2024屆高考英語一輪復習課件: Unit 2(新人教版選修7)

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            2024屆高考英語一輪復習課件: Unit 2(新人教版選修7)

              5.Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot.(P11) 克萊爾覺得機器人會向她表示同情,這有點荒唐可笑。 ◆詞語歸納 out of sympathy 出于同情 feel/have sympathy for sb.同情某人

               be in sympathy with sb.贊同某人,和……一致 have some/no sympathy with sb./sth.贊同/不贊同某人的觀點/某事 ◆即學即練 選用上述短語填空。 (1)He gave the poor child some money____________ . (2)Although I _____________him,I could do nothing to help. (3)I,m sorry to say that I _____________your opinion. (4)The little girl is so kind that she often _____________the homeless dogs wandering around.

              答案: (1)out of sympathy

              (2)felt/had sympathy for

              (3)have no sympathy with

              (4)feels/has sympathy for 6.As he was not allowed to accompany her to the shops,he wrote out a list of items for her.(P11) 因為克萊爾不讓托尼陪她去商店,所以托尼就給她寫了一份購物清單。 ◆詞語拓展

              accompany sb.to a place 陪伴某人去某地 accompany sth.with/by sth.與某事物同時存在或發生 keep sb.company 陪伴某人,和某人做伴 in the company of sb.在某人陪同下 ◆即學即練 選用上述短語完成句子。 (1)He _____________(陪伴受驚的女孩)to her house and _____________(陪伴她)until she calmed down. (2)He went to the professor,s office _____________ (在……的陪伴下)his good friend Tom.  答案: (1)accompanied the frightened girl,kept her company

              (2)accompanied by/in the company of 7.She cried out “Tony” and then heard him declare that he didn,t want to leave her the next day.(P11) 她大叫一聲“托尼”,然后聽到托尼一本正經地說,第二天他不想離開她。 ◆詞語歸納

              declare sth.宣布  declare sb./sth.(to be)n./adj.宣布……為…… declare+that~clause declare war on/upon...對……宣戰

               declare against/for sb./sth.聲明反對/贊成 ◆即學即練 選用上述短語完成下列小片段。 When George Bush 


              Saddam Hussein 


              a dictator(獨裁者)and he decided to 


              Iraq,many people in the world 


              war and they 


              that Bush was a troublemaker. 答案: (1)declared

              (2)to be

              (3)declared war on

              (4)declared against

              (5)declared 8.What a sweet victory to be envied by those women!(P12) 受到那些女士的嫉妒,這該是多么甜美的勝利! ◆詞語歸納 envy sb.sth.=envy+sb.(for sth.)嫉妒/羨慕某人某物 (become)the envy of sb.(成為)令人嫉妒/羨慕的事物/對象 be in envy of one,s success 羨慕某人的成功 out of envy 出于嫉妒/羨慕 ◆即學即練 選用上述短語完成句子。 (1)She admitted she did all this_____________.(緣于嫉妒) (2)All her workmates_____________.(都羨慕她的升級) (3)His gold medal _____________.(成了其他運動員羨慕的對象) (4)The new company of his own has become _____________(令……羨慕的事物)his former classmates.

              答案:(1)out of envy

              (2)envied her(for)her promotion

              (3)becomes the envy of the other competitors.

              (4)the/an envy of 9.This really surprised Asimov and from that moment,he started to take himself seriously as a writer.(P16) 這使阿西莫夫很驚訝。從那以后,他就開始認真地把自己當成作家了。 take...seriously 嚴肅對待,認真對待 ◆即學即練 翻譯下列句子。 (1)請不要把他說的話當真——他醉了。 ____________________________________________  (2)要認真對待學習,否則將來你會后悔的。 _____________________________________________ 答案: (1)Please don,t take what he said seriously—he,s got drunk.

              (2)Take your studies seriously,or you will regret some day. 10.So set aside some time each day to write,even if it is only five minutes.(P18) 因此,每天留些時間來寫作,即使只有五分鐘也好。

              set aside 將……放在一邊,節省或保留(時間、錢),不理會(要求、感受等) ◆即學即練 翻譯下列句子。 (1)爸爸把報紙放在一邊,點燃了一支香煙。 __________________________________________  (2)他為了買一套更大的房子而努力工作攢錢。 ____________________________________________ 

              答案:(1)Father set aside the newspaper and lit a cigarette.

              (2)He is working hard to set aside some money to buy a larger house. 寫作步步高 摘要寫作技巧(1) 寫作指導:摘要是對一篇文章的主題思想的簡單陳述。它用最簡潔的語言概括了原文的主題。寫摘要主要包括三個步驟:(1)閱讀;(2)寫作;(3)修改成文。  摘要的常用開頭語: The passage tells us that... The passage conveys an viewpoint that... The passage shows/presents us a fact(an idea/...)that... The writer of the passage tells us that... 寫摘要的注意事項: 1.摘要是轉述別人的事情或觀點,因此,無論原文使用何種人稱,摘要一般都要用第三人稱。 2.摘要的語言要精練,同時要體現原文的主旨。 ◆活學活用 閱讀下列段落,然后用一句話概括各個段落,注意語言的簡潔、精練。 1.You can think of a way to manage your temper.Here are some tips: (1)We should try to calm down and figure out what we are really upset about. (2)Keep a diary.It can help you understand more about yourself and your feelings. (3)We can try to talk with our best friends to release stressful emotions. Summary:_____________________________________

              2.Nowadays more and more teenagers try to be more independent from their parents and sometimes become very rebellious.They always want to wear long and strange hair style,which their parents complain about a lot.They also spend too much time on the Internet and playing computer games. Summary:____________________________________  3.Kate looked at Paul disapprovingly,“You put too much salt on your food,Paul.It,s not at all good for you!” Paul put down his knife and frowned,“Why on earth not!If you didn,t have salt on your food it would taste awful...like eating wood or sand...just imagine bread without salt in it!” Summary:____________________________________

              4.She bought a lot of vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, cucumbers,tomatoes,potatoes and some eggs.She intended to invite all his friends to her birthday party at the weekend. Summary:_____________________________________  答案:1. Here are three tips for you to manage your temper better. 2. Nowadays more and more children try to behave independently and differently. 3. Kate asked Paul not to put too much salt on his food,but Paul wouldn,t listen to her. 4.

              To hold her birthday party at the weekend,she bought a lot of vegetables. 祝 您 高考總復習·人教版·英語 選修 7 Unit 2


              考點要求 Ⅰ.寫出下列必考單詞 1.小說;虛構或想象出來的事n.

              _____________ 2.同情;同感;同情心n.

              _____________ 3.事務,曖昧關系,私通n.

              _____________ 4.軟墊,靠墊 n.

              _____________ 5.額外津貼,紅包 n.


              6.超重的 adj.

              _____________ 7.烹飪(風味),菜肴n.

              _____________ 8.數碼的 adj

              ._____________ 9.上帝的,神圣的adj.

              _____________ 10.較年幼的,資歷淺的adj.

              _____________ 11.章,篇,回 n.

              _____________ 12.全體員工,手杖 n.

              _____________ fiction sympathy affair .cushion .bonus overweight cuisine digital .holy junior chapter staff

              Ⅱ.寫出下列單詞的變化形式 1.渴望,欲望,想要(n.&v.)__________; 渴望的,可取的(adj.)____________ 2.警報,驚恐,使警覺(vt.& n.)____________;使人恐慌的(adj.)_____________;擔心的,害怕的(adj.)_____________ 3.使尷尬,使不安(vt.)_____________;令人尷尬的(adj.)____________ ;尷尬的(adj.)____________4.極壞的,討厭的(adj.)_____________;極壞地,討厭地(adv.)____________

               .desire





              embarrass; embarrassing




              5.優雅的,高雅的(adj.)_____________ ;優雅地,高雅地(adv.)_____________;優雅,高雅(n. _____________ 6.荒謬的(adj.)_____________;荒謬(n.)_____________ 7.天才,才干(n.)_____________;有天賦的,有才能的(adj.)_____________ elegant





              talent; talented

              ◆活學活用 用所給單詞的適當形式填空。 1.She _____________ a lot of money and her _____________ for wealth made her put all her money in the bank.When she learned that it was possible that interest rate should be reduced,she almost went crazy.(desire) 2.“We must take _____________ measures to solve the problem.” the manager said_____________.(firm) 3.She entered the hall _____________ and many gentlemen were attracted by her _____________.(elegant) 4.She felt _____________ when looking at the _____________ painted figure.(awful) 5.It was not easy for her to see the _____________ of his ____________ decision.(absurdly) 答案:1.desired;desire2.firm;firmly3.elegantly;elegance4.awful;awfully5.absurdity;absurd Ⅲ.翻譯下列必背短語 1.希望/渴望做某事

              _____________  2.一定做某事

              _____________ 3.考驗,試驗

              _____________ 4.打電話

              _____________ 5.做……使某人尷尬/害羞



              _____________ 7.陪伴某人去某地

              _____________ 8.轉身,轉向

              _____________ 9.不管,不理會,讓……獨自呆著



              _____________ 11.嚴肅對待,認真對待



              _____________ desire to do sth. be bound to do sth. test out ring sb.up embarrass sb.with sth./by doing sth. feel/have sympathy for sb. accompany sb.to a place turn around leave...alone a pile of/piles of take...seriously set aside

              ◆活學活用 根據句后的解釋,選擇適當的短語完成句子。 1.However,some enjoy _____________ other people _____________ private questions.(make others feel ashamed or uncomfortable) 2.I try to _____________ a few minutes to do some exercise each day.(lay aside,spare) 3.She insisted on _____________the professor _____________the airport.(go somewhere with sb.) 4.He _____________ his friends as soon as he got to America.(give sb.a call) 5.He _____________knowledge.(be eager for) 6.You,d better _____________ him _____________ for a while when he gets angry for something like this again.(not show attention to,not stay with) 7.I,ve told you I am _____________ it ____________.(not joking) 答案:1.embarrassing,with2.set aside3.accompanying,to4.rang up5.has a strong desire for6.leave,alone7.taking,seriously Ⅳ.單元重點動詞 accompany







              ◆活學活用 用上述動詞的適當形式填空。 1.When they were talking about the _____________ news about the girl,the woman became so _____________that she felt as if they were slapping her face. 2.Anne was sleeping when the phone _____________ her awake.She was even _____________ to hear the _____________ news that another bombing had hit Birmingham. 3._____________ all the books in the storehouse,she felt very tired. 4.If you _____________ the rule,you wouldn,t have got into trouble. 5.Their brains _____________ so that researchers can monitor the progress of the disease. 答案:1.embarrassing,embarrased2.alarmed;alarmed;alarming3.Having piled4.had obeyed5.are scanned Ⅴ.重點句型 But even though Tony had been so clever,he would have to be rebuilt——you cannot have women falling in loving with machines.(P12) 但是,盡管托尼很聰明,他還得作一番改造——總不能讓女人與機器人相愛吧。 have sb.doing sth.讓某人(一直)做某事,(用在否定句中表示“不讓/不允許某人做某事”)如: He won,t have you playing football in the back yard. 他不會允許你們在他的后院里踢足球的。 模仿造句。 (1)十年前那村里的人從來不允許婦女與家人一起坐著吃飯。 _______________________________________________  (2)洗衣服時請不要讓水龍頭一直開著。 _______________________________________________  答案:(1)Ten years ago,people in the village never had women sitting with the family for dinner.

              (2)Please don,t have the tap running when you are washing. Ⅵ.語篇領悟  根據課文Satisfaction Guaranteed完成下列短文 A robot used for housework 


              (test)out in a family.He looked like a tall 


              handsome man with smooth black hair,


              (speak)in a deep voice.Larry was going to be away from home so he hired such a robot to accompany


               wife Claire.Claire didnt like the idea at the beginning,but she agreed to it at last.At her first sight of Tony,Claire was alarmed.When Tony offered to help her dressing,Claire felt embarrassed.


              (gradual),Tony began to win Claire,s trust.He helped Claire realize her dreams 


               making her home elegant,giving her a new haircut,changing the makeup she wore and giving her advice on her dresses.


              at the party all the guests 


              .were invited were filled with admiration 


              they saw her house was completely changed.After the test,the company was satisfied with Tonys report 


               he had successfully made a woman regain her confidence.

              答案:1.was tested2.and3.speaking4.his5.Gradually6.by7.Therefore8.who9.when10.because

              Ⅶ.考點活用 用本單元所學詞組、句型翻譯下列短文 我一直渴望有一部洗衣機。上周六我朋友就陪我去商店買了一臺。我想試試洗衣機的功能好不好,于是我 叫我的親戚、朋友們把他們要洗的衣服、被子都拿到我家來。當我把最后一大堆衣服放進洗衣機后,我發覺它轉動不了了。我打電話叫來技術員。他說,“你放進去的衣服超重了,而且,你讓它連續工作的時間太長。你怎么有這么多衣服要洗?”他的話讓我很尷尬。令我滿意的是,他很快解決了問題,并教給我有關使洗衣機工作順利的知識。 _________________________________________________________________________________________ 自主學習 1.Do you think it is possible for a robot to have its own needs and desires?(P10) 你認為機器人有可能有自己的需求嗎? 閱讀下列句子,注意desire的詞性和意思。 (1)He desires wealth,health and power.(v.“渴望,希望,要求”) (2)His desire is to get a lot of money without hard work.(n.“愿望,要求,向往的東西”) ◆詞語歸納 desire sth.=have a desire for sth.渴望得到某事 desire to do sth.=have a desire to do sth.希望/渴望做某物 desire sb.to do sth.=desire that sb.(should)do希望某人做某事meet/satisfy one,s desire 滿足某人的愿望 at one,s desire 照某人的希望 ◆即學即練 A.選用上述短語完成句子。 (1)Everyone_____________(渴望成功),but not everyone desires to get rich. (2)I applied for the job _____________.(照我父親的愿望) (3)He _____________(要求你去見他)at once. 答案.(1)has a desire for success/desires success

              (2)at my father,s desire

              (3)desires you to go to see him/desires that you(should)go to see him ◆詞語辨析 desire;long for;wish;hope;want;expect (1)desire 強調主觀愿望的熱切性,表示 “強烈希望做某事或得到某物”,用于正式場合。 (2)long for 表示希望,渴望; (3)wish 語氣比desire弱,一般用于難以實現或不可能實現的愿望(其后的賓語從句常用虛擬語氣),或表祝愿,可接雙賓語如:Wish you good luck/a happy New Year(祝你好運/新年快樂) (4)hope 表示實現的可能較大的希望,want 表示想要; (5)expect 側重表示“期待,預期”。 表示“希望做某事/得到某物”有多種表達: desire(for)sth./to do sth. hope for sth./to do sth. wish for sth./to do sth. want sth./to do sth. expect sth./to do sth. long for sth./to do sth. be eager for sth./to do sth. want/wish/expect sb.to do sth.(但不能用hope)希望某人做某事

              溫馨提示:(1)hope 不能接to do 做其賓語補足語,即不能說hope sb.to do sth. (2)wish(that)+sb.did sth.(與現在事實相反, 從句動詞用過去式,be用were) wish that+sb.had done sth.(與過去事實相反,從句動詞用過去完成時) (3)had wanted,had hoped,had desired表示過去本來想、本來打算做某事,但沒有做成,或事實與期待的相反。 ◆即學即練 選詞填空。 desire/expect/long/hope/wish/want (1)I _____________ an immediate answer of yours. (2)We _____________ each other good luck in the examination. (3)Personally,our city team has better players and I _____________ them to win. (4)Mike _____________ to see the film last night,but he didn,t get the ticket. (5)I _____________I were a bird and could fly freely in the sky.

            主站蜘蛛池模板: 性无码一区二区三区在线观看| 区三区激情福利综合中文字幕在线一区亚洲视频1 | 久久综合精品不卡一区二区| 亚洲色婷婷一区二区三区| 亚洲视频一区二区| 天堂一区人妻无码| 国产精品免费一区二区三区| 无码人妻久久久一区二区三区 | 国产日韩精品一区二区在线观看播放 | 亚洲综合av一区二区三区不卡 | 免费萌白酱国产一区二区| 亚洲av无码天堂一区二区三区 | 日韩精品无码一区二区视频| 亚洲一区中文字幕| 99久久精品国产高清一区二区 | 国产一区二区影院| 中文字幕日韩一区二区不卡| 国产无码一区二区在线| 亚洲国产AV无码一区二区三区| 无码免费一区二区三区免费播放| 国产福利一区视频| 一区二区三区日本电影| 在线观看一区二区精品视频| 亚洲国产日韩在线一区| 91一区二区三区四区五区| 日本免费一区二区三区| 色欲精品国产一区二区三区AV| 东京热无码一区二区三区av| 红杏亚洲影院一区二区三区| 一区 二区 三区 中文字幕| 波多野结衣中文字幕一区| 福利一区在线视频| 国产亚洲一区二区手机在线观看| 国产精品视频一区二区噜噜| 国产成人无码AV一区二区在线观看 | 亚洲电影唐人社一区二区| 亚洲欧洲日韩国产一区二区三区| 无码一区二区三区中文字幕| 女女同性一区二区三区四区| 精品一区二区三区3d动漫| 中文字幕在线播放一区|