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              ?核 心 單 詞

            ??????? 1.__________ n.移民 2. _____________

              adv.大約地 3. __________ n.國籍 4.race n.種族 5.absorb v.吸收 6.cooperation n._____ 7.maintain v. _____ 8.reform n.& v.改革 9.mix v.混合 10. __________ adj.意義深遠的

              immigrant approximately nationality 合作 維持 significant 11.expand v._____ 12.policy n.政策 13. ____________ n.移居入境 14. _________ n.申請人 15.culture n.文化 16.custom n.習俗 17.multicultural adj.多元文化的 18.religion n.宗教 19.multiculturalism n.多元文化 20.enhance v._____ 擴展 immigration applicant 鞏固 核 心 短 語 1.

              crowd into _____ 2.achieve the highest growth 達到最頂峰 3.take place發生 4.as a matter of fact _______ 5.in search of 尋找 6. _______________發財 7. __________夢想 8.up to now 直到現在 9.add...to... 把……添加到…… 10.in use 被運用

              涌入 事實上 make


              fortune dream

              of 11.the majority of 大多數 12.take in 包含,吸收 13.play a part in 在……中發揮作用 14.in the process of 在……進程中 15.have an effect ___ 對……有影響 16.cooperate with 與……合作 17.make a contribution ___

              對……有貢獻 18.a wide range of大范圍的…… 19.the trend of globalization 全球化趨勢 20.mix...with 與……混合 on to

              特別關注 1.add...to...(3年3考)★★★★★

              ①Fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night.

              煙火使節日之夜更具吸引力。 ②Add up all the figures and find out what they add up to.


              ①We cautiously began a conversation and spoke about a

              wide range of things.

              我們謹慎地開始對話,話題廣泛。 ②The price of beer ranges from 50 cents to $4 per liter

              during the summer season.

              夏季每升啤酒價格從50美分到4美元不等。 2.range(3年2考)★★★★ 核 心 語 句 Fortune 500 crowd into China Market by all possible

              means.世界五百強想盡各種辦法瘋狂涌入中國市場。 2.We desire to cooperate with American companies that

              want to expand abroad.

              我們渴望與想拓展國外市場的美國公司合作。 3.Our Students' Union took in a new member yesterday.


              4.Nowadays multiculturalism plays a more significant part in the development of society under the influence of the trend of globalization.目前,在全球化的趨勢的影響下,多元文化在社會發展方面起著更加重要的作用。 6.Many races are mixed with one another in China.

              在中國,多民族雜居在一起。 7.Many settlers,dreaming of making a fortune,moved

              to America last year.

              去年許多移民者懷著發財夢前往美國。 5.When it comes to the flourishing industry of film in the USA,the majority of people consider multiculturalism as the most important factor.當談到美國繁榮昌盛的電影行業,大多數人會認為多元文化是其最重要的原因。


              There's no denying that we all may experience various kinds of feelings,such as sorrow,happiness,anger,etc. When delighted,I enjoy sharing my happiness with others.Sharing your happiness with others not only increases your happiness,but also gives other people the opportunity to taste the joyful moment you experienced.Moreover,sharing with others can impress others that you trust them.Thus,you can gain friendship

              as well as the ability of

              dealing with others.It is said that when you share your happiness,it will be doubled;when you share your sorrow,it will be

              relieved.Recently,I have learned this lesson.

              名 師 招 招 鮮 先將句子的修飾成分(名詞性從句,定語從句,狀語從句,非謂語動詞或短語)去掉,露出主干,然后再分析修飾成分和主句的關系。

              【例5】 We have so easily been attracted by the promise and potential of diet products that we have stopped thinking about what diet products are doing to us. 一、核心簡化法 1.找準主干 2.理清邏輯關系 破解長難句錦囊妙計 解析 此句的主干是We have so easily been attracted by...that...。that引導結果狀語從句。在that從句中,what引導賓語從句作think about的賓語,且what在賓語從句中作do的賓語。 譯文:我們如此輕易地被減肥產品的承諾和潛能所吸引,以至于不去考慮減肥產品對我們的影響。

              1.把長句拆成較短的復合句或簡單句。如and,but,or等引導的并列句;which,that,who,where,when引導的定語從句;when,if,though,because引導的狀語從句。 2.根據需要再將分詞短語,不定式,介詞短語,獨立主格結構等從句中剝離出來。學生在理解單句的前提下,再復合成整體去解讀,熟能生巧,受益無窮。

              二、分層理解法(結構分析法) 三、單句重排法


              【例6】 Whereas a woman's closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage,it wasn't unusual to hear a man said(that)he didn't know(that)his friend's marriage was in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa.我們給以單句重排: 1.A woman's closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage. 2.It wasn't unusual to hear a man said... 3.He didn't know(that)his friend's marriage was in serious trouble. 4.His friend appeared one night and asked him if he could sleep on the sofa.

              解析 夾雜多種語法結構not unusual=usual;not...until...,直到……才……。

              譯文:一個女人最親密的女性朋友可能是第一個告訴她離開一個失敗的婚姻;而聽見一個男人說直到他的朋友一天晚上問他是否可以睡在他家的沙發上他才知道他朋友的婚姻已非常糟糕,這是很平常的。 四、意群閱讀法 1.掃描相關的連接詞或句型。


              Dad,in a hurry to get home before dark so he could go for a run,had forgotten to wear his safety belt——a mistake 75% of the US population make every day.讀這個句子時我們重點抓住Dad,hurry,dark,run,safety belt,mistake,make就行了。 五、句義補全法

              1.根據前后文,將省略句被省略的成分補出來,使句子變得完整。 2.將句中的詞、詞組或短語轉換成分句,使句義變得更加明顯。此法是針對省略句的,如: 【例7】 First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Format in the seventeenth century,the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds,including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem,and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab Polytechnique.


              1.(The theorem was)first put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Format in the seventeenth century;

              2.(The finest mathematical minds)included a French woman scientist;

              3.(She)made a major advance in working out the problem;

              4.(She)had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab Polytechnique. 譯文:這個定理,先是由十七世紀法國數學家皮爾法特提出,曾難住了一批杰出的數學大師,包括一位法國女科學家,她在解決這個難題方面取得了重大的進展,她曾女扮男裝為了能夠在伊科爾理工學院學習。

              ?核 心 單 詞

            ??????? 1.__________ n.移民 2. _____________

              adv.大約地 3. __________ n.國籍 4.race n.種族 5.absorb v.吸收 6.cooperation n._____ 7.maintain v. _____ 8.reform n.& v.改革 9.mix v.混合 10. __________ adj.意義深遠的

              immigrant approximately nationality 合作 維持 significant 11.expand v._____ 12.policy n.政策 13. ____________ n.移居入境 14. _________ n.申請人 15.culture n.文化 16.custom n.習俗 17.multicultural adj.多元文化的 18.religion n.宗教 19.multiculturalism n.多元文化 20.enhance v._____ 擴展 immigration applicant 鞏固 核 心 短 語 1.

              crowd into _____ 2.achieve the highest growth 達到最頂峰 3.take place發生 4.as a matter of fact _______ 5.in search of 尋找 6. _______________發財 7. __________夢想 8.up to now 直到現在 9.add...to... 把……添加到…… 10.in use 被運用

              涌入 事實上 make


              fortune dream

              of 11.the majority of 大多數 12.take in 包含,吸收 13.play a part in 在……中發揮作用 14.in the process of 在……進程中 15.have an effect ___ 對……有影響 16.cooperate with 與……合作 17.make a contribution ___

              對……有貢獻 18.a wide range of大范圍的…… 19.the trend of globalization 全球化趨勢 20.mix...with 與……混合 on to

              特別關注 1.add...to...(3年3考)★★★★★

              ①Fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night.

              煙火使節日之夜更具吸引力。 ②Add up all the figures and find out what they add up to.


              ①We cautiously began a conversation and spoke about a

              wide range of things.

              我們謹慎地開始對話,話題廣泛。 ②The price of beer ranges from 50 cents to $4 per liter

              during the summer season.

              夏季每升啤酒價格從50美分到4美元不等。 2.range(3年2考)★★★★ 核 心 語 句 Fortune 500 crowd into China Market by all possible

              means.世界五百強想盡各種辦法瘋狂涌入中國市場。 2.We desire to cooperate with American companies that

              want to expand abroad.

              我們渴望與想拓展國外市場的美國公司合作。 3.Our Students' Union took in a new member yesterday.


              4.Nowadays multiculturalism plays a more significant part in the development of society under the influence of the trend of globalization.目前,在全球化的趨勢的影響下,多元文化在社會發展方面起著更加重要的作用。 6.Many races are mixed with one another in China.

              在中國,多民族雜居在一起。 7.Many settlers,dreaming of making a fortune,moved

              to America last year.

              去年許多移民者懷著發財夢前往美國。 5.When it comes to the flourishing industry of film in the USA,the majority of people consider multiculturalism as the most important factor.當談到美國繁榮昌盛的電影行業,大多數人會認為多元文化是其最重要的原因。


              There's no denying that we all may experience various kinds of feelings,such as sorrow,happiness,anger,etc. When delighted,I enjoy sharing my happiness with others.Sharing your happiness with others not only increases your happiness,but also gives other people the opportunity to taste the joyful moment you experienced.Moreover,sharing with others can impress others that you trust them.Thus,you can gain friendship

              as well as the ability of

              dealing with others.It is said that when you share your happiness,it will be doubled;when you share your sorrow,it will be

              relieved.Recently,I have learned this lesson.

              名 師 招 招 鮮 先將句子的修飾成分(名詞性從句,定語從句,狀語從句,非謂語動詞或短語)去掉,露出主干,然后再分析修飾成分和主句的關系。

              【例5】 We have so easily been attracted by the promise and potential of diet products that we have stopped thinking about what diet products are doing to us. 一、核心簡化法 1.找準主干 2.理清邏輯關系 破解長難句錦囊妙計 解析 此句的主干是We have so easily been attracted by...that...。that引導結果狀語從句。在that從句中,what引導賓語從句作think about的賓語,且what在賓語從句中作do的賓語。 譯文:我們如此輕易地被減肥產品的承諾和潛能所吸引,以至于不去考慮減肥產品對我們的影響。

              1.把長句拆成較短的復合句或簡單句。如and,but,or等引導的并列句;which,that,who,where,when引導的定語從句;when,if,though,because引導的狀語從句。 2.根據需要再將分詞短語,不定式,介詞短語,獨立主格結構等從句中剝離出來。學生在理解單句的前提下,再復合成整體去解讀,熟能生巧,受益無窮。

              二、分層理解法(結構分析法) 三、單句重排法


              【例6】 Whereas a woman's closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage,it wasn't unusual to hear a man said(that)he didn't know(that)his friend's marriage was in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa.我們給以單句重排: 1.A woman's closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage. 2.It wasn't unusual to hear a man said... 3.He didn't know(that)his friend's marriage was in serious trouble. 4.His friend appeared one night and asked him if he could sleep on the sofa.

              解析 夾雜多種語法結構not unusual=usual;not...until...,直到……才……。

              譯文:一個女人最親密的女性朋友可能是第一個告訴她離開一個失敗的婚姻;而聽見一個男人說直到他的朋友一天晚上問他是否可以睡在他家的沙發上他才知道他朋友的婚姻已非常糟糕,這是很平常的。 四、意群閱讀法 1.掃描相關的連接詞或句型。


              Dad,in a hurry to get home before dark so he could go for a run,had forgotten to wear his safety belt——a mistake 75% of the US population make every day.讀這個句子時我們重點抓住Dad,hurry,dark,run,safety belt,mistake,make就行了。 五、句義補全法

              1.根據前后文,將省略句被省略的成分補出來,使句子變得完整。 2.將句中的詞、詞組或短語轉換成分句,使句義變得更加明顯。此法是針對省略句的,如: 【例7】 First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Format in the seventeenth century,the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds,including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem,and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab Polytechnique.


              1.(The theorem was)first put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Format in the seventeenth century;

              2.(The finest mathematical minds)included a French woman scientist;

              3.(She)made a major advance in working out the problem;

              4.(She)had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab Polytechnique. 譯文:這個定理,先是由十七世紀法國數學家皮爾法特提出,曾難住了一批杰出的數學大師,包括一位法國女科學家,她在解決這個難題方面取得了重大的進展,她曾女扮男裝為了能夠在伊科爾理工學院學習。

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