研究表明 白葡萄酒會增加患前列腺癌的風險
Drinking one glass of white wine a day raises the risk of prostate cancer by a quarter, a new research suggests.
But a daily red wine appears to slash the chance of developing the disease by an eighth.
Researchers at the Medical University of Vienna analyzed the boozing habits and medical records of 611,169 men taken from 17 previous studies.
They found one glass of wine a day made no difference to the prostate cancer risk when pooling all varieties of grape.
But after separating them by color, white was linked to a 26 percent increased likelihood and red a 12 percent cut.
The team believes the resveratrol in the skin of red grapes has cancer-fighting properties which may counteract the harm of alcohol. There are around ten times as much of this in red as white.
Dr. Iain Frame, from Prostate Cancer UK, said: "We would not recommend that anyone changes their drinking habits based on these results alone. Instead, it's important all men maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and limited alcohol consumption."
A previous study found drinking beer may increase the risk of prostate cancers by 37 percent. It is the most common cancer in men, with one in eight suffering from the condition during their lifetime.
Drinking one glass of white wine a day raises the risk of prostate cancer by a quarter, a new research suggests.
But a daily red wine appears to slash the chance of developing the disease by an eighth.
Researchers at the Medical University of Vienna analyzed the boozing habits and medical records of 611,169 men taken from 17 previous studies.
They found one glass of wine a day made no difference to the prostate cancer risk when pooling all varieties of grape.
But after separating them by color, white was linked to a 26 percent increased likelihood and red a 12 percent cut.
The team believes the resveratrol in the skin of red grapes has cancer-fighting properties which may counteract the harm of alcohol. There are around ten times as much of this in red as white.
Dr. Iain Frame, from Prostate Cancer UK, said: "We would not recommend that anyone changes their drinking habits based on these results alone. Instead, it's important all men maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and limited alcohol consumption."
A previous study found drinking beer may increase the risk of prostate cancers by 37 percent. It is the most common cancer in men, with one in eight suffering from the condition during their lifetime.