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              The bride andgroom, a guitar-wielding rock vixen and a muscle-rippling dragon-slayer, makean odd couple-so it is hardly surprising that nobody expected their marriage.But on December 2nd the video-game companies behind Guitar Hero and World of Warcraft , Activision and Vivendi Games respectively,announced plans for an elaborate merger. Vivendi, a French media group, willpool its games unit, plus $1.7 billion in cash, with Activision; the combinedentity will then offer to buy back shares from Activision shareholders, raisingVivendis stake in the resulting firm to as much as 68%.

              Activisions boss, Bobby Kotick, will remainat the helm of the new company, to be known as Activision Blizzard inrecognition of Vivendis main gaming asset: its subsidiary Blizzard Entertainment, the firmbehind World of Warcraft , an online swords-and-sorcery game with9.3m subscribers. The deal was unexpected, but makes excellent strategic sense,says Piers Harding-Rolls of Screen Digest, a consultancy. Activision has longcoveted World of Warcraft , and Vivendi gets a bigger games divisionand Activisions talented management team to run it. As well as making sense for bothparties, the $18.9 billion deal-the biggest ever in the video-gamesindustry-says a lot about the trends now shaping the business.

              The first isa push into new markets, especially online multiplayer games, which areparticularly popular in Asia, and casual games that appeal topeople who do not regard themselves as gamers. World of Warcraft isthe worlds most popular online subscription-based game and is hugely lucrative.Blizzard will have revenues of $1.1 billion this year and operating profits of$520m. World of Warcraft is really a social network with manyentertainment components, says Mr Kotick.

              Similarly, heargues, Guitar Hero and other games that use new kinds ofcontroller, rather than the usual buttons and joysticks, are broadening theappeal of gaming by emphasising its social aspects, since they are easy to pickup and can be played with friends. Social gaming, says Mr Kotick, is themost powerful trend building new audiences for the industry. He isclearly excited at the prospect of using Blizzards expertise to launch an onlineversion of Guitar Hero for Asian markets. Online music games suchas Audition Online , which started in South Korea, are massivein Asia, says Mr Harding-Rolls.

              A secondtrend is media groups increasing interest in gaming. Vivendi owns Universal Music, one of the big four record labels. As the record industrys sales decline, it makes sense tomove into gaming, a younger, faster-growing medium with plenty ofcross-marketing opportunities. Othermedia groups are going the same way. Last year Viacom, an American media giant,acquired Harmonix, the company that originally created Guitar Hero .It has been promoting its new game, Rock Band , using its MTV musicchannel. Viacom has also created online virtual worlds that tie in with severalof its television programmes, such as Laguna Beach and PimpMy Ride . Disney bought Club Penguin, a virtual world for children, inAugust. And Time Warner is involved in gaming via its Warner Bros Home Entertainmentdivision, which publishes its own titles and last month bought TT Games, theBritish firm behind the Lego Star Wars games.

              1. The mergerof these two companies are out of expection because_____.

              [A] they aimto design marriage games which sound really weird.

              [B] It isdifficult for big companies of two different nations to end up in successfulcooperation.

              [C] Theirgames are by no means similar to each other in terms of their styles.

              [D] It wouldbe illegal for them to buy back the shares.

              2. Why PiersHarding-Rolls thinks this marriage has strategic sense?

              [A]Activision has been longing to cooperate with World of Warcraft .

              [B] Vivendicould get bigger portion and better management resources from Activision.

              [C] This dealis beneficial to both sides for they can combine their talents to make variousgames.

              [D] This dealmake them become decisive factor of this industrys trend in the future.

              3. The word lucrative most probably means_____.

              [A] profitable

              [B] luxurious


              [D] populous

              4. The firsttrend shaping the industry is _____.

              [A] pushingpeople online to develop their own games.

              [B] buildingnew audiences for the new network of games.

              [C] promotinggames with new kinds of controller.

              [D] expandingthe reign of traditional games and creating new market.

              5.From thetwo trends we can infer that_____.

              [A] thismerger is a great success because it goes along with both trends.

              [B] this dealcan strengthen both parties to surpass the other media giants..

              [C] thisallied group is powerful enough to shape the industrys trends.

              [D] it isindeed of strategic sense to have initiate and carry out the merger




              wield v. 操縱,熟練掌握

              vixen n. 潑婦, 悍婦, 刁婦

              Slayer n. 殺人者, 兇手

              stake n. 股份

              helm n. 領導或支配地位:

              inrecognition of 承認...而; 為酬答...而

              covert v. 垂涎, 覬覦

              lucrativeadj. 獲利的,賺錢的

              joystick n. 操縱桿

              tie in v.結合成一體


              Activisions boss, Bobby Kotick, will remain at the helm of the new company, to beknown as Activision Blizzard in recognition of Vivendis main gaming asset: itssubsidiary Blizzard Entertainment, the firm behind World ofWarcraft , an online swords-and-sorcery game with 9.3m subscribers.

              [主體句式] Activisions boss will remain at the helm.

              [結構分析]這個一個簡單句,具有復雜的表語。表語是由一個固定介詞短語充當,介詞的賓語比較復雜,帶有復雜的修飾成份。to be known as...是做the new company的定語,冒號后面的成份是用來說明main gaming asset的,可以看作是同位語;冒號后面的成份中,后面兩個短語都是前面一個的同位語,用來對Blizzard Entertainment作進一步的解釋。

              Similarly, he argues, Guitar Hero and other games that use newkinds of controller, rather than the usual buttons and joysticks, arebroadening the appeal of gaming by emphasising its social aspects, since theyare easy to pick up and can be played with friends

              [主體句式] He argues, GuitarHero and other games are broadening the appeal... since...

              [結構分析]這是一個簡單句,argues后面是賓語從句,結構比較復雜,帶有原因狀語從句。賓語從句的主語有that引導的定語從句,by emphasising its social aspects是方式狀語修飾are broadening ...。考試大

              [句子譯文]他說,同樣的, 吉他英雄 和其他游戲也沒有用普通的按鈕和操作桿,而是使用了新式控制器,通過重點強調其社會性的特點來增加游戲的吸引力,因為這些游戲很容易就可以開始,而且可以和朋友一起玩。


              1. The merger of these two companies are out of expectionbecause_____.1.這兩個公司的聯姻出乎人們的意料是因為_____。

              [A] They aim to design marriage games which sound really weird.[A]他們計劃要設計一些結婚游戲,聽起來非常奇怪。

              [B] It is difficult for big companies of two different nations toend up in successful cooperation.[B]兩家屬于不同國家的公司要成功合作是非常困難的。

              [C] Their games are by no means similar to each other in terms ofstyle.[C] 它們研發的游戲有完全不同的風格。

              [D] It would be illegal for them to buy back the shares.[D]他們要想買回股票是不可能的。

              [答案] C

              [難度系數] ☆

              [分析] 細節題。文章開頭就用形象的比喻說明這兩家公司的結合很奇怪,提到的揮舞著吉他的搖滾悍婦和一身肌肉的殺龍者,從下面段落中可以推斷是兩家公司研發的不同的游戲的風格代表,因此是因為他們研發產品截然不同才令這次聯合讓人大吃一驚。因此,C為正確答案。A選項有一定的迷惑性,但是要注意到文中第一段的 marriage不是 結婚 的意思,而是 合并、合作 的意思。B和D選項都與原文意思無關。

              2.Why Piers Harding-Rolls thinks this marriage has strategicsense?2.為什么皮爾斯哈丁羅爾斯認為這次聯姻具有戰略意義?

              [A] Activision has been longing to cooperate with World ofWarcraft .[A] Activision公司一直想要和 戰艦世界 合作。

              [B] Vivendi could get bigger portion and better management resourcesfrom Activision.[B]Vivendi公司可以從Activision公司那里獲得更大的份額和更好的管理資源。

              [C] This deal is beneficial to both sides for they can combine theirtalents to make various games.[C] 這個交易對雙方都有益,因為他們可以充分結合各自的人才推出更加多種多樣的游戲。

              [D] This deal make them become decisive factor of this industrys trend inthe future.[D]這個交易使得他們成為本行業未來發展趨勢的決定性力量。


              [難度系數] ☆☆☆☆

              [分析]推理題。皮爾斯認為這項交易的達成有重大的戰略意義,那么應該是對未來有一定的意義。緊接著就說Activision已經覬覦 戰艦世界 很久了,而且Vivendi公司也可以獲得對本公司有利的幫助,而更重要的是它們從此后將對本行業發展潮流有著決定作用。因此,比較而言,答案D最佳。

              3. The word lucrative mostprobably means_____.3. lucrative 這個詞(第三段第三行)最有可能的意思是_____。

              [A] profitable[A] 盈利的

              [B] luxurious[B] 奢華的

              [C] entertaining[C] 娛樂的

              [D] populous[D] 人多的


              [難度系數] ☆☆

              [分析] 猜詞題。根據上下文來判斷該詞的意思,上文是說 戰艦世界 是世界上最流行的網上基于注冊的游戲,而下文說的是 暴風雪 今年可以贏利的數額,那么可以大致推斷是關于 戰艦世界 盈利方面的,答案A 最為符合。D選項populous 與 popular意思不同,但從字面上看有一定迷惑定,需要加強對形似單詞的區分能力。

              4. The first trend shaping the industry is _____.4. 該產業塑造的第一個趨勢是_____。

              [A] pushing people online to develop their own games.[A] 促使人們上網來開發自己的游戲。

              [B] building new audiences for the new social network of games.[B] 為了新的社會交際游戲創造新的玩家。

              [C] promoting games with new kinds of controller.[C] 利用新的操作器推展游戲。

              [D] expanding the reign of traditional games and creating newmarket.[D] 拓展傳統游戲的范疇并拓展新的市場。


              [難度系數] ☆☆☆☆


              5. From the two trends we can infer that_____.5.從這兩個趨勢我們可以推斷出_____。

              [A] this merger is a great success because it goes along with bothtrends.[A] 這個聯盟是一個成功,因為它同時符合了兩個趨勢。

              [B] this deal can strengthen both parties to surpass the other mediagiants.[B] 這個交易對雙方都有利,能幫助他們趕超其他的媒體巨頭

              [C] this allied group is powerful enough to shape the industrys trends.[C]新同盟集團又足夠的能力來決定該產業的發展趨勢。

              [D] it is indeed of strategic sense to initiate and carry out themerger..[D] 發起和實施這個聯合確實具有戰略性的意義。


              [難度系數] ☆☆☆

              [分析] 推理題。文章講述了該產業的兩個發展趨勢,提及這兩個趨勢是由皮爾斯的一番話引起的,他認為這次聯姻具有戰略意義,189億美元的成交足可以決定該行業的新趨勢。那么緊接這講述這兩個趨勢其實就是事實上的證明,因此,答案C最符合題意。A選項首先表述錯誤,因為現在沒有人能夠預言這項合作是否是一個成功。同時,B和C選項的表述過于夸大,不符合文章的客觀語調。


              新娘是揮舞著吉他的搖滾悍婦,新郎是一身肌肉的殺龍者,這一對是在古怪,也怪不得沒有人相信他們能結合在一起。但是12月2日, 吉他英雄 和 戰艦世界 的兩個視頻游戲公司--Activision和Vivendi公司宣布了他們的精心策劃后的聯姻。Vivendi是一家法國媒體公司,它準備將自己的游戲單元以及17億美元現金注入到Activision公司。聯合體自后再從Activision股東那里買回股份,將Vivendi在聯合公司的股份提到到 68%。

              新公司仍由Activision公司老總博比Kotick來執舵,新公司名為 Activision 暴風雪 ,去這個名字是為了酬謝Vivendi注入的主要的游戲資產--子公司 暴風雪娛樂 ,該公司屬于 戰艦世界 ,是一個擁有930萬注冊者的在線 劍與巫術 游戲。這筆生意出乎大家意料,但卻有非凡的戰略意義,Screen Digest的顧問皮爾斯哈丁羅爾斯這樣說。Activision 對 戰艦世界 已經覬覦很久,而Vivendi公司也因此獲得了更大的游戲份額,擁有Activision公司優秀的管理團隊來為之運營。同樣對雙方有利的是,189億美元的分量是視頻游戲產業中最大的,因此其決策將對未來該產業的發展趨勢起著舉足輕重的作用。

              第一個趨勢是推進新的市場,尤其在風靡于亞洲的在線多人游戲領域和 休閑游戲 ,這種游戲對那些不把自己當玩游戲的人有吸引力。 戰艦世界 是全球最流行的在線注冊游戲,盈利巨大。 暴風雪 今年收入將達11億美元,操作利潤就有5.2億美元。Kotick 先生評價說, 戰艦世界 是真正的 擁有眾多娛樂成份的交際性網絡 。

              他說,同樣的, 吉他英雄 和其他游戲也沒有用普通的按鈕和操作桿,而是使用了新式控制器,通過重點強調其交際性的特點來增加游戲的吸引力,因為這些游戲很容易就可以開始,而且可以和朋友一起玩。Kotick 先生說,交際游戲是為這個產業創造新玩家的 最強大的趨勢 。很明顯地,他談到利用 暴風雪 的技術來向亞洲市場推行 吉他英雄 在線版的前景時十分興奮。哈丁羅爾斯說,象最先開始于韓國的 在線試聽 這樣的在線音樂游戲 在亞洲是份額很大的 。

              第二種趨勢就是媒體集團在游戲方面興趣不斷增加。Vivendi擁有 四大 唱片之一的 全球音樂 。由于唱片行業銷售衰退,它就轉向游戲,這是更為年輕且成長迅速的一種媒介,擁有很多跨市場型的機遇。(比如Activision 可能就要從 全球音樂 曲目中為自己的音樂游戲搜索一些素材,而這樣反過來又促進了唱片的銷售。)其他的媒體集團也大體一樣。去年,美國媒體巨頭 Viacom收購了Harmonix公司, 吉他巨人 最初就是由該公司創造出來的。目前它利用自己的MTV音樂頻道推展新游戲-- 搖滾樂隊 。 Viacom還創造了在線虛擬世界,這個游戲和幾個電視頻道如 Laguna Beach 、 Pimp MyRide 取得了聯合。迪斯尼也于八月份購買了 企鵝俱樂部 ,這是專門為孩子創造的虛擬世界。華納時代通過其華納兄弟家庭娛樂公司也涉足游戲業,該公司出版了自己的名稱,并于上個月收購了TT 游戲公司(該公司為 lego 星際爭霸 游戲旗下的英國公司。)


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