2024屆高考英語一輪復習課件:選修8 Unit4《Pygmalion》(新人教版福建專用)

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            2024屆高考英語一輪復習課件:選修8 Unit4《Pygmalion》(新人教版福建專用)


              ________________ 2.擠公交車

              __________________________________ 3.在公共場所吸煙

              _____________________ 4.破壞公德

              __________________ 5.創造一個美好的社會

              ________________ 6.崇尚文明

              ___________________ reject bad habits  fight against each other to get on the bus smoke in the public places violate public morality create a good society welcome good behavior  7.隨地吐痰扔雜物

              ____________________ 8.破壞……的形象

              _______________________ 9.文明國度

              _______________________ 10.闖紅燈

              ____________________ 11.大聲打手機

              _____________________ 12.強烈反對


              spit and litter everywhere do great harm to the image of a country with good manners run the red traffic lights talk loudly on cell phones be strongly against 1.所有這些行為都不是我們應該學習的,因為它們不僅傷害自己也給他人帶來麻煩或對環境造成破壞。(表語從句) 2.當我們在公共場所做任何事的時候都應該考慮是否對他人或我們的社會有好處,然后才想到自己。(狀語從句) 答案 1. None these actions are what we should learn because not only do they harm themselves but also they may cause trouble to others or do damage to our environment. 2. When do anything in the public places, we should first consider whether it is good to others or our society and then we consider ourselves. 3.每個人在公共場合都應該牢記該做和不該做的事來規范自己的行為。(keep…in mind) 4.我們應該嚴格要求自己,在生活和工作中學會責任和細心。(be strict with) 5.應該采取嚴格的措施來阻止這些不良的行為,也可以幫助青少年培養對他們有好處的其他愛好。(被動語態) 答案 3. Everybody should keep some do's and don'ts in their mind to guide their behavior in public. 4. We should be very strict with ourselves and learn to be responsible and careful in our life and work. 5. Serious measures should be taken to prevent such bad behavior as well as to help teenagers develop some other hobbies which do them good.

              仔細品味下面這幅漫 畫,指出漫畫所反映的社 會現象并分析該現象的危 害,提出應該怎樣杜絕該 現象(至少兩點)。 參考詞匯:piracy(n.)盜版行為;pirate(vt.)盜版; 注意:詞數120左右。開頭已經寫好,不計入總詞數。

              Currently, cheap pirated goods, such as pirated software, music and films, pose a serious challenge to the issue of protecting intellectual property. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ One possible version:

              Currently, cheap pirated goods, such as pirated software, music and films, pose a serious challenge to the issue of protecting intellectual property.

              Piracy equals theft. Copying others' ideas, designs, inventions or trademarks deeply hurts the initiators' feelings. They are discouraged from offering up more fantastic things or fabulous ideas, which are supposed to make our world more colorful and our life more comfortable and convenient. Piracy robs us of modern civilization. Thus, it is our duty to say no to piracy.

              One of the best ways to discourage piracy is to offer a diverse range of legal and affordable alternatives. If I can get a perfect song disc at 5 RMB, why do I bother buying a pirated one at 4.5 RMB? On top of this, the government must pass effective laws to punish the pirates in order to protect others' intellectual property. By making efforts, we can further the fight against piracy. 2024屆高考英語一輪復習課件 新人教版福建專用 Unit 4

              Pygmalion ① hesitate vi. 猶豫; 躊躇

              根據語境感悟用法 (1)Don't hesitate to contact me if you need more information.

              如果你需要更多的信息,直接聯系我。 (2)She's still hesitating about sending her son to college.

              她還在猶豫送兒子上大學的事。 短語 hesitate to do sth.


              hesitate about / in / at / over (doing)sth.

              (做)某事猶豫不決 hesitate about+疑問詞+to do sth.

              做某事猶豫不決 ① hesitate vi. 猶豫; 躊躇 鏈接 hesitation n.

              躊躇,猶豫 without hesitation

              毫不猶豫地 have no hesitation in doing sth.

              毫不猶豫地做某事 ① hesitate vi. 猶豫; 躊躇

              單項填空 When




              or unlawful, people should not ______ to say no. Otherwise they will put themselves into trouble.

              A. beg 

              B. hesitate

              C. desire

              D. seek B ① hesitate vi. 猶豫; 躊躇

              根據語境猜詞義 (1) They must have spent a fortune on that house.

              (2) I





              to be invited to stay in Rome. ② fortune n.

              根據語義找匹配 A. 大筆的錢  B. 機會;運氣 A B 短語 make a fortune

              發財 try one's fortune

              碰運氣 fame and fortune

              名利 tell one's fortune


              have the good fortune to do sth.

              有幸做某事 ② fortune n.

              鏈接 fortunate adj. 幸運的 unfortunate adj. 不幸的 fortunately adv. 幸運地 unfortunately adv. 不幸地 ② fortune n.

              單項填空 The girl was robbed last week, but _____ she had little money with her then.

              A. fortunately 

              B. surprisingly 

              C. eventually 

              D. originally A ② fortune n.

             ?、?in terms of… 就……來說;從……角度

              根據語境感悟用法 (1)A 200-year-old building is very old in terms of American history.

              從美國歷史來看,200年的建筑是很古老的了。 (2)In terms of money we are quite rich, but not in terms of happiness.


              單項填空 Though






              measure the value of material goods ______ money, it is extremely difficult to estimate the true value of the services.

              A. according to

              B. regardless of 

              C. in addition to

              D. in terms of D ③ in terms of… 就……來說;從……角度 ④ rob


              根據語境猜詞義 (1)Thieves robbed the bank of thousands of dollars. (2)Fear robbed him of speech.

              根據語義找匹配 A.剝奪;使失去  B.搶劫;盜竊



              (2)A ④ rob

              vt. 溫馨提示:

              rob 不能跟雙賓語, 偷走/搶走某人的某樣東西用rob sb. of sth.。 鏈接 robber

              n. 強盜;竊賊;搶劫犯 robbery

              n. 搶劫(不可數); 搶劫案(可數) ④ rob

              vt. 辨析


              rob意為“搶劫,掠奪,盜取”,表示直接使用暴力來搶劫他人的所有物,如恐嚇、搶奪、破門而入、闖入私室,持械搶劫等。常構成句型:rob + 被盜之人或地方+ of + 被盜物。

              The couple's house was robbed while they were on holiday.

              They knocked him down and robbed him of his watch.


              vt. 辨析


              steal意為“偷”,表示暗中竊取。常構成句型:steal + 被偷之物 + from + 被偷的人或地方。

              The boy often steals.

              The thief stole a lot of books from that shop. ④ rob


              翻譯句子 (1)我的手表被搶了。 (2)你剝奪了我的快樂。 答案 (1)I was robbed of my watch.

              (2)You have robbed me of my happiness. ④ rob


              用rob和steal及其短語的適當形式填空 (3)They ______ her ______ her money.

              (4)The war ______ him ______

              his wife and children.

              (5)A dog _____ a piece of meat _____ a butcher's shop.

              (6)He was sent to prison for ______ money. 答案 (3)robbed; of 

              (4)robbed; of  (5)stole; from 

              (6)stealing ⑤ show…in… 帶或領……進來

              根據語境感悟其用法 Please show that lady in.

              請帶那位女士進來。 短語 show sb. out

              領某人出去 show sb. into…

              領某人進入…… show sb. around / round …

              領某人參觀…… show off

              炫耀 show up

              出席,到場 ⑤ show…in… 帶或領……進來

              用正確的介詞或副詞填空 (1) It was ten o'clock when he finally showed ______.

              (2) Please show the lady ________ of the building.

              (3) Our trained guides will show you ________ the museum.


              (1) up

               (2) out

               (3) around / round ⑤ show…in… 帶或領……進來 ⑥ in need of


              根據語境感悟用法 (1)He was not in need of money.

              他并不需要錢。 (2)He said he was in great need of my assistance.

              他說他很需要我的幫助。 ⑥ in need of

              需要 鏈接 a friend in need

              患難之交 in need

              在困難中;在危急中 if/as the need arises

              如果有必要(在必要時) ⑥ in need of


              單項填空 (1)Jenny nearly missed the flight ____ doing too much shopping.

              A. as a result of

              B. on top of

              C. in front of

              D. in need of 解析

              由于花了很多時間購物,Jenny幾乎錯過了航班。as a result of 由于;on top of 在……之上。 A ⑥ in need of


              單項填空 (2)You'd sound a lot more polite if you make a request________ a question.

              A. in search of

              B. in the form of

              C. in need of

              D. in the direction of 解析

              如果你把請求用問題的形式提出來,聽起來會有禮貌得多。in the form of 以……形式; in search of 尋找; in the direction of 以……方向。 B

             ?、?I'd never have come if I'd known about this disgusting thing you want me to do…(P35)

              要是我知道你們想讓我做這樣令人厭惡的事情,我決不會來…… 虛擬語氣在if條件句中的使用情況如下:

              (1)與現在事實相反:從句用動詞的過去式;主句:would / could / should /


              (2)與過去事實相反:從句用had+過去分詞;主句:would / could / should / might+have+過去分詞; 本句中用了虛擬語氣,表示與過去事實相反的假設。 (3)與將來事實相反:

              從句有三種形式:①動詞的過去式;②should+動詞原形;③were to+動詞原形;主句用would / could / should / might+動詞原形。 用所給動詞的適當形式完成句子 (1) If I _______ (be)you, I would teach him a lesson. (2) If you ________ (tell)me earlier, I wouldn't have made such a mistake.

              (3) If it ______ (rain)tomorrow, I would stay at home.


              (1) were (2) had told (3) rained


              ________________ 2.擠公交車

              __________________________________ 3.在公共場所吸煙

              _____________________ 4.破壞公德

              __________________ 5.創造一個美好的社會

              ________________ 6.崇尚文明

              ___________________ reject bad habits  fight against each other to get on the bus smoke in the public places violate public morality create a good society welcome good behavior  7.隨地吐痰扔雜物

              ____________________ 8.破壞……的形象

              _______________________ 9.文明國度

              _______________________ 10.闖紅燈

              ____________________ 11.大聲打手機

              _____________________ 12.強烈反對


              spit and litter everywhere do great harm to the image of a country with good manners run the red traffic lights talk loudly on cell phones be strongly against 1.所有這些行為都不是我們應該學習的,因為它們不僅傷害自己也給他人帶來麻煩或對環境造成破壞。(表語從句) 2.當我們在公共場所做任何事的時候都應該考慮是否對他人或我們的社會有好處,然后才想到自己。(狀語從句) 答案 1. None these actions are what we should learn because not only do they harm themselves but also they may cause trouble to others or do damage to our environment. 2. When do anything in the public places, we should first consider whether it is good to others or our society and then we consider ourselves. 3.每個人在公共場合都應該牢記該做和不該做的事來規范自己的行為。(keep…in mind) 4.我們應該嚴格要求自己,在生活和工作中學會責任和細心。(be strict with) 5.應該采取嚴格的措施來阻止這些不良的行為,也可以幫助青少年培養對他們有好處的其他愛好。(被動語態) 答案 3. Everybody should keep some do's and don'ts in their mind to guide their behavior in public. 4. We should be very strict with ourselves and learn to be responsible and careful in our life and work. 5. Serious measures should be taken to prevent such bad behavior as well as to help teenagers develop some other hobbies which do them good.

              仔細品味下面這幅漫 畫,指出漫畫所反映的社 會現象并分析該現象的危 害,提出應該怎樣杜絕該 現象(至少兩點)。 參考詞匯:piracy(n.)盜版行為;pirate(vt.)盜版; 注意:詞數120左右。開頭已經寫好,不計入總詞數。

              Currently, cheap pirated goods, such as pirated software, music and films, pose a serious challenge to the issue of protecting intellectual property. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ One possible version:

              Currently, cheap pirated goods, such as pirated software, music and films, pose a serious challenge to the issue of protecting intellectual property.

              Piracy equals theft. Copying others' ideas, designs, inventions or trademarks deeply hurts the initiators' feelings. They are discouraged from offering up more fantastic things or fabulous ideas, which are supposed to make our world more colorful and our life more comfortable and convenient. Piracy robs us of modern civilization. Thus, it is our duty to say no to piracy.

              One of the best ways to discourage piracy is to offer a diverse range of legal and affordable alternatives. If I can get a perfect song disc at 5 RMB, why do I bother buying a pirated one at 4.5 RMB? On top of this, the government must pass effective laws to punish the pirates in order to protect others' intellectual property. By making efforts, we can further the fight against piracy. 2024屆高考英語一輪復習課件 新人教版福建專用 Unit 4

              Pygmalion ① hesitate vi. 猶豫; 躊躇

              根據語境感悟用法 (1)Don't hesitate to contact me if you need more information.

              如果你需要更多的信息,直接聯系我。 (2)She's still hesitating about sending her son to college.

              她還在猶豫送兒子上大學的事。 短語 hesitate to do sth.


              hesitate about / in / at / over (doing)sth.

              (做)某事猶豫不決 hesitate about+疑問詞+to do sth.

              做某事猶豫不決 ① hesitate vi. 猶豫; 躊躇 鏈接 hesitation n.

              躊躇,猶豫 without hesitation

              毫不猶豫地 have no hesitation in doing sth.

              毫不猶豫地做某事 ① hesitate vi. 猶豫; 躊躇

              單項填空 When




              or unlawful, people should not ______ to say no. Otherwise they will put themselves into trouble.

              A. beg 

              B. hesitate

              C. desire

              D. seek B ① hesitate vi. 猶豫; 躊躇

              根據語境猜詞義 (1) They must have spent a fortune on that house.

              (2) I





              to be invited to stay in Rome. ② fortune n.

              根據語義找匹配 A. 大筆的錢  B. 機會;運氣 A B 短語 make a fortune

              發財 try one's fortune

              碰運氣 fame and fortune

              名利 tell one's fortune


              have the good fortune to do sth.

              有幸做某事 ② fortune n.

              鏈接 fortunate adj. 幸運的 unfortunate adj. 不幸的 fortunately adv. 幸運地 unfortunately adv. 不幸地 ② fortune n.

              單項填空 The girl was robbed last week, but _____ she had little money with her then.

              A. fortunately 

              B. surprisingly 

              C. eventually 

              D. originally A ② fortune n.

             ?、?in terms of… 就……來說;從……角度

              根據語境感悟用法 (1)A 200-year-old building is very old in terms of American history.

              從美國歷史來看,200年的建筑是很古老的了。 (2)In terms of money we are quite rich, but not in terms of happiness.


              單項填空 Though






              measure the value of material goods ______ money, it is extremely difficult to estimate the true value of the services.

              A. according to

              B. regardless of 

              C. in addition to

              D. in terms of D ③ in terms of… 就……來說;從……角度 ④ rob


              根據語境猜詞義 (1)Thieves robbed the bank of thousands of dollars. (2)Fear robbed him of speech.

              根據語義找匹配 A.剝奪;使失去  B.搶劫;盜竊



              (2)A ④ rob

              vt. 溫馨提示:

              rob 不能跟雙賓語, 偷走/搶走某人的某樣東西用rob sb. of sth.。 鏈接 robber

              n. 強盜;竊賊;搶劫犯 robbery

              n. 搶劫(不可數); 搶劫案(可數) ④ rob

              vt. 辨析


              rob意為“搶劫,掠奪,盜取”,表示直接使用暴力來搶劫他人的所有物,如恐嚇、搶奪、破門而入、闖入私室,持械搶劫等。常構成句型:rob + 被盜之人或地方+ of + 被盜物。

              The couple's house was robbed while they were on holiday.

              They knocked him down and robbed him of his watch.


              vt. 辨析


              steal意為“偷”,表示暗中竊取。常構成句型:steal + 被偷之物 + from + 被偷的人或地方。

              The boy often steals.

              The thief stole a lot of books from that shop. ④ rob


              翻譯句子 (1)我的手表被搶了。 (2)你剝奪了我的快樂。 答案 (1)I was robbed of my watch.

              (2)You have robbed me of my happiness. ④ rob


              用rob和steal及其短語的適當形式填空 (3)They ______ her ______ her money.

              (4)The war ______ him ______

              his wife and children.

              (5)A dog _____ a piece of meat _____ a butcher's shop.

              (6)He was sent to prison for ______ money. 答案 (3)robbed; of 

              (4)robbed; of  (5)stole; from 

              (6)stealing ⑤ show…in… 帶或領……進來

              根據語境感悟其用法 Please show that lady in.

              請帶那位女士進來。 短語 show sb. out

              領某人出去 show sb. into…

              領某人進入…… show sb. around / round …

              領某人參觀…… show off

              炫耀 show up

              出席,到場 ⑤ show…in… 帶或領……進來

              用正確的介詞或副詞填空 (1) It was ten o'clock when he finally showed ______.

              (2) Please show the lady ________ of the building.

              (3) Our trained guides will show you ________ the museum.


              (1) up

               (2) out

               (3) around / round ⑤ show…in… 帶或領……進來 ⑥ in need of


              根據語境感悟用法 (1)He was not in need of money.

              他并不需要錢。 (2)He said he was in great need of my assistance.

              他說他很需要我的幫助。 ⑥ in need of

              需要 鏈接 a friend in need

              患難之交 in need

              在困難中;在危急中 if/as the need arises

              如果有必要(在必要時) ⑥ in need of


              單項填空 (1)Jenny nearly missed the flight ____ doing too much shopping.

              A. as a result of

              B. on top of

              C. in front of

              D. in need of 解析

              由于花了很多時間購物,Jenny幾乎錯過了航班。as a result of 由于;on top of 在……之上。 A ⑥ in need of


              單項填空 (2)You'd sound a lot more polite if you make a request________ a question.

              A. in search of

              B. in the form of

              C. in need of

              D. in the direction of 解析

              如果你把請求用問題的形式提出來,聽起來會有禮貌得多。in the form of 以……形式; in search of 尋找; in the direction of 以……方向。 B

             ?、?I'd never have come if I'd known about this disgusting thing you want me to do…(P35)

              要是我知道你們想讓我做這樣令人厭惡的事情,我決不會來…… 虛擬語氣在if條件句中的使用情況如下:

              (1)與現在事實相反:從句用動詞的過去式;主句:would / could / should /


              (2)與過去事實相反:從句用had+過去分詞;主句:would / could / should / might+have+過去分詞; 本句中用了虛擬語氣,表示與過去事實相反的假設。 (3)與將來事實相反:

              從句有三種形式:①動詞的過去式;②should+動詞原形;③were to+動詞原形;主句用would / could / should / might+動詞原形。 用所給動詞的適當形式完成句子 (1) If I _______ (be)you, I would teach him a lesson. (2) If you ________ (tell)me earlier, I wouldn't have made such a mistake.

              (3) If it ______ (rain)tomorrow, I would stay at home.


              (1) were (2) had told (3) rained

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