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            .h1 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 22pt; MARGIN: 17pt 0cm 16.5pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 240%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify}.h2 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 16pt; MARGIN: 13pt 0cm; LINE-HEIGHT: 173%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify}.h3 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 16pt; MARGIN: 13pt 0cm; LINE-HEIGHT: 173%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify}

              真題回放Part 1:

              第一部分還是如常規首先詢問個人信息做confirmation,除了必考話題work study, hometown, hobby spare time, 本次還有一些高頻話題:major, transportation tool , news, holidays,clothes and so on.

              Eg: -Do you work or study? -What is your major? Do you like it? Why? Plan after graduation? -What do you do on weekends? -Is it important to have weekends off? Why / Why not? - Are two days enough for your weekend? Is it important for you to watch updated news? Why? - What kind of news do teenagers like watching? -When do you think is safer to ride bicycles?

              烤鴨們需對于以上必考及高頻話題予以充分準備。在近一兩個月出現并將繼續出現的高頻話題補充如下,可作為備考重點:shopping, TV program, music , vegetable fruit, transportation tool , reading, swimming, ad on TV, writing,photography,neighborhood. 考生在備考時需逐一進行演練,整理搜集會發現題目幾乎就集中在幾個方面,萬變不離其宗。隨后就是對高頻考題進行構思準備了,請口語能力一般的考生務必準備,不可忽略。只有提前準備才能在考試中少犯錯。這部分建議大家每個問題提供3-5句切題的答案,好的答案包含不止一方面的信息:What, Who, When, Where, Why, How,這六個方面通常是我們構思一個好答案的切入口,從這些方面進行Brainstorming(頭腦風暴)肯定不會無話可講,適當擴充了答案,而且加入親身經歷會使答案與眾不同吸引考官,答案一定不能千篇一律,準備的時候要注意個性化!請大家在第一部分充分準備提供夠雅思的答案來給考官留下一個深刻的好印象。

              真題回放Part 2:

              People: A competition related to a person, A famous person, An important conversation, An intelligent / wise person, childhood friend, A good Advice.

              Object: family photo, A book or story you enjoyed reading, A car/vehicle that you want to have, A special gift, Flower.

              Place: A city you want to go, A country you want to go, A place near the water that you always visited, A small shop, Hometown, A place which has been polluted, Restaurant.

              Event: A happy event in your childhood, A successful activity you do in an organization in the college or in the work, An interesting childhood event, Current happy things, Party, Shopping experience,an educational trip you take in your school or univercity

              Others: A course you would like to learn when you have time, A new thing you want to learn in the future, A leisure activity you would like to start, A science lesson, An article from magazine, An ideal Job, An important plan you want to do in the future, Last job that you did very quickly, Movie, Perfect/ideal climate , Song, Sports, Swimming, TV programme, a car or motorbike that you have or would like to have in the future.

              點評:這次part2的考題中,四大topic比例相當,在08年最in 話題排行榜第一的是地點題,而在今年的九十月份來看物品題比例較高。這也是今年雅思口語的一個總體趨勢,大家在備考中四大話題都應充分準備。Part2一直以來都是中國考生的薄弱環節,其主要原因是大部分學生平時缺乏針對性的描述訓練,拿到這樣的話題往往無所適從,或只言片語便無法繼續下去,論述邏輯不清晰。下面我以本次地點題中的restaurant為例講解part 2的答題思路。

              Describe the reataurant that you like best.

              You should say :

              what the name of the restaurant is.

              Where it is.

              why you like it.

              And explain why it is speacial.

              Step1: outline

              Step2: speaking


              T: topic sentence. 一句話直接切入入主題。最簡單topic sentence陳述方式是復述題目,如此題Describe the reataurant that you like best,那么主題句即可為 I enjoyed visiting a restaurant called

              S: supporting ideas. 根據上述outline中的關鍵詞依次擴展。但需注意的是supporting ideas中也有主次之分,考生們應把論述重點放在主觀描述,即為什么你喜歡這個酒店,這個酒店特別在哪。這也是回答不熟悉話題時的一個技巧。建議給出兩到三點支持理由,觀點之間必有過渡詞連接顯示邏輯性,如:firstly, I like it because the atmosphere appeals to me greatly. Most people who go there are locals. They live alone and dont want to bother to cook for themselves, so they go to this restaurant. They used to be shy and keep quiet while eating. The reataurant owner decided to give them a daily topic to exchange opinions about. As a result, people dont feel lonely any more. Besides, what makes the restaurant special is that people can make a lot of friends among their neighbors, unlike most Chinese restautants. What is also worth noticing is that(finally,lastly,thirdly) on Fridays, smokers are seperated from non-smokers. You will not be annoyed by the smoke hovering around you while enjoying your meal. More often than not, I go there as a reward for myself after a weeks hard work.

              C: conclusion. 簡單總結,使論述更加完整。如 The reataurant is always held a special place in my heart.

              總結:part2實際上就是一到兩分鐘的口頭作文。所以論述框架必須十分清晰, 按TSC的模式展開,使論述更加嚴密完整才是高分的保證。 此外語言方面要避免書面化,使用過于復雜句式和生僻詞匯只會暴露你提前準備過,官方嚴格規定背誦答案不滿6分。充分進行準備,進行話題覆蓋,練習話題套用。

              Part 3部分實考回顧:

              We had a conversation about transportation system:

              - Is it important to have a good transportation system in a country?

              - What benefits does it bring to a countrys economy?

              - Does it have effects on social life and community?

              - Does it affect the way people work?

              - Do you think its necessary to accept others advice ?

               Do you think we should accept advice from old person?

              - In your community,how do you often seek advice ?

              雖然理論上該部分的問題由第二部分的描述內容派生而來,但這些問題靈活性大且有深度,考生需搜集近期考題逐個鍛煉口語思維,積累常用examples and details,才能在實考時從容不迫。


            .h1 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 22pt; MARGIN: 17pt 0cm 16.5pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 240%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify}.h2 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 16pt; MARGIN: 13pt 0cm; LINE-HEIGHT: 173%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify}.h3 { FONT-WEIGHT: bold; TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; FONT-SIZE: 16pt; MARGIN: 13pt 0cm; LINE-HEIGHT: 173%; TEXT-ALIGN: justify}

              真題回放Part 1:

              第一部分還是如常規首先詢問個人信息做confirmation,除了必考話題work study, hometown, hobby spare time, 本次還有一些高頻話題:major, transportation tool , news, holidays,clothes and so on.

              Eg: -Do you work or study? -What is your major? Do you like it? Why? Plan after graduation? -What do you do on weekends? -Is it important to have weekends off? Why / Why not? - Are two days enough for your weekend? Is it important for you to watch updated news? Why? - What kind of news do teenagers like watching? -When do you think is safer to ride bicycles?

              烤鴨們需對于以上必考及高頻話題予以充分準備。在近一兩個月出現并將繼續出現的高頻話題補充如下,可作為備考重點:shopping, TV program, music , vegetable fruit, transportation tool , reading, swimming, ad on TV, writing,photography,neighborhood. 考生在備考時需逐一進行演練,整理搜集會發現題目幾乎就集中在幾個方面,萬變不離其宗。隨后就是對高頻考題進行構思準備了,請口語能力一般的考生務必準備,不可忽略。只有提前準備才能在考試中少犯錯。這部分建議大家每個問題提供3-5句切題的答案,好的答案包含不止一方面的信息:What, Who, When, Where, Why, How,這六個方面通常是我們構思一個好答案的切入口,從這些方面進行Brainstorming(頭腦風暴)肯定不會無話可講,適當擴充了答案,而且加入親身經歷會使答案與眾不同吸引考官,答案一定不能千篇一律,準備的時候要注意個性化!請大家在第一部分充分準備提供夠雅思的答案來給考官留下一個深刻的好印象。

              真題回放Part 2:

              People: A competition related to a person, A famous person, An important conversation, An intelligent / wise person, childhood friend, A good Advice.

              Object: family photo, A book or story you enjoyed reading, A car/vehicle that you want to have, A special gift, Flower.

              Place: A city you want to go, A country you want to go, A place near the water that you always visited, A small shop, Hometown, A place which has been polluted, Restaurant.

              Event: A happy event in your childhood, A successful activity you do in an organization in the college or in the work, An interesting childhood event, Current happy things, Party, Shopping experience,an educational trip you take in your school or univercity

              Others: A course you would like to learn when you have time, A new thing you want to learn in the future, A leisure activity you would like to start, A science lesson, An article from magazine, An ideal Job, An important plan you want to do in the future, Last job that you did very quickly, Movie, Perfect/ideal climate , Song, Sports, Swimming, TV programme, a car or motorbike that you have or would like to have in the future.

              點評:這次part2的考題中,四大topic比例相當,在08年最in 話題排行榜第一的是地點題,而在今年的九十月份來看物品題比例較高。這也是今年雅思口語的一個總體趨勢,大家在備考中四大話題都應充分準備。Part2一直以來都是中國考生的薄弱環節,其主要原因是大部分學生平時缺乏針對性的描述訓練,拿到這樣的話題往往無所適從,或只言片語便無法繼續下去,論述邏輯不清晰。下面我以本次地點題中的restaurant為例講解part 2的答題思路。

              Describe the reataurant that you like best.

              You should say :

              what the name of the restaurant is.

              Where it is.

              why you like it.

              And explain why it is speacial.

              Step1: outline

              Step2: speaking


              T: topic sentence. 一句話直接切入入主題。最簡單topic sentence陳述方式是復述題目,如此題Describe the reataurant that you like best,那么主題句即可為 I enjoyed visiting a restaurant called

              S: supporting ideas. 根據上述outline中的關鍵詞依次擴展。但需注意的是supporting ideas中也有主次之分,考生們應把論述重點放在主觀描述,即為什么你喜歡這個酒店,這個酒店特別在哪。這也是回答不熟悉話題時的一個技巧。建議給出兩到三點支持理由,觀點之間必有過渡詞連接顯示邏輯性,如:firstly, I like it because the atmosphere appeals to me greatly. Most people who go there are locals. They live alone and dont want to bother to cook for themselves, so they go to this restaurant. They used to be shy and keep quiet while eating. The reataurant owner decided to give them a daily topic to exchange opinions about. As a result, people dont feel lonely any more. Besides, what makes the restaurant special is that people can make a lot of friends among their neighbors, unlike most Chinese restautants. What is also worth noticing is that(finally,lastly,thirdly) on Fridays, smokers are seperated from non-smokers. You will not be annoyed by the smoke hovering around you while enjoying your meal. More often than not, I go there as a reward for myself after a weeks hard work.

              C: conclusion. 簡單總結,使論述更加完整。如 The reataurant is always held a special place in my heart.

              總結:part2實際上就是一到兩分鐘的口頭作文。所以論述框架必須十分清晰, 按TSC的模式展開,使論述更加嚴密完整才是高分的保證。 此外語言方面要避免書面化,使用過于復雜句式和生僻詞匯只會暴露你提前準備過,官方嚴格規定背誦答案不滿6分。充分進行準備,進行話題覆蓋,練習話題套用。

              Part 3部分實考回顧:

              We had a conversation about transportation system:

              - Is it important to have a good transportation system in a country?

              - What benefits does it bring to a countrys economy?

              - Does it have effects on social life and community?

              - Does it affect the way people work?

              - Do you think its necessary to accept others advice ?

               Do you think we should accept advice from old person?

              - In your community,how do you often seek advice ?

              雖然理論上該部分的問題由第二部分的描述內容派生而來,但這些問題靈活性大且有深度,考生需搜集近期考題逐個鍛煉口語思維,積累常用examples and details,才能在實考時從容不迫。


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