少兒英語圣經故事24:Story of Joshua約書亞的故事(8)

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            少兒英語圣經故事24:Story of Joshua約書亞的故事(8)

              Lets review our Joshua lessons with a song:Joshua led the people of Israel, Israel, Israel.Joshua led the people of Israel, now the story we will tell!Two spies were helped by Rahab, she hid them carefully, A red cord out her window did save her family.Now you march around the city, one time for six days straight, On the 7th day, march 7 times, give a shout and celebrate!Now dont make an agreement, with the people in this land, But the Gibeonites fooled Joshua, and their trickery would stand.

              讓我們以詩歌的形式來回顧約書亞課程:以色列民到迦南, 面對仇敵去爭戰;約書亞派兩探子, 進入敵城來查看;仇敵追趕喇合助, 全家因此得保全;圣民攻打耶利哥, 遵從主命繞城桓;七日齊聲發吶喊, 城墻四裂仇敵散;不與別族有相干, 基遍用計巧過關。

              Yes, the Gibeonites had become an everyday sight in the camp at Gilgal, as they chopped wood and hauled water. Joshua and the people of Israel kept their promise to the Gibeonites, and all seemed to be going well. But Joshua chapter 10 begins ?Now it came to pass, when Adonizedec king of Jerusalem had heard how Joshua had taken Ai?and completely destroyed it, as he had done to Jericho, and how the people of Gibeon had made peace with Israel, they were greatly afraid, because Gibeon was a great city, as one of the royal cities, and because all the men in Gibeon were mighty. So Adonizedec king of Jerusalem gathered 4 other powerful kings and all their armies, and they ALL went to battle against Gibeon.

              但是, 在約書亞記10章一開始, 記載到:耶路撒冷王亞多尼洗德聽見約書亞奪了艾城, 并毀滅了那里的一切, 以及他怎樣對待耶利哥和耶利哥的王, 也照樣子對待艾城和艾城的王, 又聽見基遍的居民與以色列人立了和約, 住在他們中間, 就非常懼怕。因為基遍是一座大城, 象都城一般, 比艾城還要大, 并且城內的人都是勇士。所以耶路撒冷王亞多尼洗德打發人去找了其他四個王, 準備攻打基遍, 因為他們與約書亞和以色列人立了和約。

              What do you think the Gibeonites did when they saw this vast army gathering around their city?Joshua 10:6 says ?And the men of Gibeon sent to Joshua?? Come and help us, quick! they cried to Joshua. The Gibeonites knew where to go for help! Never had they heard of a God so powerful to save and help as Israels God. He is the same powerful God today, and He says in Isaiah 45:22, Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth:for I am God, and there is none else.

              當基遍人看到這么多軍隊聚集在城的周圍, 他們是什么反應呢?約書亞記10章6節講到?基遍人就打發人往吉甲的營中去見約書亞, 說:求你速速上來拯救我們, 幫助我們。 這些基遍人實在是知道到哪里去尋求幫助!他們從來沒有聽說過哪一位神像以色列的神一樣有能力, 而且他今天也一樣有能力, 他在以賽亞書45章22節說:地極的人都當仰望我, 就必得救。因為我是神, 再沒有別神!

              The God of Israel is the God Who created all things, including you and me. He has all power and there is no problem too big for Him! Not even the biggest problem you and I have, and that is sin.

              以色列人的神就是那位創造了宇宙萬有, 創造了你和我的神。他大有能力, 在神沒有不可能的事。甚至是我們最大的問題, 就是罪的問題。

              You may think your bad grades in school, or your lack of money, or your lack of friends is your biggest problem. But none of those problems last forever. God says the problem of sin keeps us separated from Him and His wonderful heaven forever. Do you know where to go for help with your sin problem?The same place the Gibeonites went!

              你也許會認為你的最大問題是成績不好, 或者沒有錢, 很窮, 或者沒有朋友。但是這些問題都是暫時的, 都要過去。但神說罪的問題卻能使我們與神和天堂永遠的分離。對于罪的問題, 我們能到哪里去尋求幫助呢?就是基遍人所去的地方。

              Romans 5:8 says that God proved His love to us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Gods love made Him give up His dearest treasure, His perfect Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to take our punishment for sin. Before you even knew Him, or cared to know Him, Christ had already come to earth to take care of your sin problem! About 2000 years ago, He allowed Roman soldiers to nail His hands and feet to a rough wooden cross, where He died. The blood Jesus shed there, the suffering He endured, the death He died, were all a part of the payment for your sin and mine.

              羅馬書5章8節說:惟有基督在我們還作罪人的時候為我們死神的愛就在此向我們顯明了。神對我們的愛使他舍去了他最寶貝的, 就是他完美的兒子, 我們的主耶穌。他親自來承擔對罪的懲罰。在你還不認識他的時候, 甚至根本不屑于來認識他的時候基督已經來到地上, 解決了罪的問題。在2000年前, 他把自己交在羅馬士兵的手里, 他們把主耶穌的手和腳釘在十字架上。主耶穌流出的血, 他所受的痛苦, 他的死, 都是為你和我的罪所付上的代價。

              But how wonderful to know He came alive the 3rd day! Now He is in Heaven, listening for those who cry out with all their hearts, Help me, Lord Jesus. Save me from my sin! The Gibeonites were also crying out, Help us, save us! They knew only the God of Joshua could help them.

              但是, 奇妙的是耶穌在第三天復活了。現在他就在天上, 他傾聽那些向他從心底里發出的呼喊:幫助我, 主耶穌。救我脫離我的罪。?基遍人也在呼喊, 幫助我們, 拯救我們。他們知道, 只有約書亞的神能夠幫助他們。

              Of course, the Lord knew all about this desperate need, long before anyone else knew it. Listen as I read Joshua 10:8 ?And the Lord said to Joshua, dont be afraid of them. I have delivered them into your hand; there shall not a man of them stand before you.With God on his side, Joshua and his army were a MAJORITY, even though they were facing a battle against 5 armies!

              當然, 神早就知道這些急切的需要。 聽我念約書亞記10章8節:耶和華對約書亞說:不要怕他們, 因為我已將他們交在你手里, 他們無一人能在你面前站立得住。有神與他同在, 約書亞雖然是在與5個王交戰, 他是完全占了上風。約書亞快速集結他的軍隊, 走了一整夜趕到基遍。

              Joshua quickly called his army together and they traveled all night to get to Gibeon as quickly as possible. As Joshuas army and the people of Gibeon began the fight against these 5 mighty armies, there was another invisible army there as well. The Bible says the Lord upset the 5 mighty armies of the Amorites. One way He upset them was that He cast down great hailstones from heaven upon them. The soldiers that died from these huge hailstones hitting them, were more than the army of Israel had killed!

              當約書亞的軍隊和基遍人在和5個王打仗的時候, 還有另外一支看不見的軍隊。圣經說神使5個王的軍隊在以色列人面前潰亂。神從天上降大冰雹在他們身上, 打死他們。被冰雹打死的, 比以色列人用刀殺死的還多。

              There was no doubt that God was giving Joshua the victory over his enemies. But one thing was troubling Joshua during that battle. As he glanced up at the sky, he realized the sun was about to set, and the moon was about to come up. He needed more time to finish that battle! With a great and godly boldness, Joshua suddenly did something that no one else on earth has ever done!

              神把勝利交在約書亞手中。 但是, 有一件事卻使約書亞發愁。因為他發現太陽快落山, 而月亮就要升起來了。 而他還需要時間來把仗打完。

              Joshua 10:12-14 tells us, Then Joshua spoke to the Lord ?in the sight of all Israel, Sun, stand still upon Mt. Gibeon; and you, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. And the sun stood still, and moon stayed, until the people of Israel had gotten the victory over their enemies. So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and did not

              go down about a whole day. And there was no day like that before it or after it?for the Lord fought for Israel. The Lord had been their Helper, in a miraculous way! Verse 15 says, And Joshua returned, and all Israel with him, to the camp at Gilgal.

              帶著神圣的勇氣, 約書亞在以色列眾人面前禱告說:日頭啊, 你要停在基遍;月亮啊, 你要止在亞雅侖谷。于是日頭停留, 月亮止住, 直等以色列人打完仗。日頭在天當中停住, 沒有下落, 大概有一整天那么久。在這天以前, 這一天以后, 神從來沒有象這一天一樣聽人的禱告, 是因為神為以色列人爭戰。神實在是他們的幫助, 他行了何等大的神跡。

              The battle was over, and they had won! But Im sure as that army returned home, they were not bragging on how well they themselves had fought! The army of Israel knew they had won because the LORD had fought for Israel! If you know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour from sin, the Lord fights for you too! Theres a heavenly army of angels we never see, but they are working for us as believers. If Gods army is for us, who can stand against us?Will you remember the Lord is your Helper this week?

              約書亞記10章15節說:約書亞和以色列眾人回到吉甲的營中。仗已經打完了, 以色列人取得了勝利。我相信當他們回去的時候, 沒有人夸口自己多么棒。因為他們知道他們之所以贏, 是神幫助了他們。 如果你相信主耶穌把你從罪中拯救出來, 神也要為你爭戰。在天上有神的天使, 是我們看不見的天上的軍隊, 他們要來幫助我們這些相信的人。如果神的軍隊為我們爭戰, 誰能抵擋我們呢?在這個星期, 你要來記住神是我們的幫助。

              Will you remember the Lord is your Helper this week?Ask Him for help with all your problems! Will you obey His commandments and live to please Him, so nothing will hinder the Lord form helping you when you call to Him?And dont forget the THANKS prayer afterwards!If you are not a child of God, will you go right now to How to be a Child of God?

              對于你所有的問題, 你都可以求他來幫助。讓我們來順服他的命令, 活出討神喜悅的生活, 這樣當你呼求神的幫助的時候, 就沒有任何東西可以阻攔神來幫助你。另外別忘了, 還要獻上感謝的禱告。如果你還沒有成為神的孩子, 請你去聽怎樣成為神的孩子。


              Lets review our Joshua lessons with a song:Joshua led the people of Israel, Israel, Israel.Joshua led the people of Israel, now the story we will tell!Two spies were helped by Rahab, she hid them carefully, A red cord out her window did save her family.Now you march around the city, one time for six days straight, On the 7th day, march 7 times, give a shout and celebrate!Now dont make an agreement, with the people in this land, But the Gibeonites fooled Joshua, and their trickery would stand.

              讓我們以詩歌的形式來回顧約書亞課程:以色列民到迦南, 面對仇敵去爭戰;約書亞派兩探子, 進入敵城來查看;仇敵追趕喇合助, 全家因此得保全;圣民攻打耶利哥, 遵從主命繞城桓;七日齊聲發吶喊, 城墻四裂仇敵散;不與別族有相干, 基遍用計巧過關。

              Yes, the Gibeonites had become an everyday sight in the camp at Gilgal, as they chopped wood and hauled water. Joshua and the people of Israel kept their promise to the Gibeonites, and all seemed to be going well. But Joshua chapter 10 begins ?Now it came to pass, when Adonizedec king of Jerusalem had heard how Joshua had taken Ai?and completely destroyed it, as he had done to Jericho, and how the people of Gibeon had made peace with Israel, they were greatly afraid, because Gibeon was a great city, as one of the royal cities, and because all the men in Gibeon were mighty. So Adonizedec king of Jerusalem gathered 4 other powerful kings and all their armies, and they ALL went to battle against Gibeon.

              但是, 在約書亞記10章一開始, 記載到:耶路撒冷王亞多尼洗德聽見約書亞奪了艾城, 并毀滅了那里的一切, 以及他怎樣對待耶利哥和耶利哥的王, 也照樣子對待艾城和艾城的王, 又聽見基遍的居民與以色列人立了和約, 住在他們中間, 就非常懼怕。因為基遍是一座大城, 象都城一般, 比艾城還要大, 并且城內的人都是勇士。所以耶路撒冷王亞多尼洗德打發人去找了其他四個王, 準備攻打基遍, 因為他們與約書亞和以色列人立了和約。

              What do you think the Gibeonites did when they saw this vast army gathering around their city?Joshua 10:6 says ?And the men of Gibeon sent to Joshua?? Come and help us, quick! they cried to Joshua. The Gibeonites knew where to go for help! Never had they heard of a God so powerful to save and help as Israels God. He is the same powerful God today, and He says in Isaiah 45:22, Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth:for I am God, and there is none else.

              當基遍人看到這么多軍隊聚集在城的周圍, 他們是什么反應呢?約書亞記10章6節講到?基遍人就打發人往吉甲的營中去見約書亞, 說:求你速速上來拯救我們, 幫助我們。 這些基遍人實在是知道到哪里去尋求幫助!他們從來沒有聽說過哪一位神像以色列的神一樣有能力, 而且他今天也一樣有能力, 他在以賽亞書45章22節說:地極的人都當仰望我, 就必得救。因為我是神, 再沒有別神!

              The God of Israel is the God Who created all things, including you and me. He has all power and there is no problem too big for Him! Not even the biggest problem you and I have, and that is sin.

              以色列人的神就是那位創造了宇宙萬有, 創造了你和我的神。他大有能力, 在神沒有不可能的事。甚至是我們最大的問題, 就是罪的問題。

              You may think your bad grades in school, or your lack of money, or your lack of friends is your biggest problem. But none of those problems last forever. God says the problem of sin keeps us separated from Him and His wonderful heaven forever. Do you know where to go for help with your sin problem?The same place the Gibeonites went!

              你也許會認為你的最大問題是成績不好, 或者沒有錢, 很窮, 或者沒有朋友。但是這些問題都是暫時的, 都要過去。但神說罪的問題卻能使我們與神和天堂永遠的分離。對于罪的問題, 我們能到哪里去尋求幫助呢?就是基遍人所去的地方。

              Romans 5:8 says that God proved His love to us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Gods love made Him give up His dearest treasure, His perfect Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to take our punishment for sin. Before you even knew Him, or cared to know Him, Christ had already come to earth to take care of your sin problem! About 2000 years ago, He allowed Roman soldiers to nail His hands and feet to a rough wooden cross, where He died. The blood Jesus shed there, the suffering He endured, the death He died, were all a part of the payment for your sin and mine.

              羅馬書5章8節說:惟有基督在我們還作罪人的時候為我們死神的愛就在此向我們顯明了。神對我們的愛使他舍去了他最寶貝的, 就是他完美的兒子, 我們的主耶穌。他親自來承擔對罪的懲罰。在你還不認識他的時候, 甚至根本不屑于來認識他的時候基督已經來到地上, 解決了罪的問題。在2000年前, 他把自己交在羅馬士兵的手里, 他們把主耶穌的手和腳釘在十字架上。主耶穌流出的血, 他所受的痛苦, 他的死, 都是為你和我的罪所付上的代價。

              But how wonderful to know He came alive the 3rd day! Now He is in Heaven, listening for those who cry out with all their hearts, Help me, Lord Jesus. Save me from my sin! The Gibeonites were also crying out, Help us, save us! They knew only the God of Joshua could help them.

              但是, 奇妙的是耶穌在第三天復活了。現在他就在天上, 他傾聽那些向他從心底里發出的呼喊:幫助我, 主耶穌。救我脫離我的罪。?基遍人也在呼喊, 幫助我們, 拯救我們。他們知道, 只有約書亞的神能夠幫助他們。

              Of course, the Lord knew all about this desperate need, long before anyone else knew it. Listen as I read Joshua 10:8 ?And the Lord said to Joshua, dont be afraid of them. I have delivered them into your hand; there shall not a man of them stand before you.With God on his side, Joshua and his army were a MAJORITY, even though they were facing a battle against 5 armies!

              當然, 神早就知道這些急切的需要。 聽我念約書亞記10章8節:耶和華對約書亞說:不要怕他們, 因為我已將他們交在你手里, 他們無一人能在你面前站立得住。有神與他同在, 約書亞雖然是在與5個王交戰, 他是完全占了上風。約書亞快速集結他的軍隊, 走了一整夜趕到基遍。

              Joshua quickly called his army together and they traveled all night to get to Gibeon as quickly as possible. As Joshuas army and the people of Gibeon began the fight against these 5 mighty armies, there was another invisible army there as well. The Bible says the Lord upset the 5 mighty armies of the Amorites. One way He upset them was that He cast down great hailstones from heaven upon them. The soldiers that died from these huge hailstones hitting them, were more than the army of Israel had killed!

              當約書亞的軍隊和基遍人在和5個王打仗的時候, 還有另外一支看不見的軍隊。圣經說神使5個王的軍隊在以色列人面前潰亂。神從天上降大冰雹在他們身上, 打死他們。被冰雹打死的, 比以色列人用刀殺死的還多。

              There was no doubt that God was giving Joshua the victory over his enemies. But one thing was troubling Joshua during that battle. As he glanced up at the sky, he realized the sun was about to set, and the moon was about to come up. He needed more time to finish that battle! With a great and godly boldness, Joshua suddenly did something that no one else on earth has ever done!

              神把勝利交在約書亞手中。 但是, 有一件事卻使約書亞發愁。因為他發現太陽快落山, 而月亮就要升起來了。 而他還需要時間來把仗打完。

              Joshua 10:12-14 tells us, Then Joshua spoke to the Lord ?in the sight of all Israel, Sun, stand still upon Mt. Gibeon; and you, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. And the sun stood still, and moon stayed, until the people of Israel had gotten the victory over their enemies. So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and did not

              go down about a whole day. And there was no day like that before it or after it?for the Lord fought for Israel. The Lord had been their Helper, in a miraculous way! Verse 15 says, And Joshua returned, and all Israel with him, to the camp at Gilgal.

              帶著神圣的勇氣, 約書亞在以色列眾人面前禱告說:日頭啊, 你要停在基遍;月亮啊, 你要止在亞雅侖谷。于是日頭停留, 月亮止住, 直等以色列人打完仗。日頭在天當中停住, 沒有下落, 大概有一整天那么久。在這天以前, 這一天以后, 神從來沒有象這一天一樣聽人的禱告, 是因為神為以色列人爭戰。神實在是他們的幫助, 他行了何等大的神跡。

              The battle was over, and they had won! But Im sure as that army returned home, they were not bragging on how well they themselves had fought! The army of Israel knew they had won because the LORD had fought for Israel! If you know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour from sin, the Lord fights for you too! Theres a heavenly army of angels we never see, but they are working for us as believers. If Gods army is for us, who can stand against us?Will you remember the Lord is your Helper this week?

              約書亞記10章15節說:約書亞和以色列眾人回到吉甲的營中。仗已經打完了, 以色列人取得了勝利。我相信當他們回去的時候, 沒有人夸口自己多么棒。因為他們知道他們之所以贏, 是神幫助了他們。 如果你相信主耶穌把你從罪中拯救出來, 神也要為你爭戰。在天上有神的天使, 是我們看不見的天上的軍隊, 他們要來幫助我們這些相信的人。如果神的軍隊為我們爭戰, 誰能抵擋我們呢?在這個星期, 你要來記住神是我們的幫助。

              Will you remember the Lord is your Helper this week?Ask Him for help with all your problems! Will you obey His commandments and live to please Him, so nothing will hinder the Lord form helping you when you call to Him?And dont forget the THANKS prayer afterwards!If you are not a child of God, will you go right now to How to be a Child of God?

              對于你所有的問題, 你都可以求他來幫助。讓我們來順服他的命令, 活出討神喜悅的生活, 這樣當你呼求神的幫助的時候, 就沒有任何東西可以阻攔神來幫助你。另外別忘了, 還要獻上感謝的禱告。如果你還沒有成為神的孩子, 請你去聽怎樣成為神的孩子。


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