Paul Giamatti and Oscar nominee Thomas Haden Church play, respectively, a wine snob and his chick-crazed best friend who head to the Santa Ynez Valley winecountry in this road trip dramedy that also features Sandra Oh andVirginia Madsen. The latter memorably emotes at length about wine as a living thing. More grapes: BottleShock , with Star Trek star Chris Pine, Alan Rickman and BillPullman, focuses on Napa Valley and the inception of its reputation asthe maker of world class wines。
邁爾斯和杰克是老朋友了,看著杰克即將踏入婚姻殿堂,邁爾斯更加感嘆起自己失敗的生活:婚姻失敗、作家夢遙不可及、干著無聊枯燥的職業(yè)、不再年輕的歲數(shù)。邁爾斯對葡萄酒的研究頗為深厚,于是兩個人決定前往加州的葡萄酒生產(chǎn)基地狂歡一次,如果遇上一夜情當(dāng)然是最好不過了。 果然二人在酒香濃郁的加州遇上了女招待和她的亞裔朋友,邁爾斯和杰克的艷遇讓兩人都興奮不已。然而接下來的事情卻大掃興致。他們的狂歡計劃充滿了障礙。
The surprise comedy blockbuster of last summer, with Bradley Cooper,Ed Helms, and Zach Galifianakis as three guys who wake up in a LasVegas hotel suite with no memory of the wildest bachelor party onrecord . The trio spends the rest of the movie shakily retracing their steps and trying to find the groom who has goneAWOL. Other entries in the grown-up-frat-boy-getting-drunk categoryin clude Bachelor Party , Old School and NationalLampoons Animal House 。
Arthur 《二八佳人花公子》
The movies have never had a more bubbly, pickled tink imbiber than Dudley Moore, whose pixilated rich playboy of the title so delighted audiences that he inspired asequel . Otherover-the-top drunks: William Powell in The Thin Man and itsmany follow-ups, Peter OToole as the blasted ham movie star in My Favorite Year , Goldie Hawn as the plastic-surgery addicted,booze-swilling movie star in 1996s The First Wives Club, and JohnnyDepp, three sheets to the wind at the helm of his schooner in thePirates of the Caribbean franchise, which started in 2003.
Bad Santa 《圣誕壞公公》
Billy Bob Thornton is the vilest department store Santa imaginable, helped along by lots and lots of liquidChristmas spirits . Other mean drunks: WoodyHarrelson as the nasty father of 10 raging at wife Julianne Moore andkids in The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio and Tom Hanks,either berating his female baseball players or drop-dead drunk as theyplay in A League of Their Own 。
Withnail I 《我與長指甲》
Two out-of-work actors struggle to get jobs, and they drink and drink and drink while doing sowhile on holiday in the country. Theres so much boozing in betweenthis drunken chat fest that enterprising folks have made a drinkinggame out of it. As the alcohol intake of the duo increases, so doestheir razor wit。
Swingers 《全職浪子》
Vince Vaughn, Jon Favreau and Ron Livingston as three bachelors whotroll the hip night-life scene in Los Angeles drinking martinis and calling each other baby. This homage to the sophisticated, swinginbachelor-pad lifestyle of the early 60s created nostalgic night-lifetrends in music, decor, and fashion, not to mention a lot of memorable catchphrases 。
Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 《靈欲春宵》
Mike Nichols multiple Oscar-winning picture, based on the award-winning Edward Albee play about a battling college professor andhis coarse, slatternly wife whoinvite an unsuspecting couple forlate-night fun and games. The film shocked mainstream America withits blue language and adult themes though the vast amount of alcoholconsumed by the foursome didnt bring out many protesting CarrieNations。
教授和他的妻子發(fā)生了矛盾沖突,妻子設(shè)下圈套,請一對很有才華的年輕夫婦吃飯,并伺機與那位年輕的丈夫調(diào)情。調(diào)情未遂就歇斯底里大發(fā)作,幾乎毀了那年輕的一對。影片揭示了美國社會、家庭、婚姻關(guān)系上存在的問題,通過對上流社會知識分子階層的虛偽和丑行,探討了道德的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和界限問題。在第39屆 奧斯卡獲最佳女主角、最佳女配角、最佳黑白片美工、最佳黑白片服裝設(shè)計五項獎。伊麗莎白 泰勒因本片贏得個人演藝生涯的第二座金像獎。
Strange Brew 《神奇酒釀》
Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas play Bob and Doug McKenzie, the Canadian, beer-swilling hoser brothers, first seen on the SCTV sketchTV show. In this comedy the McKenzies going to considerable lengths to keep themselves supplied with the suds. Other comedies dedicated to brewski: Beer Wars , Beerfest , and Beer 。
The Lost Weekend 《醉鄉(xiāng)遺恨》
The best picture of its year stars Ray Milland as a writer sodesperate for a drink he tries to hock his typewriter and hallucinatesa giant bat in the D.T. ward. Milland won an Oscar and brought theproblem of alcoholism to movie audiences。
Paul Giamatti and Oscar nominee Thomas Haden Church play, respectively, a wine snob and his chick-crazed best friend who head to the Santa Ynez Valley winecountry in this road trip dramedy that also features Sandra Oh andVirginia Madsen. The latter memorably emotes at length about wine as a living thing. More grapes: BottleShock , with Star Trek star Chris Pine, Alan Rickman and BillPullman, focuses on Napa Valley and the inception of its reputation asthe maker of world class wines。
邁爾斯和杰克是老朋友了,看著杰克即將踏入婚姻殿堂,邁爾斯更加感嘆起自己失敗的生活:婚姻失敗、作家夢遙不可及、干著無聊枯燥的職業(yè)、不再年輕的歲數(shù)。邁爾斯對葡萄酒的研究頗為深厚,于是兩個人決定前往加州的葡萄酒生產(chǎn)基地狂歡一次,如果遇上一夜情當(dāng)然是最好不過了。 果然二人在酒香濃郁的加州遇上了女招待和她的亞裔朋友,邁爾斯和杰克的艷遇讓兩人都興奮不已。然而接下來的事情卻大掃興致。他們的狂歡計劃充滿了障礙。
The surprise comedy blockbuster of last summer, with Bradley Cooper,Ed Helms, and Zach Galifianakis as three guys who wake up in a LasVegas hotel suite with no memory of the wildest bachelor party onrecord . The trio spends the rest of the movie shakily retracing their steps and trying to find the groom who has goneAWOL. Other entries in the grown-up-frat-boy-getting-drunk categoryin clude Bachelor Party , Old School and NationalLampoons Animal House 。
Arthur 《二八佳人花公子》
The movies have never had a more bubbly, pickled tink imbiber than Dudley Moore, whose pixilated rich playboy of the title so delighted audiences that he inspired asequel . Otherover-the-top drunks: William Powell in The Thin Man and itsmany follow-ups, Peter OToole as the blasted ham movie star in My Favorite Year , Goldie Hawn as the plastic-surgery addicted,booze-swilling movie star in 1996s The First Wives Club, and JohnnyDepp, three sheets to the wind at the helm of his schooner in thePirates of the Caribbean franchise, which started in 2003.
Bad Santa 《圣誕壞公公》
Billy Bob Thornton is the vilest department store Santa imaginable, helped along by lots and lots of liquidChristmas spirits . Other mean drunks: WoodyHarrelson as the nasty father of 10 raging at wife Julianne Moore andkids in The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio and Tom Hanks,either berating his female baseball players or drop-dead drunk as theyplay in A League of Their Own 。
Withnail I 《我與長指甲》
Two out-of-work actors struggle to get jobs, and they drink and drink and drink while doing sowhile on holiday in the country. Theres so much boozing in betweenthis drunken chat fest that enterprising folks have made a drinkinggame out of it. As the alcohol intake of the duo increases, so doestheir razor wit。
Swingers 《全職浪子》
Vince Vaughn, Jon Favreau and Ron Livingston as three bachelors whotroll the hip night-life scene in Los Angeles drinking martinis and calling each other baby. This homage to the sophisticated, swinginbachelor-pad lifestyle of the early 60s created nostalgic night-lifetrends in music, decor, and fashion, not to mention a lot of memorable catchphrases 。
Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 《靈欲春宵》
Mike Nichols multiple Oscar-winning picture, based on the award-winning Edward Albee play about a battling college professor andhis coarse, slatternly wife whoinvite an unsuspecting couple forlate-night fun and games. The film shocked mainstream America withits blue language and adult themes though the vast amount of alcoholconsumed by the foursome didnt bring out many protesting CarrieNations。
教授和他的妻子發(fā)生了矛盾沖突,妻子設(shè)下圈套,請一對很有才華的年輕夫婦吃飯,并伺機與那位年輕的丈夫調(diào)情。調(diào)情未遂就歇斯底里大發(fā)作,幾乎毀了那年輕的一對。影片揭示了美國社會、家庭、婚姻關(guān)系上存在的問題,通過對上流社會知識分子階層的虛偽和丑行,探討了道德的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和界限問題。在第39屆 奧斯卡獲最佳女主角、最佳女配角、最佳黑白片美工、最佳黑白片服裝設(shè)計五項獎。伊麗莎白 泰勒因本片贏得個人演藝生涯的第二座金像獎。
Strange Brew 《神奇酒釀》
Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas play Bob and Doug McKenzie, the Canadian, beer-swilling hoser brothers, first seen on the SCTV sketchTV show. In this comedy the McKenzies going to considerable lengths to keep themselves supplied with the suds. Other comedies dedicated to brewski: Beer Wars , Beerfest , and Beer 。
The Lost Weekend 《醉鄉(xiāng)遺恨》
The best picture of its year stars Ray Milland as a writer sodesperate for a drink he tries to hock his typewriter and hallucinatesa giant bat in the D.T. ward. Milland won an Oscar and brought theproblem of alcoholism to movie audiences。