川普又上熱搜了 這次是浴袍門
特朗普又上熱搜了,這次是因為一件浴袍。事情的起因是白宮資訊發言人斯派塞在回應《紐約時報》的一篇報道時稱特朗普“絕對不穿浴袍”。據《紐約時報》爆料,特朗普入主白宮后白宮管理混亂,而他經常穿著一件浴袍在總統府邸葛優癱。斯派塞稱故事謊話連篇,并辯解特朗普根本“沒有浴袍”,也“絕對不穿浴袍”。此回應一出,斯派塞立刻遭網友啪啪打臉。推特用戶紛紛甩出特朗普身穿浴袍的照片,并在#浴袍門 Photographs of Donald Trump wearing a bathrobe have been shared on social media in response to his press secretary's assertion he "definitely doesn't wear one".
An article published in the New York Times on Sunday painted an unsettling picture of life in the White House, with aides unable to locate light switches being forced to meet in the dark, visitors being left to find their own way out of the building after meetings and a "darkened, mostly empty West Wing".
The president, it was reported, spent considerable time "watching television in his bathrobe" and marking up negative news reports with a black Sharpie.
The White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, said the story was "so riddled with inaccuracies and lies" that the New York Times owed Trump an apology.
Trump, too, tweeted that the report by the "failing" newspaper was "total fiction".
Spicer took particular issue with the bathrobe report, which he said was “literally the epitome of fake news”.
“I don’t think the president owns a bathrobe,” he said. “He definitely doesn’t wear one.”
Unsurprisingly, people have taken to social media to contradict Mr Spicer's bathrobe comment with various hashtags popping up, including #BathRobeGate.
Avi Bueno tweeted a photo of Ronald Reagan in a robe, with the caption: 'Weird to see @seanspicer and @realDonaldTrump getting all defensive about a #bathrobe when their hero wasn't shy about it."
John Aravosis, editor of @AMERICAblog, was quick to post three photos of Donald Trump wearing a bathrobe, which had featured in a November Daily Mail article about a trove of Trump memorabilia being found in a US thrift shop.
Considering the Trump Organisation lists 37 properties, including 15 hotels, on its website, many posters are assuming that a bathrobe or two may have been worn in the Trump household.
Various robes bearing the Trump brand have been posted on social media, including this picture of American actor Mike Rowe.
He tweeted a photo in August 2024 of a bathrobe autographed by Mr Trump, along with a video in which Mike says he wore the robe "briefly".
有人專門開了一個推特,起名為@總統的浴袍 其實@總統的浴袍還有一個堂哥叫@特朗普的浴袍,這個賬號創建于2024年。
特朗普又上熱搜了,這次是因為一件浴袍。事情的起因是白宮資訊發言人斯派塞在回應《紐約時報》的一篇報道時稱特朗普“絕對不穿浴袍”。據《紐約時報》爆料,特朗普入主白宮后白宮管理混亂,而他經常穿著一件浴袍在總統府邸葛優癱。斯派塞稱故事謊話連篇,并辯解特朗普根本“沒有浴袍”,也“絕對不穿浴袍”。此回應一出,斯派塞立刻遭網友啪啪打臉。推特用戶紛紛甩出特朗普身穿浴袍的照片,并在#浴袍門 Photographs of Donald Trump wearing a bathrobe have been shared on social media in response to his press secretary's assertion he "definitely doesn't wear one".
An article published in the New York Times on Sunday painted an unsettling picture of life in the White House, with aides unable to locate light switches being forced to meet in the dark, visitors being left to find their own way out of the building after meetings and a "darkened, mostly empty West Wing".
The president, it was reported, spent considerable time "watching television in his bathrobe" and marking up negative news reports with a black Sharpie.
The White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, said the story was "so riddled with inaccuracies and lies" that the New York Times owed Trump an apology.
Trump, too, tweeted that the report by the "failing" newspaper was "total fiction".
Spicer took particular issue with the bathrobe report, which he said was “literally the epitome of fake news”.
“I don’t think the president owns a bathrobe,” he said. “He definitely doesn’t wear one.”
Unsurprisingly, people have taken to social media to contradict Mr Spicer's bathrobe comment with various hashtags popping up, including #BathRobeGate.
Avi Bueno tweeted a photo of Ronald Reagan in a robe, with the caption: 'Weird to see @seanspicer and @realDonaldTrump getting all defensive about a #bathrobe when their hero wasn't shy about it."
John Aravosis, editor of @AMERICAblog, was quick to post three photos of Donald Trump wearing a bathrobe, which had featured in a November Daily Mail article about a trove of Trump memorabilia being found in a US thrift shop.
Considering the Trump Organisation lists 37 properties, including 15 hotels, on its website, many posters are assuming that a bathrobe or two may have been worn in the Trump household.
Various robes bearing the Trump brand have been posted on social media, including this picture of American actor Mike Rowe.
He tweeted a photo in August 2024 of a bathrobe autographed by Mr Trump, along with a video in which Mike says he wore the robe "briefly".
有人專門開了一個推特,起名為@總統的浴袍 其實@總統的浴袍還有一個堂哥叫@特朗普的浴袍,這個賬號創建于2024年。