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              ??? (1)輔音音素前用a,元音音素前用an.

              ??? 如:a piece of information,an honest man

              ??? (2)用于可數名詞的單數形式前,指人或物的某一種類,此時a帶有any的意思。如:

              ??? A horse is a useful animal.

              ??? 馬是有用的動物。

              ??? A knife is a tool for cutting with.

              ??? 刀子是切割東西的工具。

              ??? (3)等于one,但數的概念沒有one強烈。如:

              ??? I have a mouth, a nose, two eyes and two ears.

              ??? 我有一張嘴,一個鼻子,兩只眼睛和兩個耳朵。

              ??? Rome was not built in a day.

              ??? 羅馬非一日建成。

              ??? (4)等于 per或 every.如:

              ??? There are fifty-two weeks in a year.

              ??? 一年有52個星期。

              ??? The car runs at a speed of 60 kilometers an

              ??? hour.汽車以每小時60公里的速度運行。

              ??? (5)a= a certain,指某人或某物,但不具體說明何人或何物。如:

              ??? Is there a Mr Smith in your office?

              ??? 你們辦公室有個史密斯先生嗎?

              ??? A tall man is waiting for you at the school gate.

              ??? 有個高個子的人在學校大門口等你。

              ??? (6)“have/take+a+抽象名詞”與抽象名詞動詞形式意義相同。如:

              ??? take a swim= swim

              ??? have a look at= look at

              ??? C. an; a; the?????? D. an; a; 不填???


              ??? (l)指雙方都知道的人或物。如:

              ??? Bring the book to the school tomorrow, will you? 明天把書帶到學校來,好嗎?

              ??? If you can bring down the price, I want to buy the grey one.

              ??? 如果你能降點價,我就買那個灰色的。

              ??? (2)用在可數名詞單數前表一類。如:

              ??? The rose is my favourite flower.

              ??? 玫瑰花是我最喜愛的花。

              ??? The dog is a warm-blooded animal.

              ??? 狗是熱血動物。

              ?? (3)指上文中提到過的人或物。如:

              ??? Today he is making a machine. He wants to ride the machine like a bike and fly it like a plane.

              ??? 今天他在制造一種機器,他想把這種機器像自行車一樣騎,像飛機一樣飛。

              ??? I met an old man that day. The old man is a professor. 那天我碰到一位老人,那位老人是一位教授。

              ??? (4)用在被短語或從句修飾的名詞前。如:

              ??? What can you find in the photo of his family?

              ??? 從他家的照片里你能發現什么?

              ??? Is that the scientist you once talked with?

              ??? 那是不是你曾經和他談過話的科學家?

              ??? (5)用在世界上獨一無二的事物前。如:

              ??? The sun is bigger than the moon.

              ??? 太陽比月亮大。

              ??? The earth moves around the sun.

              ??? 地球繞著太陽轉。??


              ??? People in the south live mainly on rice.

              ??? 南方人主要吃大米。

              ??? They grow rice in the south, while in the north where it is colder they grow wheat. 他們在南方種水稻,而在較冷的北方種麥子。

              ??? (7)用在表示樂器的名詞前。如:

              ??? I like playing the voilin in my spare time.

              ??? 空閑時我喜歡拉小提琴。

              ??? He enjoys listening to the piano played.

              ??? 他喜歡聽別人彈鋼琴。

              ??? (8)用在表示單位的名詞前。如:

              ??? We sell potatoes by the kilo.

              ??? 我們按公斤出售土豆。

              ??? I am paid by the hour.

              ??? 我是按小時付酬的。

              ??? (9)用在形容詞最高級前或序數詞前。如:

              ??? Han Meimei is the best student in our class.

              ??? 韓梅梅是我們班最好的學生。

              ??? The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黃河是中國第二條大河。


              ??? 1)江河,海洋名稱前:the Great Canal, the Long River

              ??? 2)專有名詞為復數時:the Philippines, the West Indias

              ??? 3)普通名詞構成的專有名詞前:the Great Wall, the United states

              ??? 4)公共建筑,機關名稱前:the People ‘s Hall, the Department of Education

              ??? 5)書報,會議前:the People‘s Daily, the 13th Party Congress

              ??? 6)國民的總稱前:the Chinese,the English

              ??? 7)用在姓氏復數前,指全家人或夫婦:the

              ??? Turners, the Smiths

              ??? 8)用在形容詞前表一類:the poor, the wounded

              ??? 有人總結過這樣一個順口溜,可幫助記憶:

              ??? 特指重現用定冠,獨一無二把冠添。

              ??? 黨政機關開會議,組織農業帽在前。

              ??? 江山河海和峽灣,沙島有帽較安全。

              ??? 階級國家分朝代,廠礦造船要帶銜。

              ??? 節目奏樂衣冠嚴,習慣隨俗記心間。

              ? 3.零冠詞的用法


              ??? (1)專有名詞和不可數名詞前。如: China,water

              ??? (2)名詞前已有this,that,my,your,some,any,every, several等代詞作定語。如:

              ??? There are some important facts in this book.

              ??? 這本書里有些重要數據。

              ??? Every few hundred meters along the wall there are watch towers.

              ??? 長城上每幾百米就有一個眺望塔。

              ??? (3)復數名詞表示一類人或事物時。如:

              ??? Teachers are the most educated on average.

              ??? 一般來講老師都受過良好教育。

              ??? Of all that can be eaten, I like vegetables best.

              ??? 在所有能吃的東西里,我最喜歡蔬菜。??? (4)星期,月份,季節,節日前。(但中國傳節日前需加冠詞)如:

              ??? Today is September 10th , Teachers‘ Day.

              ??? 今天是9月10日,教師節。

              ???Swimming is my favourite sport in summer.

              ??? 游泳是我夏天最喜愛的運動。

              ?? (5)在稱呼語和表示頭銜的名詞前。如:

              ??? Uncle Wang welcomed us at the gate.

              ??? 王叔叔在大門口歡迎我們。

              ??? In 1864, Abraham Lincoln was elected president of America for the second time.

              ??? 1864年,林肯第二次被選為美國總統。

              ??? (6)在三餐飯和球類運動的名稱前。(如果三餐飯前有定語,可加冠詞)如:

              ??? At four o‘clock in the afternonn we play

              ??? basketball on the playground every day.

              ??? 每天下午4點我們在操場打籃球。

              ??? What shall we have for lunch?

              ??? 我們午飯吃什么?


              ??? Father is out at work, but Mother is at home.

              ??? 爸爸出去工作了,但媽媽在家。

              ??? Brother and Sister are both students of this university. 哥哥和姐姐都是這個大學的學生。

              ??? (8)游戲,顏色,感官的名詞前。如:

              ??? He is good at playing bridge.

              ??? 他擅長打橋牌。

              ??? Sight is one of the five senses.

              ??? 視覺是五個感覺之一。

              ??? (9)school,church,hospital指原意時不加冠詞,若指建筑物本身或場所時須加冠詞。如:

              ??? The thief ran in the direction of the church and soon disappeared.

              ??? 小偷朝教堂方向跑去,很快就不見了。

              ???How long does it take you to go to school by bike. 你每天騎自行車到學校花多長時間?

              ??? (10)兩個相對的名詞共用時。如:

              ??? The days are getting longer day by day.

              ??? 白天一天天的長了。

              ??? The news spread quickly from mouth to mouth throughout the school.

              ??? 這個消息很快在學校傳開了。

              ??? 請用下面順口溜幫助記憶:

              ??? 抽象物質專有名,代詞基數用作前限定。

              ??? 泛指節假,季節星期幾,球棋呼語與餐名。

              ??? 刊物公告與標題,普通名詞并列緊相鄰。

              ??? 唯一職位學科與語種,洲,國,省,市,縣。街路名。

              ??? 廣場公園建筑學校等,專名普名合并無冠是常情。


              ??? (1)輔音音素前用a,元音音素前用an.

              ??? 如:a piece of information,an honest man

              ??? (2)用于可數名詞的單數形式前,指人或物的某一種類,此時a帶有any的意思。如:

              ??? A horse is a useful animal.

              ??? 馬是有用的動物。

              ??? A knife is a tool for cutting with.

              ??? 刀子是切割東西的工具。

              ??? (3)等于one,但數的概念沒有one強烈。如:

              ??? I have a mouth, a nose, two eyes and two ears.

              ??? 我有一張嘴,一個鼻子,兩只眼睛和兩個耳朵。

              ??? Rome was not built in a day.

              ??? 羅馬非一日建成。

              ??? (4)等于 per或 every.如:

              ??? There are fifty-two weeks in a year.

              ??? 一年有52個星期。

              ??? The car runs at a speed of 60 kilometers an

              ??? hour.汽車以每小時60公里的速度運行。

              ??? (5)a= a certain,指某人或某物,但不具體說明何人或何物。如:

              ??? Is there a Mr Smith in your office?

              ??? 你們辦公室有個史密斯先生嗎?

              ??? A tall man is waiting for you at the school gate.

              ??? 有個高個子的人在學校大門口等你。

              ??? (6)“have/take+a+抽象名詞”與抽象名詞動詞形式意義相同。如:

              ??? take a swim= swim

              ??? have a look at= look at

              ??? C. an; a; the?????? D. an; a; 不填???


              ??? (l)指雙方都知道的人或物。如:

              ??? Bring the book to the school tomorrow, will you? 明天把書帶到學校來,好嗎?

              ??? If you can bring down the price, I want to buy the grey one.

              ??? 如果你能降點價,我就買那個灰色的。

              ??? (2)用在可數名詞單數前表一類。如:

              ??? The rose is my favourite flower.

              ??? 玫瑰花是我最喜愛的花。

              ??? The dog is a warm-blooded animal.

              ??? 狗是熱血動物。

              ?? (3)指上文中提到過的人或物。如:

              ??? Today he is making a machine. He wants to ride the machine like a bike and fly it like a plane.

              ??? 今天他在制造一種機器,他想把這種機器像自行車一樣騎,像飛機一樣飛。

              ??? I met an old man that day. The old man is a professor. 那天我碰到一位老人,那位老人是一位教授。

              ??? (4)用在被短語或從句修飾的名詞前。如:

              ??? What can you find in the photo of his family?

              ??? 從他家的照片里你能發現什么?

              ??? Is that the scientist you once talked with?

              ??? 那是不是你曾經和他談過話的科學家?

              ??? (5)用在世界上獨一無二的事物前。如:

              ??? The sun is bigger than the moon.

              ??? 太陽比月亮大。

              ??? The earth moves around the sun.

              ??? 地球繞著太陽轉。??


              ??? People in the south live mainly on rice.

              ??? 南方人主要吃大米。

              ??? They grow rice in the south, while in the north where it is colder they grow wheat. 他們在南方種水稻,而在較冷的北方種麥子。

              ??? (7)用在表示樂器的名詞前。如:

              ??? I like playing the voilin in my spare time.

              ??? 空閑時我喜歡拉小提琴。

              ??? He enjoys listening to the piano played.

              ??? 他喜歡聽別人彈鋼琴。

              ??? (8)用在表示單位的名詞前。如:

              ??? We sell potatoes by the kilo.

              ??? 我們按公斤出售土豆。

              ??? I am paid by the hour.

              ??? 我是按小時付酬的。

              ??? (9)用在形容詞最高級前或序數詞前。如:

              ??? Han Meimei is the best student in our class.

              ??? 韓梅梅是我們班最好的學生。

              ??? The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黃河是中國第二條大河。


              ??? 1)江河,海洋名稱前:the Great Canal, the Long River

              ??? 2)專有名詞為復數時:the Philippines, the West Indias

              ??? 3)普通名詞構成的專有名詞前:the Great Wall, the United states

              ??? 4)公共建筑,機關名稱前:the People ‘s Hall, the Department of Education

              ??? 5)書報,會議前:the People‘s Daily, the 13th Party Congress

              ??? 6)國民的總稱前:the Chinese,the English

              ??? 7)用在姓氏復數前,指全家人或夫婦:the

              ??? Turners, the Smiths

              ??? 8)用在形容詞前表一類:the poor, the wounded

              ??? 有人總結過這樣一個順口溜,可幫助記憶:

              ??? 特指重現用定冠,獨一無二把冠添。

              ??? 黨政機關開會議,組織農業帽在前。

              ??? 江山河海和峽灣,沙島有帽較安全。

              ??? 階級國家分朝代,廠礦造船要帶銜。

              ??? 節目奏樂衣冠嚴,習慣隨俗記心間。

              ? 3.零冠詞的用法


              ??? (1)專有名詞和不可數名詞前。如: China,water

              ??? (2)名詞前已有this,that,my,your,some,any,every, several等代詞作定語。如:

              ??? There are some important facts in this book.

              ??? 這本書里有些重要數據。

              ??? Every few hundred meters along the wall there are watch towers.

              ??? 長城上每幾百米就有一個眺望塔。

              ??? (3)復數名詞表示一類人或事物時。如:

              ??? Teachers are the most educated on average.

              ??? 一般來講老師都受過良好教育。

              ??? Of all that can be eaten, I like vegetables best.

              ??? 在所有能吃的東西里,我最喜歡蔬菜。??? (4)星期,月份,季節,節日前。(但中國傳節日前需加冠詞)如:

              ??? Today is September 10th , Teachers‘ Day.

              ??? 今天是9月10日,教師節。

              ???Swimming is my favourite sport in summer.

              ??? 游泳是我夏天最喜愛的運動。

              ?? (5)在稱呼語和表示頭銜的名詞前。如:

              ??? Uncle Wang welcomed us at the gate.

              ??? 王叔叔在大門口歡迎我們。

              ??? In 1864, Abraham Lincoln was elected president of America for the second time.

              ??? 1864年,林肯第二次被選為美國總統。

              ??? (6)在三餐飯和球類運動的名稱前。(如果三餐飯前有定語,可加冠詞)如:

              ??? At four o‘clock in the afternonn we play

              ??? basketball on the playground every day.

              ??? 每天下午4點我們在操場打籃球。

              ??? What shall we have for lunch?

              ??? 我們午飯吃什么?


              ??? Father is out at work, but Mother is at home.

              ??? 爸爸出去工作了,但媽媽在家。

              ??? Brother and Sister are both students of this university. 哥哥和姐姐都是這個大學的學生。

              ??? (8)游戲,顏色,感官的名詞前。如:

              ??? He is good at playing bridge.

              ??? 他擅長打橋牌。

              ??? Sight is one of the five senses.

              ??? 視覺是五個感覺之一。

              ??? (9)school,church,hospital指原意時不加冠詞,若指建筑物本身或場所時須加冠詞。如:

              ??? The thief ran in the direction of the church and soon disappeared.

              ??? 小偷朝教堂方向跑去,很快就不見了。

              ???How long does it take you to go to school by bike. 你每天騎自行車到學校花多長時間?

              ??? (10)兩個相對的名詞共用時。如:

              ??? The days are getting longer day by day.

              ??? 白天一天天的長了。

              ??? The news spread quickly from mouth to mouth throughout the school.

              ??? 這個消息很快在學校傳開了。

              ??? 請用下面順口溜幫助記憶:

              ??? 抽象物質專有名,代詞基數用作前限定。

              ??? 泛指節假,季節星期幾,球棋呼語與餐名。

              ??? 刊物公告與標題,普通名詞并列緊相鄰。

              ??? 唯一職位學科與語種,洲,國,省,市,縣。街路名。

              ??? 廣場公園建筑學校等,專名普名合并無冠是常情。

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