考察 ,如05年6月第9題:   W: Wow, I do like this campus. All the big trees, the green lawns, and the old buildings with tall columns. Its really beautiful.   M: It sure is. The architecture of these buildings is in the Greek style. It was popular in the 18th century here.   Q: What are the speakers talking about?   場景一直以來就是四級考試的重點所在,只是目前的考題中場景內容描述用詞難度加大而已。   其他考點雖然考察較少,但依然值得注意,畢竟這些是歷年來出題的主要思路與考察內容,其中主要包括:態度考察、細節把握、數字時間、場景地點、人物關系、言外之意、比較表達、近音詞匯、詞組詞匯等。   就考試技巧而言,應該從考點著手,把握聽力關鍵小詞、加強對關鍵句型敏感度、忽略次要信息與混淆內容、積累場景相關詞匯。   就新題型的變化而言,需要特別注意生活中常用的偏難詞匯的把握,因為近年此類難題開始多次出現在聽力考試中,類似 05 年 12 月考察到的 recruit 、 resume 等;其次,句子的加長也是目前考試短對話的必然發展趨勢,因此培養對長句的記憶以及關鍵信息的捕捉,乃至一些必要的記錄方法的養成將成為至圣關鍵;最后,特別值得一提的是,為了加大短對話難度,有一些詞匯已經開始向具體化方向發展,即以一具體代表事物來代替抽象的表達,如: 05 年 6 月第 5 題中出現的 the Lord of the Rings ,引入《指環王》一詞來代替我們所熟悉的電影,后文中也用了 hit 一詞來避免 movie 和 film 的出現,以此混淆考生視聽,以至無法理解對話內容,甚至連對話方向都無法獲悉。試想以 Myth 、 Harry Potter 、 Star Wars 或者 King Kong 來代替考題中的《指環王》應該都無可厚非,但對我們聽力難度的改變卻是不言而喻的。   段子題也一如既往地秉承了以往考試的規律,打造了以議論文、說明文和記敘文三大體裁為基礎的聽力素材。   就考點本身而言,議論文的考點集中在論點、分論點、典型論據以及結論和作者態度方面等;而說明文主要關注說明對象、說明對象各方面的特點等;記敘文則以短小故事類為主,考察事情的起因、經過和結果。   綜合以上特點我們會發現,就考試技巧而言,文章開篇可以說幾乎是個必考的內容,無論是中心論點、說明對象還是事情起因都集中在文章首三句中,因此也使文章開篇異常重要;文末的考察點也相對密集,諸如議論文的結論和作者態度以及記敘文的結果等;至于文中部分一般考察的分論點與說明對象各方面特點都有比較明顯的抽象性,而典型論據則具備典型詞匯的輔助,如 first, main, only, vital, crucial, chief, major, above all, 最高級表達等,而經過部分核心句的表達方式也與經過部分大部分一波三折內容大相徑庭。這些特點都是在做聽力時能輔助我們尋找考點的明顯特點。   就考試發展形勢而言,近年來考題形式以說明文為主導,綜合了各類文章考試特點而形成的綜合式段子成為了我們的考試主流。考察點依然集中在文章開篇 3 句、結尾 3 句以及文章中間典型論據、原因轉折、反復重復之處。   以《樣卷》所給三篇文章為例,第一篇與第三篇的第一題均出自文章首三句中,而三篇文章的最后一題無一例外地都考在了末三句的范圍之內。作為說明文,第一篇文章從現在已著手開發的電動汽車、未來交通狀況以及星際旅行三個方面描述了未來人們行動方式與今天的不同,因此其第二題考察了未來交通狀況這個部分的特點,為三個說明對象特點之一;第二篇的第二題則考察了一個原因考點,即澳大利亞人要將結婚戒指戴在未來妻子中指的原因;第三篇文章涉及劍橋大學各方面特點的說明描述,其第二、三題分別考察了該學校若干特點中的兩個其學院所享有的權力以及其圖書館的特征。由于這些例文均取自往年考試真題,所以有普遍說服力和代表性。類似特點還可參考筆者所寫的《 2005 年 12 月四級聽力考試 Passage 部分解析》一文,由于與歷年考題特征一致,所以此處不再贅述。   長對話作為新出現的考題形式,其實只是完全結合了短對話的考察點與段子題的出題分布而形成的所謂新題。   就其出題分布而言完全類似段子題的排布,一般會有一題整體把握,考察對話主題、對話人物關系或對話地點場景等。之后部分若對話為多話題內容,則選擇其中幾個話題進行考察,這類似于段子題中的說明文特點;若對話內容為單一事件的描述,則關注事件的起因、經過、結果等方面,這又完全雷同于記敘文的考察特點;如果是調研性內容,則考察點往往可能集中到被調研人的觀點、意見、建議等方面,這又完全是我們議論文的考察模式;所以可以說就考點位置而言,會完全類似于我們的段子題,甚至可以比段子題更簡單些,因為對話本身的特征決定了這些內容又往往在文中問答交替處,尤其是問題的回答部分,因為考生可就這個部分引起注意。   當然,就考點本身特點而言,則完全可以模仿短對話中的反問、建議、原因等內容特色來出題,所謂換湯不換藥,只是對話多幾個回合罷了。   以《樣卷》所給的兩篇長對話為例:   Conversation One   W: Hello, Gary. Howre you?   M: Fine! And yourself?   W: Cant complain. Did you have time to look at my proposal?   M: No, not really. Can we go over it now?   W: Sure. Ive been trying to come up with some new production and advertising strategies. First of all, if we want to stay competitive, we need to modernize our factory. New equipment shouldve been installed long ago. //   M: How much will that cost?   W: We have several options ranging from one hundred thousand dollars all the way up to half a million.   M: OK. Well have to discuss these costs with finance. //   W: We should also consider human resources. Ive been talking to personnel as well as our staff at the factory.   M: And whats the picture?   W: Well probably have to hire a couple of engineers to help us modernize the factory. //   M: What about advertising?   W: Marketing has some interesting ideas for television commercials.   M: TV? Isnt that a bit too expensive for us? Whats wrong with advertising in the papers, as usual?   W: Quite frankly, its just not enough anymore. We need to be more aggressive in order to keep ahead of our competitors. //   M: Will we be able to afford all this?   W: Ill look into it , but I think higher costs will be justified. These investments will result in higher profits for our company.   M: Well have to look at the figures more closely. Have finance draw up a budget for these investments.   W: All right. Ill see to it. //   Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.   19.What are the two speakers talking about?   20.What does the woman say about the equipment of their factory?   21.What does the woman suggest about human resources?   22. Why does the woman suggest advertising on TV?   本文已用 // 劃成 5 段,分別對應 1 個話題的 5 個不同方面:設備、價格、人力資源、廣告以及投資,其中第一段中還包括了對話主題。四題中第一題就是明顯的對話整體把握題,考察對話主題,出現在文章第一段中問答處;第二題也在第一段中,考察了 5 個方面中的第一個方面,正因為是 first ,自然也最重要,因此也借用了段子題中典型論據的特點;第三題考察了第 3 段人力資源的問答處,主要考察了短對話中言外之意和建議句型的特點,該問題: Whats the picture? 表示計劃情況如何的意思;第四題也是對第 4 段廣告部分中建議句型的考察。   Conversation Two   W: Sir, youve been using the online catalogue for quite a while , Is there anything I can do to help you?   M: Well, Ive got to write a paper about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s, and Im really struggling. There are hundreds of books, and I just dont know where to begin.   W: Your topic sounds pretty big. Why dont you narrow it down to something likeuh the history of the studios during that time?   M: You know, I was thinking about doing that, but more that 30 books came up when I typed in movie studios.   W: You could cut that down even further by listing the specific years you want. Try adding 1930s or 1940s or maybe Golden Age.   M: Golden Age is a good idea. Let me type that in Hey, look, just 6 books this time. Thats a lot better.   W: Oh another thing you might consider have you tried looking for any magazine or newspaper articles?   M: No, Ive only been searching for books.   W: Well, you can look up magazine articles in the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature. And we do have the Los Angeles. Times available over there. You might go through their indexes to see if theres anything you want.   M: Okay, I think Ill get started with these books and then Ill go over the magazines.   W: If you need any help, Ill be over at the Reference Desk.   M: Great, thanks a lot.   Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.   23. What is the man doing?   24. What does the librarian think of the topic the man is working on ?   25. Where can the man find the relevant magazine articles?


              根據《全國大學英語四、六級考試改革方案》, 2006 年 6 月起的六級考試將全面進行改革。就其聽力部分而言,主要變化體現在對話部分由原來的 10 題短對話改為 8 題短對話加 7 題長對話的形式;其次,聽寫部分也做了微調,由原來的 7 個單詞加 3 個句子的考試形式變為 8 個單詞加 3 個句子的形式;最后,題量方面篇章類的題目由原來的段子題和聽寫二選一考察的形式改為兩者皆考的形式。以上三點變化使聽力總題量從原來的 20 題增加到 36 題,分值從原來的 20% 上升到 35% ,時間從原來的 20 分鐘加長至 35 分鐘。   本文根據全國大學英語四、六級考試改革項目組和考試委員會設計的《四級考試新題型試測卷》,就以上四個方面分別談一下其技巧與學習方法,尤其著重突出改革后新增的長對話部分的題型特點與應對策略。   短對話一直以來都是四級考試中最有規律也最易提高的一個部分,這主要是因為對話本身必須兼顧文化背景常識與語言考察點兩個部分,所以考試時既不會出兩人見面問候吃了沒這樣不符合文化背景的題目,也鮮見直接對 yes, no 這樣簡單單詞提問的沒有任何考察難度的題目。正是出于這兩點考慮,加之為了保證考試成績的公正性與平衡性,四級考試的短對話部分產生了一些固有的套路和思維模式。   《樣卷》中所舉 8 題短對話完全取自于以往四級考試真題,由此可見,以往四級短對話的技巧與學習方法依然適用于新四級的考試。根據近年出題思路與喜好偏向,我們不難發現,就考點而言,近年的短對話出題主要集中在以下五個方面:   原因考察 ,如 05 年 6 月第 6 題:   W: Bob said that Seattle is a great place for conferences.   M: He is certainly in the position to make that comment. He has been there so often.   Q: What does the man say about?   本題考察的劃線部分實際為前一句的原因闡述,因此成為考察重點。   建議句型 ,如 05 年 12 月第 1 題:   W: Carol told us on the phone not to worry about her. Her left leg doesnt hurt as much as it did yesterday.   M: Shed better have it examined by a doctor anyway. And Ill call her about it this evening.   Q: What does the man think Carol should do?   本題中男人用 had better 一詞表達了建議的內容,從而使之成為考察重點。   反問句式 ,如 05 年 6 月第 5 題:   W: I just read in the newspaper that Lord of the Rings is this years greatest hit. Why dont we go and see it at the Grand Cinema?   M: Dont you think that cinema is a little out of the way?   Q: What does the man mean?   本題中連續兩個反問句式,前者表達了女人的建議,后者則表達了男人的言外之意,所以反問句式是個多功能的表達方式。   轉折變化 ,如 05 年 12 月第 3 題:   M: Hi, Melissa, hows your project going? Have you thought about going to graduate school? Perhaps you can get into Harvard.   W: Everything is coming along really well. Ive been thinking about graduate school. But Ill talk to my tutor Dr. Garcia first and see what she thinks.   Q: What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?   本題中句子相對比較長,但重點卻非常突出地表現在轉折之后。   場景考察 ,如05年6月第9題:   W: Wow, I do like this campus. All the big trees, the green lawns, and the old buildings with tall columns. Its really beautiful.   M: It sure is. The architecture of these buildings is in the Greek style. It was popular in the 18th century here.   Q: What are the speakers talking about?   場景一直以來就是四級考試的重點所在,只是目前的考題中場景內容描述用詞難度加大而已。   其他考點雖然考察較少,但依然值得注意,畢竟這些是歷年來出題的主要思路與考察內容,其中主要包括:態度考察、細節把握、數字時間、場景地點、人物關系、言外之意、比較表達、近音詞匯、詞組詞匯等。   就考試技巧而言,應該從考點著手,把握聽力關鍵小詞、加強對關鍵句型敏感度、忽略次要信息與混淆內容、積累場景相關詞匯。   就新題型的變化而言,需要特別注意生活中常用的偏難詞匯的把握,因為近年此類難題開始多次出現在聽力考試中,類似 05 年 12 月考察到的 recruit 、 resume 等;其次,句子的加長也是目前考試短對話的必然發展趨勢,因此培養對長句的記憶以及關鍵信息的捕捉,乃至一些必要的記錄方法的養成將成為至圣關鍵;最后,特別值得一提的是,為了加大短對話難度,有一些詞匯已經開始向具體化方向發展,即以一具體代表事物來代替抽象的表達,如: 05 年 6 月第 5 題中出現的 the Lord of the Rings ,引入《指環王》一詞來代替我們所熟悉的電影,后文中也用了 hit 一詞來避免 movie 和 film 的出現,以此混淆考生視聽,以至無法理解對話內容,甚至連對話方向都無法獲悉。試想以 Myth 、 Harry Potter 、 Star Wars 或者 King Kong 來代替考題中的《指環王》應該都無可厚非,但對我們聽力難度的改變卻是不言而喻的。   段子題也一如既往地秉承了以往考試的規律,打造了以議論文、說明文和記敘文三大體裁為基礎的聽力素材。   就考點本身而言,議論文的考點集中在論點、分論點、典型論據以及結論和作者態度方面等;而說明文主要關注說明對象、說明對象各方面的特點等;記敘文則以短小故事類為主,考察事情的起因、經過和結果。   綜合以上特點我們會發現,就考試技巧而言,文章開篇可以說幾乎是個必考的內容,無論是中心論點、說明對象還是事情起因都集中在文章首三句中,因此也使文章開篇異常重要;文末的考察點也相對密集,諸如議論文的結論和作者態度以及記敘文的結果等;至于文中部分一般考察的分論點與說明對象各方面特點都有比較明顯的抽象性,而典型論據則具備典型詞匯的輔助,如 first, main, only, vital, crucial, chief, major, above all, 最高級表達等,而經過部分核心句的表達方式也與經過部分大部分一波三折內容大相徑庭。這些特點都是在做聽力時能輔助我們尋找考點的明顯特點。   就考試發展形勢而言,近年來考題形式以說明文為主導,綜合了各類文章考試特點而形成的綜合式段子成為了我們的考試主流。考察點依然集中在文章開篇 3 句、結尾 3 句以及文章中間典型論據、原因轉折、反復重復之處。   以《樣卷》所給三篇文章為例,第一篇與第三篇的第一題均出自文章首三句中,而三篇文章的最后一題無一例外地都考在了末三句的范圍之內。作為說明文,第一篇文章從現在已著手開發的電動汽車、未來交通狀況以及星際旅行三個方面描述了未來人們行動方式與今天的不同,因此其第二題考察了未來交通狀況這個部分的特點,為三個說明對象特點之一;第二篇的第二題則考察了一個原因考點,即澳大利亞人要將結婚戒指戴在未來妻子中指的原因;第三篇文章涉及劍橋大學各方面特點的說明描述,其第二、三題分別考察了該學校若干特點中的兩個其學院所享有的權力以及其圖書館的特征。由于這些例文均取自往年考試真題,所以有普遍說服力和代表性。類似特點還可參考筆者所寫的《 2005 年 12 月四級聽力考試 Passage 部分解析》一文,由于與歷年考題特征一致,所以此處不再贅述。   長對話作為新出現的考題形式,其實只是完全結合了短對話的考察點與段子題的出題分布而形成的所謂新題。   就其出題分布而言完全類似段子題的排布,一般會有一題整體把握,考察對話主題、對話人物關系或對話地點場景等。之后部分若對話為多話題內容,則選擇其中幾個話題進行考察,這類似于段子題中的說明文特點;若對話內容為單一事件的描述,則關注事件的起因、經過、結果等方面,這又完全雷同于記敘文的考察特點;如果是調研性內容,則考察點往往可能集中到被調研人的觀點、意見、建議等方面,這又完全是我們議論文的考察模式;所以可以說就考點位置而言,會完全類似于我們的段子題,甚至可以比段子題更簡單些,因為對話本身的特征決定了這些內容又往往在文中問答交替處,尤其是問題的回答部分,因為考生可就這個部分引起注意。   當然,就考點本身特點而言,則完全可以模仿短對話中的反問、建議、原因等內容特色來出題,所謂換湯不換藥,只是對話多幾個回合罷了。   以《樣卷》所給的兩篇長對話為例:   Conversation One   W: Hello, Gary. Howre you?   M: Fine! And yourself?   W: Cant complain. Did you have time to look at my proposal?   M: No, not really. Can we go over it now?   W: Sure. Ive been trying to come up with some new production and advertising strategies. First of all, if we want to stay competitive, we need to modernize our factory. New equipment shouldve been installed long ago. //   M: How much will that cost?   W: We have several options ranging from one hundred thousand dollars all the way up to half a million.   M: OK. Well have to discuss these costs with finance. //   W: We should also consider human resources. Ive been talking to personnel as well as our staff at the factory.   M: And whats the picture?   W: Well probably have to hire a couple of engineers to help us modernize the factory. //   M: What about advertising?   W: Marketing has some interesting ideas for television commercials.   M: TV? Isnt that a bit too expensive for us? Whats wrong with advertising in the papers, as usual?   W: Quite frankly, its just not enough anymore. We need to be more aggressive in order to keep ahead of our competitors. //   M: Will we be able to afford all this?   W: Ill look into it , but I think higher costs will be justified. These investments will result in higher profits for our company.   M: Well have to look at the figures more closely. Have finance draw up a budget for these investments.   W: All right. Ill see to it. //   Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.   19.What are the two speakers talking about?   20.What does the woman say about the equipment of their factory?   21.What does the woman suggest about human resources?   22. Why does the woman suggest advertising on TV?   本文已用 // 劃成 5 段,分別對應 1 個話題的 5 個不同方面:設備、價格、人力資源、廣告以及投資,其中第一段中還包括了對話主題。四題中第一題就是明顯的對話整體把握題,考察對話主題,出現在文章第一段中問答處;第二題也在第一段中,考察了 5 個方面中的第一個方面,正因為是 first ,自然也最重要,因此也借用了段子題中典型論據的特點;第三題考察了第 3 段人力資源的問答處,主要考察了短對話中言外之意和建議句型的特點,該問題: Whats the picture? 表示計劃情況如何的意思;第四題也是對第 4 段廣告部分中建議句型的考察。   Conversation Two   W: Sir, youve been using the online catalogue for quite a while , Is there anything I can do to help you?   M: Well, Ive got to write a paper about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s, and Im really struggling. There are hundreds of books, and I just dont know where to begin.   W: Your topic sounds pretty big. Why dont you narrow it down to something likeuh the history of the studios during that time?   M: You know, I was thinking about doing that, but more that 30 books came up when I typed in movie studios.   W: You could cut that down even further by listing the specific years you want. Try adding 1930s or 1940s or maybe Golden Age.   M: Golden Age is a good idea. Let me type that in Hey, look, just 6 books this time. Thats a lot better.   W: Oh another thing you might consider have you tried looking for any magazine or newspaper articles?   M: No, Ive only been searching for books.   W: Well, you can look up magazine articles in the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature. And we do have the Los Angeles. Times available over there. You might go through their indexes to see if theres anything you want.   M: Okay, I think Ill get started with these books and then Ill go over the magazines.   W: If you need any help, Ill be over at the Reference Desk.   M: Great, thanks a lot.   Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.   23. What is the man doing?   24. What does the librarian think of the topic the man is working on ?   25. Where can the man find the relevant magazine articles?


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