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              A. Study the following graph carefully and write an essay of about 200 words.   B. Your essay should meet the requirements below:   describe the graph and interpret its meaning.   give your comments on this phenomenon.   C. Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.   范文:   Population Control   Nowadays, one of the most serious problems for China is the growth of its population. It is illustrated by the graph that China?s population has reached 1.3 billion. It is also reported that the number will keep increasing in the coming years.   As the problem remains, some consequences may naturally follow. For one thing, the rapid growth of the population has caused great pressure on the supply of food, water, fuel and housing, and has consequently brought about a lot of problems to both the society and the people?s life. For another, the large population has led to widespread unemployment in cities and, as a result, the society is facing much more instability. Finally, the large population has also caused continuing poverty in densely populated areas, and has made it harder for children from poor families to receive education. It is obvious that the rapid growth of population should be controlled by the government.   To solve the problem, both the government and the general public should make greater efforts. The government should do more to implement the family planning policy. The public should be informed about the serious problems caused by large population.   [分析講解]   本文開頭先總述圖表所反映的現象,然后對圖表加以說明。   Useful Expressions:   Nowadays, one of the most serious problems for China is the growth of its population.   It is illustrated by the graph that...   As the problem remains, some consequences may naturally follow.   For one thing,... For another,... Finally,...   the rapid growth of population   to cause great pressure on   has consequently brought about a lot of problems to...   to lead to widespread unemployment in cities and, as a result,...   It is obvious that...   To solve the problem, both the government and the general public should make greater efforts.   Practice 17   Directions:   A. Study the following graph carefully and write an essay of about 200 words.   B. Your essay should meet the requirements below:   describe the graph and interpret its meaning.   give your comments on this phenomenon.   C. Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.   范文:   Traveling on Your Own   Traveling on one?s own is growing more and more popular in China. Instead of joining a travel agency and setting out in a group, many people, especially the young, enjoy traveling on their own. As this graph shows, the number of group travelers and self?travelers are both on the rapid increase. But people traveling on their own see their number increasing much faster than those of group travel. In 1996, there were already some people choosing to travel on their own, but in 2002 that number reached almost 40 million.   Traveling on one?s own has many visible advantages. You can choose your own favorable trip itinerary and work out the travel schedule by yourself. You will be free to decide where you will go and how long you will stay there. Travel expense will be lower because you can save unnecessary spending and choose economical means of transport. You can avoid unwanted shopping trips organized by the travel agency.   Besides these advantages, traveling on your own provides opportunities to chasten your personality and character. During this self?help trip you will test your ability of independence, strengthen your self?protection awareness and improve your decision?making ability. As far as I know, just because of these exercises and practices, many people prefer traveling on their own rather than traveling in a group.   In short, self?travel is a new form of spending holidays which offers people a chance to enjoy the happiness and freedom during the journey. This kind of traveling is not only a test of one?s inclination but also a great challenge to one?s ability.   [分析講解]   本文采用間接開頭法,即先對某種現象進行描述,然后用數字加以說明,并且對兩種形式進行對比。最后引出中心論點。   Useful Expressions:   Traveling on one?s own is growing more and more popular in China.   Traveling on one?s own has many visible advantages.   to choose your own favorable trip itinerary and work out the travel schedule by yourself   Besides these advantages, traveling on one?s own provides opportunities to chasten one?s personality and character.   to test your ability of independence, strengthen your self?protection awareness and improve your decision?making ability   Many people prefer traveling on their own rather than traveling in a group.   In short, ...   This kind of traveling is not only a test of one?s inclination but also a great challenge to one?s abilily.   Practice 18   Directions:   A. Study the following graphs carefully and write an essay of about 200 words.   B. Your essay should meet the requirements below:

              describe the graphs and interpret their meanings.   point out the problem and give your comments.   C. Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.   范文:   Fresh Water Supply   What are the prospects of China?s fresh water supply in the coming decades? Let?s take a look at the figures in the graph. China had just enough fresh water in 2000. But, with population increase and economic development in the coming decades, the gap between demand and supply of fresh water will be widened: roughly a shortage of 30 billion cubic meters in 2010, of 35 billion cubic meters in 2024 and of 150 billion cubic meters by the year of 2030.   What are the causes for the insufficiency of fresh water? Firstly, ecological change, particularly in northwest China, has brought about long spells of drought. And in dry seasons, many people in the drought?stricken areas could barely find drinking water for themselves and their livestock. Secondly, water pollution makes fresh water undrinkable or even poisonous. Thirdly, the growing population consumes more fresh water than ever before.   Facing the increasingly serious shortage of fresh water, both the government and the citizens should take effective measures. The government should establish rules to improve the ecological environment. Factories that drain polluted water into rivers and lakes should be severely punished or fined, and deadline should be set for them to build water purifying facilities. We must economize our use of water, speed up water price reform and establish a fair and sustainable price system. Last but not least, birth control policy should be more strictly pursued, particularly in densely populated areas and rural areas.   [分析講解]   本文開頭以提問的方式引出主題,較有新意。   第二段列舉淡水不足的原因。   文章最后提出政府和民眾應采取有效措施以緩解淡水緊缺的問題。   Useful Expressions:   What are the prospects of China?s fresh water supply in the coming decades?   the insufficiency of fresh water   the drought?stricken areas   to take effective measures   to improve the ecological environment   to drain polluted water into rivers   to build water purifying facilities   to economize use of fresh water, speed up water price reform and establish a fair and sustainable price system   Practice 19   Directions:   A. Study the following graph carefully and write an essay of about 200 words.   B. Your essay should meet the requirements below:   describe the graph and interpret its meaning.   point out the problem and give your comments.   C. Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.   范文:   This graph shows the changes of the number of households with personal computers in China from 1990 to 2000. As can be seen from the graph, an increasing number of households own personal computers. In 1990, only two families in every one thousand possessed a personal computer. But, in 1995, about 5% of all the families in China have PCs, which is twenty?five times the number of that in 1990. And starting from 1995, there was a steady increase in the number of personal computers and it reached its height by the end of 2000, with 20% of the families owning personal computers.   The growth of PCs in Chinese households is probably due to the following reasons. The first is that more and more parents buy computers for their children in order to create a good studying condition. Parents are obliged to buy a computer for their children, because schools, be it primary or middle schools, offer computer lessons. The second is that some people use computer as a means of communication. They use it, via the Internet, to get information about the outside world and to communicate with friends and colleagues. The third is that more and more people, especially the young, have realized the importance of computer in their life, so they install personal computers in their home.   This is an information age. To study, we need a computer; to communicate, we need a computer; to know the world, we need a computer. A computer has bridged us with the whole world.   [分析講解]   本文的開頭先歸納圖表的意思,然后對一些典型數字加以說明。也是圖表作文的一種常見方式。   Useful Expressions:   This graph shows...   The first is...The second is...The third is...   be it primary or middle schools   This is an information age.   Practice 20   Directions:   A. Study the following graph carefully and write an essay in about 200 words.   B. Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:   interpret the following graph.   possible reasons for the phenomenon.   your comments.   C. Your essay must be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.   范文:   Chinese Society Will Be Getting More and More Aged   From the figures shown in the graph we can come to the conclusion that the increase of the percentage of the aged is becoming greater and greater. Those at the age of 65 and over made up about 5.5% of the population in 1991 and in 2000 the figure amounted to 7%, and in 2037 it will reach 28%. China now ranks and will still rank the first in the world in the number of the aged.

              There may be more than one factor that contributes to this trend. First of all, with China?s family planning policy, the birth rate has dramatically dropped, which results in a low proportion of youngsters. Secondly, medical care in China has been considerably improved which reduced the mortality rate at birth and increased average life expectancy. Furthermore, by 2010 those who were born in the birth peak years of the 1950s and 1960s will enter their old age, thus accelerating the trend.   In short, China is moving toward an aged nation. If we do not take measures to control the population, some social problems may consequently follow. So the fact that Chinese society is getting more and more aged should arouse people?s attention.   [分析講解]   開始段先由圖表得出結論: the increase of the percentage of the aged is becoming greater and greater,然后描述圖表加以論證。   中間段通過列舉法,分析中國社會老齡化的原因。   結束段對全文進行總結。   Useful Expressions:   come to the conclusion that   make up   amount to   family planning policy   result in   arouse sb.?s attention   Practice 21   Directions:   A. Study the following graph carefully and write an essay in about 200 words.   B. Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:   interpret the following graphs.   possible reasons for the phenomenon.   your comments.   C. Your essay must be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.   范文:   Nowadays, there is a tendency that more Chinese females, especially in some big cities, are choosing the single life. Just as the graphs depict in Beijing, there were more than 1 million singles on record in 2002, up from 200,000 in 1990. Meanwhile, in Shanghai, the number of new couples registering went from 120,000 in 1990, to below 100,000 in 2002.   The growing number of single women in the big cities lies in the following reasons. For one thing, the rapid social development poses both greater challenges and greater opportunities for females. For fear of missing out on career opportunities, many women choose the single life. For another, Chinese women are becoming more aware of a sense of freedom and independence. Some even have greater professional skills, ability, knowledge, or wealth than men. Besides, many men feel threatened by a highly?educated woman and hesitated to marry such a lady.   Being one of the highly?educated women, I strongly call for the equality to both the male and the female. On the one hand, women should respect and understand men, no matter at home or at work; on the other hand, men should get rid of the traditional concept that males shouldn?t marry a female who is more capable than they are. In a word, both men and women should re?estimate their respective role in forming a family.   [分析講解]   開始段先采用間接法指明大城市中單身女子越來越多的現象具有普遍性,然后描述圖表。   中間段分析產生這一普遍現象的原因。   結束段提出自己的看法: 未婚男女都應重新審視各自在家庭中扮演的角色。   Useful Expressions:   Nowadays, there is a tendency that more Chinese females, especially in some big cities, are choosing the single life.   Just as the graphs depict in Beijing,...Meanwhile, in Shanghai,...   There were more than 1 million singles on record in 2002, up from 200,000 in 1990.   The number of new couples registering went from 120,000 in 1990, to below 100,000 in 2002.   The growing number of single women in the big cities lies in the following reasons.   The rapid social development poses both greater challenges and greater opportunities for females.   for fear of missing out on career opportunities   are becoming more aware of a sense of freedom and independence   Many men feel threatened by a highly?educated woman.   Being one of the highly?educated women, I strongly call for...   On the one hand, women...; on the other hand,...   In a word, both men and women should re?estimate their respective role in forming a family.

              Practice 22   Directions:   A. Study the following graph carefully and write an essay in about 200 words.   B. Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:   interpret the following graph.   possible reasons for the phenomenon.   your comments.   C. Your essay must be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.   范文:   China?s Divorce Rate   In recent years, China has experienced a dramatic increase in divorce rate. As is shown in the chart, during the last decade, the divorce rate has increased by as much as it had in the previous thirty years. For instance, about 9% of people got divorced in 1996, compared with 3% in 1976.   There may be several possible reasons for the increasing divorce rate in Chinese society. First of all, with the improvement of living standard, young people put a higher demand on marriage. They want to have much in common with their life?long companions. Once they find their passion is over, their marriage is over. Of course, this is an irresponsible attitude toward marriage. Second, legal changes have simplified divorce procedures, and removed barriers to divorce. More and more people, both young and old, are now benefiting from, or even taking the advantage of the new law which for the first time allows a couple to get divorced merely for the absence of love. In addition, the change in personal economic status also facilitates divorce.   Whatever changes lead to the increase of divorce rate in China, the fact and the statistics reflect the change in people?s traditional view of marriage and family life.   [分析講解]   開始段采用先得出結論點明中心論點,然后再描述圖表的方式。也可反過來,即先描述圖表,再得出結論。   中間段通過列舉法解釋離婚率上升的原因。   結束段是對全文的總結。也可提出建議,如怎樣對待婚姻中的問題。   Useful Expressions:   a dramatic increase in   As is shown in the chart that...   compare with   First of all,...   with the improvement of   living standard   put a higher demand on   have much in common   benefit from   take the advantage of   for the absence of love


              A. Study the following graph carefully and write an essay of about 200 words.   B. Your essay should meet the requirements below:   describe the graph and interpret its meaning.   give your comments on this phenomenon.   C. Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.   范文:   Population Control   Nowadays, one of the most serious problems for China is the growth of its population. It is illustrated by the graph that China?s population has reached 1.3 billion. It is also reported that the number will keep increasing in the coming years.   As the problem remains, some consequences may naturally follow. For one thing, the rapid growth of the population has caused great pressure on the supply of food, water, fuel and housing, and has consequently brought about a lot of problems to both the society and the people?s life. For another, the large population has led to widespread unemployment in cities and, as a result, the society is facing much more instability. Finally, the large population has also caused continuing poverty in densely populated areas, and has made it harder for children from poor families to receive education. It is obvious that the rapid growth of population should be controlled by the government.   To solve the problem, both the government and the general public should make greater efforts. The government should do more to implement the family planning policy. The public should be informed about the serious problems caused by large population.   [分析講解]   本文開頭先總述圖表所反映的現象,然后對圖表加以說明。   Useful Expressions:   Nowadays, one of the most serious problems for China is the growth of its population.   It is illustrated by the graph that...   As the problem remains, some consequences may naturally follow.   For one thing,... For another,... Finally,...   the rapid growth of population   to cause great pressure on   has consequently brought about a lot of problems to...   to lead to widespread unemployment in cities and, as a result,...   It is obvious that...   To solve the problem, both the government and the general public should make greater efforts.   Practice 17   Directions:   A. Study the following graph carefully and write an essay of about 200 words.   B. Your essay should meet the requirements below:   describe the graph and interpret its meaning.   give your comments on this phenomenon.   C. Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.   范文:   Traveling on Your Own   Traveling on one?s own is growing more and more popular in China. Instead of joining a travel agency and setting out in a group, many people, especially the young, enjoy traveling on their own. As this graph shows, the number of group travelers and self?travelers are both on the rapid increase. But people traveling on their own see their number increasing much faster than those of group travel. In 1996, there were already some people choosing to travel on their own, but in 2002 that number reached almost 40 million.   Traveling on one?s own has many visible advantages. You can choose your own favorable trip itinerary and work out the travel schedule by yourself. You will be free to decide where you will go and how long you will stay there. Travel expense will be lower because you can save unnecessary spending and choose economical means of transport. You can avoid unwanted shopping trips organized by the travel agency.   Besides these advantages, traveling on your own provides opportunities to chasten your personality and character. During this self?help trip you will test your ability of independence, strengthen your self?protection awareness and improve your decision?making ability. As far as I know, just because of these exercises and practices, many people prefer traveling on their own rather than traveling in a group.   In short, self?travel is a new form of spending holidays which offers people a chance to enjoy the happiness and freedom during the journey. This kind of traveling is not only a test of one?s inclination but also a great challenge to one?s ability.   [分析講解]   本文采用間接開頭法,即先對某種現象進行描述,然后用數字加以說明,并且對兩種形式進行對比。最后引出中心論點。   Useful Expressions:   Traveling on one?s own is growing more and more popular in China.   Traveling on one?s own has many visible advantages.   to choose your own favorable trip itinerary and work out the travel schedule by yourself   Besides these advantages, traveling on one?s own provides opportunities to chasten one?s personality and character.   to test your ability of independence, strengthen your self?protection awareness and improve your decision?making ability   Many people prefer traveling on their own rather than traveling in a group.   In short, ...   This kind of traveling is not only a test of one?s inclination but also a great challenge to one?s abilily.   Practice 18   Directions:   A. Study the following graphs carefully and write an essay of about 200 words.   B. Your essay should meet the requirements below:

              describe the graphs and interpret their meanings.   point out the problem and give your comments.   C. Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.   范文:   Fresh Water Supply   What are the prospects of China?s fresh water supply in the coming decades? Let?s take a look at the figures in the graph. China had just enough fresh water in 2000. But, with population increase and economic development in the coming decades, the gap between demand and supply of fresh water will be widened: roughly a shortage of 30 billion cubic meters in 2010, of 35 billion cubic meters in 2024 and of 150 billion cubic meters by the year of 2030.   What are the causes for the insufficiency of fresh water? Firstly, ecological change, particularly in northwest China, has brought about long spells of drought. And in dry seasons, many people in the drought?stricken areas could barely find drinking water for themselves and their livestock. Secondly, water pollution makes fresh water undrinkable or even poisonous. Thirdly, the growing population consumes more fresh water than ever before.   Facing the increasingly serious shortage of fresh water, both the government and the citizens should take effective measures. The government should establish rules to improve the ecological environment. Factories that drain polluted water into rivers and lakes should be severely punished or fined, and deadline should be set for them to build water purifying facilities. We must economize our use of water, speed up water price reform and establish a fair and sustainable price system. Last but not least, birth control policy should be more strictly pursued, particularly in densely populated areas and rural areas.   [分析講解]   本文開頭以提問的方式引出主題,較有新意。   第二段列舉淡水不足的原因。   文章最后提出政府和民眾應采取有效措施以緩解淡水緊缺的問題。   Useful Expressions:   What are the prospects of China?s fresh water supply in the coming decades?   the insufficiency of fresh water   the drought?stricken areas   to take effective measures   to improve the ecological environment   to drain polluted water into rivers   to build water purifying facilities   to economize use of fresh water, speed up water price reform and establish a fair and sustainable price system   Practice 19   Directions:   A. Study the following graph carefully and write an essay of about 200 words.   B. Your essay should meet the requirements below:   describe the graph and interpret its meaning.   point out the problem and give your comments.   C. Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.   范文:   This graph shows the changes of the number of households with personal computers in China from 1990 to 2000. As can be seen from the graph, an increasing number of households own personal computers. In 1990, only two families in every one thousand possessed a personal computer. But, in 1995, about 5% of all the families in China have PCs, which is twenty?five times the number of that in 1990. And starting from 1995, there was a steady increase in the number of personal computers and it reached its height by the end of 2000, with 20% of the families owning personal computers.   The growth of PCs in Chinese households is probably due to the following reasons. The first is that more and more parents buy computers for their children in order to create a good studying condition. Parents are obliged to buy a computer for their children, because schools, be it primary or middle schools, offer computer lessons. The second is that some people use computer as a means of communication. They use it, via the Internet, to get information about the outside world and to communicate with friends and colleagues. The third is that more and more people, especially the young, have realized the importance of computer in their life, so they install personal computers in their home.   This is an information age. To study, we need a computer; to communicate, we need a computer; to know the world, we need a computer. A computer has bridged us with the whole world.   [分析講解]   本文的開頭先歸納圖表的意思,然后對一些典型數字加以說明。也是圖表作文的一種常見方式。   Useful Expressions:   This graph shows...   The first is...The second is...The third is...   be it primary or middle schools   This is an information age.   Practice 20   Directions:   A. Study the following graph carefully and write an essay in about 200 words.   B. Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:   interpret the following graph.   possible reasons for the phenomenon.   your comments.   C. Your essay must be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.   范文:   Chinese Society Will Be Getting More and More Aged   From the figures shown in the graph we can come to the conclusion that the increase of the percentage of the aged is becoming greater and greater. Those at the age of 65 and over made up about 5.5% of the population in 1991 and in 2000 the figure amounted to 7%, and in 2037 it will reach 28%. China now ranks and will still rank the first in the world in the number of the aged.

              There may be more than one factor that contributes to this trend. First of all, with China?s family planning policy, the birth rate has dramatically dropped, which results in a low proportion of youngsters. Secondly, medical care in China has been considerably improved which reduced the mortality rate at birth and increased average life expectancy. Furthermore, by 2010 those who were born in the birth peak years of the 1950s and 1960s will enter their old age, thus accelerating the trend.   In short, China is moving toward an aged nation. If we do not take measures to control the population, some social problems may consequently follow. So the fact that Chinese society is getting more and more aged should arouse people?s attention.   [分析講解]   開始段先由圖表得出結論: the increase of the percentage of the aged is becoming greater and greater,然后描述圖表加以論證。   中間段通過列舉法,分析中國社會老齡化的原因。   結束段對全文進行總結。   Useful Expressions:   come to the conclusion that   make up   amount to   family planning policy   result in   arouse sb.?s attention   Practice 21   Directions:   A. Study the following graph carefully and write an essay in about 200 words.   B. Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:   interpret the following graphs.   possible reasons for the phenomenon.   your comments.   C. Your essay must be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.   范文:   Nowadays, there is a tendency that more Chinese females, especially in some big cities, are choosing the single life. Just as the graphs depict in Beijing, there were more than 1 million singles on record in 2002, up from 200,000 in 1990. Meanwhile, in Shanghai, the number of new couples registering went from 120,000 in 1990, to below 100,000 in 2002.   The growing number of single women in the big cities lies in the following reasons. For one thing, the rapid social development poses both greater challenges and greater opportunities for females. For fear of missing out on career opportunities, many women choose the single life. For another, Chinese women are becoming more aware of a sense of freedom and independence. Some even have greater professional skills, ability, knowledge, or wealth than men. Besides, many men feel threatened by a highly?educated woman and hesitated to marry such a lady.   Being one of the highly?educated women, I strongly call for the equality to both the male and the female. On the one hand, women should respect and understand men, no matter at home or at work; on the other hand, men should get rid of the traditional concept that males shouldn?t marry a female who is more capable than they are. In a word, both men and women should re?estimate their respective role in forming a family.   [分析講解]   開始段先采用間接法指明大城市中單身女子越來越多的現象具有普遍性,然后描述圖表。   中間段分析產生這一普遍現象的原因。   結束段提出自己的看法: 未婚男女都應重新審視各自在家庭中扮演的角色。   Useful Expressions:   Nowadays, there is a tendency that more Chinese females, especially in some big cities, are choosing the single life.   Just as the graphs depict in Beijing,...Meanwhile, in Shanghai,...   There were more than 1 million singles on record in 2002, up from 200,000 in 1990.   The number of new couples registering went from 120,000 in 1990, to below 100,000 in 2002.   The growing number of single women in the big cities lies in the following reasons.   The rapid social development poses both greater challenges and greater opportunities for females.   for fear of missing out on career opportunities   are becoming more aware of a sense of freedom and independence   Many men feel threatened by a highly?educated woman.   Being one of the highly?educated women, I strongly call for...   On the one hand, women...; on the other hand,...   In a word, both men and women should re?estimate their respective role in forming a family.

              Practice 22   Directions:   A. Study the following graph carefully and write an essay in about 200 words.   B. Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:   interpret the following graph.   possible reasons for the phenomenon.   your comments.   C. Your essay must be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.   范文:   China?s Divorce Rate   In recent years, China has experienced a dramatic increase in divorce rate. As is shown in the chart, during the last decade, the divorce rate has increased by as much as it had in the previous thirty years. For instance, about 9% of people got divorced in 1996, compared with 3% in 1976.   There may be several possible reasons for the increasing divorce rate in Chinese society. First of all, with the improvement of living standard, young people put a higher demand on marriage. They want to have much in common with their life?long companions. Once they find their passion is over, their marriage is over. Of course, this is an irresponsible attitude toward marriage. Second, legal changes have simplified divorce procedures, and removed barriers to divorce. More and more people, both young and old, are now benefiting from, or even taking the advantage of the new law which for the first time allows a couple to get divorced merely for the absence of love. In addition, the change in personal economic status also facilitates divorce.   Whatever changes lead to the increase of divorce rate in China, the fact and the statistics reflect the change in people?s traditional view of marriage and family life.   [分析講解]   開始段采用先得出結論點明中心論點,然后再描述圖表的方式。也可反過來,即先描述圖表,再得出結論。   中間段通過列舉法解釋離婚率上升的原因。   結束段是對全文的總結。也可提出建議,如怎樣對待婚姻中的問題。   Useful Expressions:   a dramatic increase in   As is shown in the chart that...   compare with   First of all,...   with the improvement of   living standard   put a higher demand on   have much in common   benefit from   take the advantage of   for the absence of love


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