Sat Oct 25, 4:30 PM ET CAIRO (Reuters) - A Egyptian mummy, which is probably pharaoh Ramses I who ruled Egypt more than 3,000 years ago, returned home on Saturday from a U.S. museum after a journey that began with a 19th century grave robbery.
路透社-開羅:東部時間10月25號星期六下午4:30報道 一具被認為有可能是法老的木乃伊,星期六從一個美國博物館運回到了埃及。據說這具木乃伊的原身乃是統治了埃及3000多年的法老拉姆西斯二世,它在19世紀一場盜墓中被擄掠了去。
The body, which like that of other ancient Egyptian rulers would originally have been laid in a decorated tomb, was flown into Cairo airport carefully packed in a plain wooden crate.
Witnesses said the box was taken off the plane draped in an Egyptian flag. Zahi Hawass, secretary-general of Egypt's Supreme Council for Antiquities, accompanied the mummy on the flightThe Michael C. Carlos Museum in the U.S. city of Atlanta acquired the mummy in 1999 but offered to return it after studies by Egyptologists helped by hi-tech scanning equipment indicated it was probably Ramses I, the museum Web site said.
目擊者稱箱子在埃及國旗的掩護下被抬下了飛機。而埃及古遺物高級委員會秘書長Zahi Hawass陪伴著整個行程。美國亞特蘭大市Michael C. Carlos博物館1999年得到此具木乃伊,但在埃古物學家幫助下用高科技掃描研究證實是拉姆西斯一世后答應歸還埃及,該博物館網站報道說。
Ramses I was originally a military commander and is thought to have become a pharaoh around 1290 B.C. He ruled for just two years but founded Egypt's 19th dynasty, which included Ramses II, who was on the throne for several decades.
The mummy -- which bears striking facial resemblances to Seti I and Ramses II, Ramses I's immediate successors -- was acquired by the U.S. museum from a museum at Niagara Falls on the U.S.-Canadian border, the Carlos Museum Web site said.
面部和Seti I、拉拇西斯二世有著驚人相似的拉姆西斯一世尸體,在美國和加拿大國界上的尼亞加拉瀑布博物館之后落到了美國博物館手中。卡洛斯博物館網站報道說。
It said a Canadian collector probably bought the corpse around 1860 for the Niagara Falls institution from an Egyptian family who had stumbled on a tomb filled with royal mummies around Deir el-Bahri, an ancient site near Luxor.
據說該尸是1860年由一個加拿大收藏家帶給尼亞加拉瀑布博物館的。而這個收藏家當初從一個埃及人手里買來了此具木乃伊,當時這戶埃及人家在Luxor.附近的一個叫Deir el-Bahri的舊址中發現裝滿了皇族木乃伊的墳墓。
The Abdel-Rassul family sold treasures from the site for several years until they were discovered and the tomb officially revealed in 1881. The remaining cache included the empty coffin bearing the name of Ramses I, the Web site said.
It was not the first time Ramses I's body was disturbed.
He was originally buried in the nearby Valley of Kings, but tomb raiders emptied that grave in ancient times. Priests of a later pharaonic dynasty reburied Ramses I near Deir el-Bahri with the bodies of other rulers whose graves were pillaged.
他最初被葬在列王旁邊的山谷附近,但是古代的盜墓者在那里擄掠過。牧師和后面朝代的一些法老把拉姆西斯一世和一些墳墓被擄掠的法老木乃伊一同重葬在Deir el-Bahri附近。
Sat Oct 25, 4:30 PM ET CAIRO (Reuters) - A Egyptian mummy, which is probably pharaoh Ramses I who ruled Egypt more than 3,000 years ago, returned home on Saturday from a U.S. museum after a journey that began with a 19th century grave robbery.
路透社-開羅:東部時間10月25號星期六下午4:30報道 一具被認為有可能是法老的木乃伊,星期六從一個美國博物館運回到了埃及。據說這具木乃伊的原身乃是統治了埃及3000多年的法老拉姆西斯二世,它在19世紀一場盜墓中被擄掠了去。
The body, which like that of other ancient Egyptian rulers would originally have been laid in a decorated tomb, was flown into Cairo airport carefully packed in a plain wooden crate.
Witnesses said the box was taken off the plane draped in an Egyptian flag. Zahi Hawass, secretary-general of Egypt's Supreme Council for Antiquities, accompanied the mummy on the flightThe Michael C. Carlos Museum in the U.S. city of Atlanta acquired the mummy in 1999 but offered to return it after studies by Egyptologists helped by hi-tech scanning equipment indicated it was probably Ramses I, the museum Web site said.
目擊者稱箱子在埃及國旗的掩護下被抬下了飛機。而埃及古遺物高級委員會秘書長Zahi Hawass陪伴著整個行程。美國亞特蘭大市Michael C. Carlos博物館1999年得到此具木乃伊,但在埃古物學家幫助下用高科技掃描研究證實是拉姆西斯一世后答應歸還埃及,該博物館網站報道說。
Ramses I was originally a military commander and is thought to have become a pharaoh around 1290 B.C. He ruled for just two years but founded Egypt's 19th dynasty, which included Ramses II, who was on the throne for several decades.
The mummy -- which bears striking facial resemblances to Seti I and Ramses II, Ramses I's immediate successors -- was acquired by the U.S. museum from a museum at Niagara Falls on the U.S.-Canadian border, the Carlos Museum Web site said.
面部和Seti I、拉拇西斯二世有著驚人相似的拉姆西斯一世尸體,在美國和加拿大國界上的尼亞加拉瀑布博物館之后落到了美國博物館手中??逅共┪镳^網站報道說。
It said a Canadian collector probably bought the corpse around 1860 for the Niagara Falls institution from an Egyptian family who had stumbled on a tomb filled with royal mummies around Deir el-Bahri, an ancient site near Luxor.
據說該尸是1860年由一個加拿大收藏家帶給尼亞加拉瀑布博物館的。而這個收藏家當初從一個埃及人手里買來了此具木乃伊,當時這戶埃及人家在Luxor.附近的一個叫Deir el-Bahri的舊址中發現裝滿了皇族木乃伊的墳墓。
The Abdel-Rassul family sold treasures from the site for several years until they were discovered and the tomb officially revealed in 1881. The remaining cache included the empty coffin bearing the name of Ramses I, the Web site said.
It was not the first time Ramses I's body was disturbed.
He was originally buried in the nearby Valley of Kings, but tomb raiders emptied that grave in ancient times. Priests of a later pharaonic dynasty reburied Ramses I near Deir el-Bahri with the bodies of other rulers whose graves were pillaged.
他最初被葬在列王旁邊的山谷附近,但是古代的盜墓者在那里擄掠過。牧師和后面朝代的一些法老把拉姆西斯一世和一些墳墓被擄掠的法老木乃伊一同重葬在Deir el-Bahri附近。