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             ?。ㄒ唬?聽力題型分析  ?。峁潱╯ection a)   1、 問題類型   a節每組對話一般是在一男一女之間進行的一問一答。問題一般由先講話的人提出。題目均以問句形式出現,其中多數是特殊疑問句。這些問題涉及的內容大致歸納如下:  ?。帷⒍嘤脕韱栆韵聝热荩?  ?。保?問是什么、要什么、討論什么、什么種類等,如:   what is the mans answer?   what does the woman want for lunch?   what are they talking about?   what kind of books does the man want to borrow?   2) 問做什么,如:   what does the woman tell the man to do first?   what are the speakers doing now?   what will happen if john fails the exam?  ?。常?問什么含義,如:   what does the man mean ?   what does the womans answer suggest?   4) 問從對話中能獲得什么信息或結論,如:   what can we learn from the conversation?   what can be concluded from this conversation?  ?。担?問對某人或某事有什么看法,如:   what does the man think of miss brown?   what does the woman think of the plan?   2、a節中用提出的問題主要問對話可能是在什么場所發生的,即:   where does this conversation most probably take place?   where does this conversation most likely occur?   where are the man and woman?   3、可能問以下幾個方面的情況:  ?。保?問鐘點(可用替換),如:   man : what time did yesterdays football match start?   woman : it was supposed to start at a quarter to 7, but it was delayed an hour.   question: when did the game finally start?   2) 問在哪個星期或星期幾(后者可用替換),如:   w: i thought to go to town now. i have some shopping to do.   m: dont spend too much, i wont get paid until next week.   q: when will he be paid?   3) 問日期,如:   when will the winter vacation begin?   4、用提問的問題可以問原因,也可以問目的,如:   why is the man late?   why did the man repair the car by himself?   5、可能問對話者某一方的身份、對話人之間的關系或對話中涉及到的其他人的情況,如:   w: may i help you ,sir?   m: i hope so. its my watch. i brought it in to be repaired, but ive lost the   receipt.   q: who is the man?   6、主要針對以下內容提問:   1) 問做某事的方式、方法或使用的交通工具,如:   how did the teacher usually begin his class?   how does the man usually go to work?  ?。玻?問對某事的感受如何,如:   how does the man feel about the movie?   how do you like the film?   7、問多少,屬于涉及數字的題,可能有以下幾種形式:   how many persons ...?   how many dozens of ... does ... want?   how much does ...?   how old is ...?   how long does it take ... to ...?  ?。峁澋膯柧涓鶕蓡栐~劃分,大致可以歸為以上七類。a節中偶爾也有個別一般疑問句。但也可能出現其它類型的問句,(如以whom,whose,which提問),或針對以上未歸納的內容進行提問。  ?。ǘ?對話內容分類   若按對話內容分類,則可分為以下幾種類型:  ?。?、時間類:包括直接型和計算型。如:   w: your library books are due on december 13th. if you have not finished using them by then, you may renew them once.   m: thank you very much . i only need them for a few days.   q: when must the man return his books to the library?   b、數字類:包括直接型和計算型。如:   w: do you live in a college dormitory?   m: yes, i do. its a six-man suite, but at the moment only four of us live there.   q: how many people share the suite now?  ?。?、地點類:包括直接型和含蓄型。如:   m: i need to cash this check?   w: will you step right over to the tellers window, please?   q: where is the conversation most probably taking place?   d、否定類:   此類對話既可以含有not,no,neither,nor等否定詞,也有 but,although等轉折詞,或由would rather,too...to結構及虛擬語氣等表達。因此,對于后者要特別加以注意。如:   m: ann, do you have any extra money you could loan me?   w: i wish i could help you. i went shopping yesterday. now i have only two dollars till the end of the week.   q: will the man borrow any money from the woman?   此題的答案肯定是no。聽這段話時要抓住i wish i could help you.這一關鍵話語。這句話雖然從表面上看是肯定式,但卻隱含著im sorry i cant help you.的意思。   e、人物類:   包括人物關系、人物身份兩類。此類對話提供一個情節,能反映所涉及的人的關系或身份。如:   m: good evening, madam. there is a table for two over there. this way, please.   w: thank you. could i see the menu, please?   q: whats the relationship between the man and woman?   a) husband and wife. b) waiter and customer.   c) salesman and customer. d) host and guest.  ?。妗⒒顒宇悾?   這一類談話內容可涉及上課、娛樂、工作、日常生活等各種   情況。如:   w: are you going to new york next weekend?   m: yes, im going to look up bill while im there.   q: whats the man going to do?   這類對話中往往先后出現幾種情況,要注意聽問句是什么,然后再作出選擇。  ?。ㄈ? 幾種常見的解題方法   a節中的對話雖然簡短,但多數情況下,往往不能從聽到的內容中找到與選擇項內容完全相同的部分,即對話中一般沒有現成的答案。因此,在聽的時候要注意抓住選擇項的同義或反義詞(組)用辨別法答題(解活動類多用此方法),或根據對話內容采用歸納、推論或辨別的方法回答。用這種方法答題,類型不僅僅限于諸如what does the man mean?這樣的題目,其它如含蓄人物類、人物身份類、含蓄地點類、否定類題目也與此類似。如:   w: how do you like the play you saw last night?   m: well, i should have stayed at home.   q: what does the man think of the play?   a) it is exciting. b) it is boring.   c) he didnt see the play. d) he like it very much.   對話中i should have stayed at home.(我真該待在家里),這句話已婉轉地表明他不喜歡這出戲,而對沒有待在家里表示遺憾、后悔(should have done something這種結構可用來表示對應該發生而實際上沒有發生的事情表示遺憾、后悔或譴責)。能使他產生此感想的原因自然是the play is boring.(演出令人厭煩),因而b是正確的答案。否定類題目多含有虛擬語氣、語氣否定、暗示比喻、強化意見等形式。這一節屬于此數字類題目的對話中,多出現兩處,甚至三、四處數字或時間,因此,除了用辨別方法外,有時必須用計算方法才能得出正確答案.  ?。ㄋ模?四六級英語寫作類型   1. 體裁:說明文,議論文 最近幾年的四六級作文的體裁以說明文和議論文為主。說明文如:how to succeed in a job interview (2000,12,四級), how i finance my college education(2000,1 四級), practice makes perfect, haste makes waste(97,1 六級)議論文如:dont hesitate to say no(99,1 四級和六級), can money buy happiness(95,1 四級), is a test of spoken english necessary?(2000,6 四級) reading selectively or extensively? ,do lucky numbers really bring good luck?   2.段落類型:比較/對比,列舉,程序等 說明和議論文章所采用的文章擴展模式一般以比較/對照,舉例、列舉、因果、程序等者居多。如:dont hesitate to say no, reading selectively or extensively等很多四六級寫作中都涉及到兩種觀點的對比,整體的段落類型為對照型。practice makes perfect, harmfulness of fake commodities等可采用因果行的段落結構模式,也可以采用舉例說明的結構模式。advantages of a job interview則應采用列舉的段落擴展模式。   3. 出題方式:提綱式寫作,中文提綱,一般為三句或兩句。   如:99年1月份考題directions: for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: dont hesitate to say no. you should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline below.   1. 別人請求幫助時,在什么情況下我們會說不。   2. 為什么有些人在該說不的時候不說不。   3. 該說不時不說不的壞處。   再如:98年一月分考題directions: for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: harmfulness of fake commodities. you should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline below.   1. 目前社會上有不少假冒偽劣商品。為什么會有這種情況   2. 舉例說明假冒偽劣商品對消費者個人、社會等的危害。


              (一) 聽力題型分析  ?。峁潱╯ection a)   1、 問題類型  ?。峁澝拷M對話一般是在一男一女之間進行的一問一答。問題一般由先講話的人提出。題目均以問句形式出現,其中多數是特殊疑問句。這些問題涉及的內容大致歸納如下:  ?。?、多用來問以下內容:   1) 問是什么、要什么、討論什么、什么種類等,如:   what is the mans answer?   what does the woman want for lunch?   what are they talking about?   what kind of books does the man want to borrow?  ?。玻?問做什么,如:   what does the woman tell the man to do first?   what are the speakers doing now?   what will happen if john fails the exam?   3) 問什么含義,如:   what does the man mean ?   what does the womans answer suggest?  ?。矗?問從對話中能獲得什么信息或結論,如:   what can we learn from the conversation?   what can be concluded from this conversation?   5) 問對某人或某事有什么看法,如:   what does the man think of miss brown?   what does the woman think of the plan?   2、a節中用提出的問題主要問對話可能是在什么場所發生的,即:   where does this conversation most probably take place?   where does this conversation most likely occur?   where are the man and woman?   3、可能問以下幾個方面的情況:   1) 問鐘點(可用替換),如:   man : what time did yesterdays football match start?   woman : it was supposed to start at a quarter to 7, but it was delayed an hour.   question: when did the game finally start?   2) 問在哪個星期或星期幾(后者可用替換),如:   w: i thought to go to town now. i have some shopping to do.   m: dont spend too much, i wont get paid until next week.   q: when will he be paid?  ?。常?問日期,如:   when will the winter vacation begin?   4、用提問的問題可以問原因,也可以問目的,如:   why is the man late?   why did the man repair the car by himself?   5、可能問對話者某一方的身份、對話人之間的關系或對話中涉及到的其他人的情況,如:   w: may i help you ,sir?   m: i hope so. its my watch. i brought it in to be repaired, but ive lost the   receipt.   q: who is the man?   6、主要針對以下內容提問:   1) 問做某事的方式、方法或使用的交通工具,如:   how did the teacher usually begin his class?   how does the man usually go to work?  ?。玻?問對某事的感受如何,如:   how does the man feel about the movie?   how do you like the film?   7、問多少,屬于涉及數字的題,可能有以下幾種形式:   how many persons ...?   how many dozens of ... does ... want?   how much does ...?   how old is ...?   how long does it take ... to ...?  ?。峁澋膯柧涓鶕蓡栐~劃分,大致可以歸為以上七類。a節中偶爾也有個別一般疑問句。但也可能出現其它類型的問句,(如以whom,whose,which提問),或針對以上未歸納的內容進行提問。  ?。ǘ?對話內容分類   若按對話內容分類,則可分為以下幾種類型:   a、時間類:包括直接型和計算型。如:   w: your library books are due on december 13th. if you have not finished using them by then, you may renew them once.   m: thank you very much . i only need them for a few days.   q: when must the man return his books to the library?  ?。?、數字類:包括直接型和計算型。如:   w: do you live in a college dormitory?   m: yes, i do. its a six-man suite, but at the moment only four of us live there.   q: how many people share the suite now?  ?。?、地點類:包括直接型和含蓄型。如:   m: i need to cash this check?   w: will you step right over to the tellers window, please?   q: where is the conversation most probably taking place?   d、否定類:   此類對話既可以含有not,no,neither,nor等否定詞,也有 but,although等轉折詞,或由would rather,too...to結構及虛擬語氣等表達。因此,對于后者要特別加以注意。如:   m: ann, do you have any extra money you could loan me?   w: i wish i could help you. i went shopping yesterday. now i have only two dollars till the end of the week.   q: will the man borrow any money from the woman?   此題的答案肯定是no。聽這段話時要抓住i wish i could help you.這一關鍵話語。這句話雖然從表面上看是肯定式,但卻隱含著im sorry i cant help you.的意思。  ?。?、人物類:   包括人物關系、人物身份兩類。此類對話提供一個情節,能反映所涉及的人的關系或身份。如:   m: good evening, madam. there is a table for two over there. this way, please.   w: thank you. could i see the menu, please?   q: whats the relationship between the man and woman?   a) husband and wife. b) waiter and customer.   c) salesman and customer. d) host and guest.   f、活動類:   這一類談話內容可涉及上課、娛樂、工作、日常生活等各種   情況。如:   w: are you going to new york next weekend?   m: yes, im going to look up bill while im there.   q: whats the man going to do?   這類對話中往往先后出現幾種情況,要注意聽問句是什么,然后再作出選擇。   (三) 幾種常見的解題方法  ?。峁澲械膶υ掚m然簡短,但多數情況下,往往不能從聽到的內容中找到與選擇項內容完全相同的部分,即對話中一般沒有現成的答案。因此,在聽的時候要注意抓住選擇項的同義或反義詞(組)用辨別法答題(解活動類多用此方法),或根據對話內容采用歸納、推論或辨別的方法回答。用這種方法答題,類型不僅僅限于諸如what does the man mean?這樣的題目,其它如含蓄人物類、人物身份類、含蓄地點類、否定類題目也與此類似。如:   w: how do you like the play you saw last night?   m: well, i should have stayed at home.   q: what does the man think of the play?   a) it is exciting. b) it is boring.   c) he didnt see the play. d) he like it very much.   對話中i should have stayed at home.(我真該待在家里),這句話已婉轉地表明他不喜歡這出戲,而對沒有待在家里表示遺憾、后悔(should have done something這種結構可用來表示對應該發生而實際上沒有發生的事情表示遺憾、后悔或譴責)。能使他產生此感想的原因自然是the play is boring.(演出令人厭煩),因而b是正確的答案。否定類題目多含有虛擬語氣、語氣否定、暗示比喻、強化意見等形式。這一節屬于此數字類題目的對話中,多出現兩處,甚至三、四處數字或時間,因此,除了用辨別方法外,有時必須用計算方法才能得出正確答案.  ?。ㄋ模?四六級英語寫作類型   1. 體裁:說明文,議論文 最近幾年的四六級作文的體裁以說明文和議論文為主。說明文如:how to succeed in a job interview (2000,12,四級), how i finance my college education(2000,1 四級), practice makes perfect, haste makes waste(97,1 六級)議論文如:dont hesitate to say no(99,1 四級和六級), can money buy happiness(95,1 四級), is a test of spoken english necessary?(2000,6 四級) reading selectively or extensively? ,do lucky numbers really bring good luck?   2.段落類型:比較/對比,列舉,程序等 說明和議論文章所采用的文章擴展模式一般以比較/對照,舉例、列舉、因果、程序等者居多。如:dont hesitate to say no, reading selectively or extensively等很多四六級寫作中都涉及到兩種觀點的對比,整體的段落類型為對照型。practice makes perfect, harmfulness of fake commodities等可采用因果行的段落結構模式,也可以采用舉例說明的結構模式。advantages of a job interview則應采用列舉的段落擴展模式。   3. 出題方式:提綱式寫作,中文提綱,一般為三句或兩句。   如:99年1月份考題directions: for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: dont hesitate to say no. you should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline below.   1. 別人請求幫助時,在什么情況下我們會說不。   2. 為什么有些人在該說不的時候不說不。   3. 該說不時不說不的壞處。   再如:98年一月分考題directions: for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: harmfulness of fake commodities. you should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline below.   1. 目前社會上有不少假冒偽劣商品。為什么會有這種情況   2. 舉例說明假冒偽劣商品對消費者個人、社會等的危害。


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