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              A You are welcome B Thank you very much C Thank you all the same.

              先回憶一下.A選項表示不用謝,所以聽力內容大概為Thanks/Thank you (for)/Its kind of you to. 而B表示謝謝可以回答here you are / Can I help you等,C 仍然表示謝謝你,用于你詢問別人,別人不知道的時候的回答。本題的聽力內容為:Im sorry,Idont know the way to the station,Im new here. 故而答案應為C。


              A What a good idea. B With pleasure. C My pleasure.

              我們來分析一下,在日常交際用語中A應該用于回答表示建議的句子。如 Lets/ Shall we / What about/ Why not B表示樂意效勞,常用于別人向你尋求幫助(Can you help me?)時的回答;而C表示不用謝,用于別人向你感謝時的回答。

              而聽力內容為:Shall we go to the theatre next Sunday? 故而答案應為A。



              A It was sunny. B It was Tuesday. C It was January 22,2006.

              我們來分析一下,A選項的問題應是What was the weather like?/ How is the weather? 時態應為過去時;B選項的問題應為What day was it ? 時態應為過去時; C選項的問題應為What was the date? 時態應為過去時。而聽力內容為 What day was it yesterday? 故而答案應為B。


              A Yes, there is. B Yes, there was. C Yes, there were.

              根據這些內容選項A的問題應為 Is there? B的問題應為Was there..? C的問題應為Were there ? 而聽力內容為: Was there a dinosaur show in the Science Museum? 故而答案應為B。


              A She is a nurse. B She is a worker. C She is a teacher.

              我們可以從以上選項中看出,對話中談論的主題應與she 的職業有關,這是我們在聽力過程中應特別注意。

              聽力內容為:M: What does your father do ,Lily?

              W: He teaches English just as my mother does.

              Q: What does Lilys mother do?



              ( )⒗ Where did the young boys ball fall?

              A. In the river. B. Into the net. C. Inside the house. D. In the street.

              ( )⒘ Why did the boy come back?

              A. Because he wanted to get back his ball.

              B. Because he wanted to say sorry to the lady.

              C. Because he wanted to see the lady.

              D. Because his father asked him to come.

              ( )⒙ Who was the man?

              A. The boys father. B. The boys teacher.

              C. The ladys husband. D. The man the boy asked to come.

              ( )⒚ Who did the man think the lady was?

              A. The boys mother. B. The boys sister.

              C. The boys teacher. D. The boys neighbor.

              ( )⒛ How much did the man want to fix the window?

              A. $10. B. £10. C. ¥10. D. 100 jiao.



              A young boy was playing with a ball in the street. He kicked it too hard,(第16題) and it broke the window of a house and fell inside. A lady came to the window with the ball and shouted at the boy, so he ran away.(第17題) But he still wanted his ball back. A few minutes later he returned and knocked at the door of the house. As soon as the lady opened the door, he said, My father is going to come and mend your window very soon.

              After a few more minutes a man came to the door with tools in his hand, so the lady let the boy take his ball away. (第18題、20題)When the man finished mending the window, he said to the lady, Ten dollars, please. (第19題) But arent you the boys father?asked the lady, looking very surprised.

              故而,答案應為16 C 17 A 18 D 19 A 20 A


              根據所聽短文內容, 判斷下列句子的正(T)與誤(F)。

              ⒗ The word hello is widely used in many countries.

              ⒘ Thomas Edison was the first man to use the word hello on the telephone.

              ⒙ Telephone was invented by Thomas Edison.

              ⒚ Edison was good at talking.

              ⒛ At first, people believed they could hear each other on the phone.

              通過閱讀上面5個句子,我們初步判斷該聽力短文與電話、電話用語以及人物Thomas Edison有關。結合我們學過的歷史知識,我們知道電話不是Thomas Edison發明的,首先判斷第18題為錯的(F)。然后,聽的重點在hello這個單詞以及Thomas Edison身上了


              (第16題)Maybe the word hello is used more often than any other one in the English language. Every one in the United States and other countries uses the word, again and again, every day of the week.

              (第17題)The American inventor Thomas Edison is believed to be the first person to use hello on the telephone soon after the invention of it.

              (第20題)At first, people began their words on the telephone with Are you there? They were not sure the small machine could really carry voices.

              (第19題)Edison was a man of few words. He wasted no time. The first time he picked up the telephone, he did not ask if anyone was there. He was sure someone was there and only said hello.

              From then on, hello is often heard when you picked up the telephone.

              故而,答案應為16 T 17 T 18 F 19F 20 F


              一、爭取時間 提前審題。 領到試卷后應迅速瀏覽聽力部分,盡快根據題干和選項預測可能出現的錄音內容,努力尋求四個選項之間的差別,提高捕捉信息的準確度。

              二、沉著答題 遇難不慌。 聽力測試的時間是預先設定的,通常為12分鐘左右。因此,要培養搶記內容的能力,如人名、地名、時間、數字等。特別是對那些一時拿不準、寫不出的詞要學會用音標或縮寫詞作快速記錄,以便在錄音結束后為自己創造追憶的條件。另外,如果在做題過程中遇到確實聽不懂的,要舍得果斷放棄,集中精力,作好后面的題,切不可揪住一點不放,因小失大。

              三、仔細檢查 理順關系。聽力結束后,不要急于做筆試題。要利用頭腦中還保留的短暫記憶和記錄的內容,對那些不太肯定的答案進行推敲并合理想象。相對而言,聽力第二部分內容難度降低,比較容易得分,做短文理解題時應注意如下幾點:(一)、聽短文錄音時要重在意會,不能搞逐字對譯。要特別注意捕捉一篇短文開頭的第一句或最后一句話,因為它們往往是該文中心思想所在的主題句。(二)、短文后所給的試題一般是緊扣考生所聽到的內容按先后順序編排的,因此可以根據所聽有關內容的先后順序來逐一考慮各題,以免理不清頭緒,解答問題時張冠李戴。(三)、所給出的選項,選擇標準往往是看其是否與所聽內容吻合。如果僅根據有關語法結構上的基礎知識就可判定選擇答案的話,該試題就達不到考查聽力理解的目的。四、聽力結束后有些地方仍然沒聽清,在答題過程中切忌胡亂猜測,要依據自己已聽到的部分內容和已掌握的知識和常識,通過分析、推理等找到最接近的答案。五、短文一般在聽兩遍的情況下,難以將所有內容全部記憶下來。因此聽力前充分利用間隙時間,瀏覽試題有關書面材料,預測內容。在聽力過程中要特別留意并記住有關的信息,提高答題的正確率。





              A You are welcome B Thank you very much C Thank you all the same.

              先回憶一下.A選項表示不用謝,所以聽力內容大概為Thanks/Thank you (for)/Its kind of you to. 而B表示謝謝可以回答here you are / Can I help you等,C 仍然表示謝謝你,用于你詢問別人,別人不知道的時候的回答。本題的聽力內容為:Im sorry,Idont know the way to the station,Im new here. 故而答案應為C。


              A What a good idea. B With pleasure. C My pleasure.

              我們來分析一下,在日常交際用語中A應該用于回答表示建議的句子。如 Lets/ Shall we / What about/ Why not B表示樂意效勞,常用于別人向你尋求幫助(Can you help me?)時的回答;而C表示不用謝,用于別人向你感謝時的回答。

              而聽力內容為:Shall we go to the theatre next Sunday? 故而答案應為A。



              A It was sunny. B It was Tuesday. C It was January 22,2006.

              我們來分析一下,A選項的問題應是What was the weather like?/ How is the weather? 時態應為過去時;B選項的問題應為What day was it ? 時態應為過去時; C選項的問題應為What was the date? 時態應為過去時。而聽力內容為 What day was it yesterday? 故而答案應為B。


              A Yes, there is. B Yes, there was. C Yes, there were.

              根據這些內容選項A的問題應為 Is there? B的問題應為Was there..? C的問題應為Were there ? 而聽力內容為: Was there a dinosaur show in the Science Museum? 故而答案應為B。


              A She is a nurse. B She is a worker. C She is a teacher.

              我們可以從以上選項中看出,對話中談論的主題應與she 的職業有關,這是我們在聽力過程中應特別注意。

              聽力內容為:M: What does your father do ,Lily?

              W: He teaches English just as my mother does.

              Q: What does Lilys mother do?



              ( )⒗ Where did the young boys ball fall?

              A. In the river. B. Into the net. C. Inside the house. D. In the street.

              ( )⒘ Why did the boy come back?

              A. Because he wanted to get back his ball.

              B. Because he wanted to say sorry to the lady.

              C. Because he wanted to see the lady.

              D. Because his father asked him to come.

              ( )⒙ Who was the man?

              A. The boys father. B. The boys teacher.

              C. The ladys husband. D. The man the boy asked to come.

              ( )⒚ Who did the man think the lady was?

              A. The boys mother. B. The boys sister.

              C. The boys teacher. D. The boys neighbor.

              ( )⒛ How much did the man want to fix the window?

              A. $10. B. £10. C. ¥10. D. 100 jiao.



              A young boy was playing with a ball in the street. He kicked it too hard,(第16題) and it broke the window of a house and fell inside. A lady came to the window with the ball and shouted at the boy, so he ran away.(第17題) But he still wanted his ball back. A few minutes later he returned and knocked at the door of the house. As soon as the lady opened the door, he said, My father is going to come and mend your window very soon.

              After a few more minutes a man came to the door with tools in his hand, so the lady let the boy take his ball away. (第18題、20題)When the man finished mending the window, he said to the lady, Ten dollars, please. (第19題) But arent you the boys father?asked the lady, looking very surprised.

              故而,答案應為16 C 17 A 18 D 19 A 20 A


              根據所聽短文內容, 判斷下列句子的正(T)與誤(F)。

              ⒗ The word hello is widely used in many countries.

              ⒘ Thomas Edison was the first man to use the word hello on the telephone.

              ⒙ Telephone was invented by Thomas Edison.

              ⒚ Edison was good at talking.

              ⒛ At first, people believed they could hear each other on the phone.

              通過閱讀上面5個句子,我們初步判斷該聽力短文與電話、電話用語以及人物Thomas Edison有關。結合我們學過的歷史知識,我們知道電話不是Thomas Edison發明的,首先判斷第18題為錯的(F)。然后,聽的重點在hello這個單詞以及Thomas Edison身上了


              (第16題)Maybe the word hello is used more often than any other one in the English language. Every one in the United States and other countries uses the word, again and again, every day of the week.

              (第17題)The American inventor Thomas Edison is believed to be the first person to use hello on the telephone soon after the invention of it.

              (第20題)At first, people began their words on the telephone with Are you there? They were not sure the small machine could really carry voices.

              (第19題)Edison was a man of few words. He wasted no time. The first time he picked up the telephone, he did not ask if anyone was there. He was sure someone was there and only said hello.

              From then on, hello is often heard when you picked up the telephone.

              故而,答案應為16 T 17 T 18 F 19F 20 F


              一、爭取時間 提前審題。 領到試卷后應迅速瀏覽聽力部分,盡快根據題干和選項預測可能出現的錄音內容,努力尋求四個選項之間的差別,提高捕捉信息的準確度。

              二、沉著答題 遇難不慌。 聽力測試的時間是預先設定的,通常為12分鐘左右。因此,要培養搶記內容的能力,如人名、地名、時間、數字等。特別是對那些一時拿不準、寫不出的詞要學會用音標或縮寫詞作快速記錄,以便在錄音結束后為自己創造追憶的條件。另外,如果在做題過程中遇到確實聽不懂的,要舍得果斷放棄,集中精力,作好后面的題,切不可揪住一點不放,因小失大。

              三、仔細檢查 理順關系。聽力結束后,不要急于做筆試題。要利用頭腦中還保留的短暫記憶和記錄的內容,對那些不太肯定的答案進行推敲并合理想象。相對而言,聽力第二部分內容難度降低,比較容易得分,做短文理解題時應注意如下幾點:(一)、聽短文錄音時要重在意會,不能搞逐字對譯。要特別注意捕捉一篇短文開頭的第一句或最后一句話,因為它們往往是該文中心思想所在的主題句。(二)、短文后所給的試題一般是緊扣考生所聽到的內容按先后順序編排的,因此可以根據所聽有關內容的先后順序來逐一考慮各題,以免理不清頭緒,解答問題時張冠李戴。(三)、所給出的選項,選擇標準往往是看其是否與所聽內容吻合。如果僅根據有關語法結構上的基礎知識就可判定選擇答案的話,該試題就達不到考查聽力理解的目的。四、聽力結束后有些地方仍然沒聽清,在答題過程中切忌胡亂猜測,要依據自己已聽到的部分內容和已掌握的知識和常識,通過分析、推理等找到最接近的答案。五、短文一般在聽兩遍的情況下,難以將所有內容全部記憶下來。因此聽力前充分利用間隙時間,瀏覽試題有關書面材料,預測內容。在聽力過程中要特別留意并記住有關的信息,提高答題的正確率。

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