It\'s a question every producer of a school-themed show must face. Do we ignore reality in order to keep our stars on camera, or do we let them graduate in order to keep some measure of integrity? Glee, despite its completely unrealistic bouts of song and dance, has bravely opted to let its stars go.
“That is true. I don\'t think of it in terms of eliminating or replacing. ... The thing that I wanted to do and the cast wanted to do, we didn\'t want to have a show where they were in high school for 8 years. We really wanted it to be true to that experience. We thought it would be really cool if we were true to the timeline.” Creator Ryan Murphy said.
“沒錯。我沒有考慮過減少角色或者用新人替換……這是我和全體演職人員真正想要做的,我們不想拍一部學生高中一上就是8年的劇。我們想讓它盡量真實。我們覺得如果劇集能和現實的時間線相吻合會非常棒。”主創Ryan Murphy表示。
Staying true means, to at least some extent, dropping most of the characters who have become synonymous with the show—yes, that includes people like Rachel (played by Lea Michele) and Finn (played by Cory Monteith, who is already pushing 30 in real life). But other series, such as Friday Night Lights, have successfully given their high school shows a second generation. And as the LA Times points out, getting a new batch leaves the original crew "open for movies, albums, reality projects, making some milkshakes for the paparazzi and then any inevitable comebacks."
符合現實就意味著,在某種程度上來說,大部分與劇集密不可分的劇中演員——是的,包括Rachel (Lea Michele飾演)和Finn (Cory Monteith飾演,這位演員的實際年齡已近而立)。但是同類的其他劇集,如《勝利之光》,已經成功對角色進行了更新換代。正如洛杉磯時報所說的那樣,換一批新演員讓上一批演員得以“拍電影、出唱片、參加真人秀節目,甚至于給狗仔隊制造點料,當然還有不可避免的演員回歸。
It\'s a question every producer of a school-themed show must face. Do we ignore reality in order to keep our stars on camera, or do we let them graduate in order to keep some measure of integrity? Glee, despite its completely unrealistic bouts of song and dance, has bravely opted to let its stars go.
“That is true. I don\'t think of it in terms of eliminating or replacing. ... The thing that I wanted to do and the cast wanted to do, we didn\'t want to have a show where they were in high school for 8 years. We really wanted it to be true to that experience. We thought it would be really cool if we were true to the timeline.” Creator Ryan Murphy said.
“沒錯。我沒有考慮過減少角色或者用新人替換……這是我和全體演職人員真正想要做的,我們不想拍一部學生高中一上就是8年的劇。我們想讓它盡量真實。我們覺得如果劇集能和現實的時間線相吻合會非常棒。”主創Ryan Murphy表示。
Staying true means, to at least some extent, dropping most of the characters who have become synonymous with the show—yes, that includes people like Rachel (played by Lea Michele) and Finn (played by Cory Monteith, who is already pushing 30 in real life). But other series, such as Friday Night Lights, have successfully given their high school shows a second generation. And as the LA Times points out, getting a new batch leaves the original crew "open for movies, albums, reality projects, making some milkshakes for the paparazzi and then any inevitable comebacks."
符合現實就意味著,在某種程度上來說,大部分與劇集密不可分的劇中演員——是的,包括Rachel (Lea Michele飾演)和Finn (Cory Monteith飾演,這位演員的實際年齡已近而立)。但是同類的其他劇集,如《勝利之光》,已經成功對角色進行了更新換代。正如洛杉磯時報所說的那樣,換一批新演員讓上一批演員得以“拍電影、出唱片、參加真人秀節目,甚至于給狗仔隊制造點料,當然還有不可避免的演員回歸。